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05/23/07 Special Meeting
Minutes of the special meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 in the Meeting Room in Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: William Rodgers, Timothy Holian, Daniel Amaral, Joseph Borst, David Brown, Jeffrey Capeci , Joseph DiCandido, Stacie Doyle, Michael Iassogna, Keith Jacobs, Patricia Llodra, Francis Pennarola. ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman H. Rosenthal, one member of press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Kevin Fitzgerald, 24 Old Farm Hill Road, said consider removing the debt service, at least the $36,000 which supports the building for the town hall. He feels that the failed referendum on the town hall was binding.

Donna Monteleone-Randle, 4 Erin Lane, said we are looking at the death of a town. Our number one concern should be the schools. If we lose accreditation, property value will go down and people will leave.

Michelle Hankin, 48 Mt. Pleasant Road, said that Kevin Fitzgerald told people at the polls that voting no would stop the $10 million for building the town hall. If this issue is in the budget, please remove it. Do not cut the education budget.

Gary Davis, 23 Charter Ridge Drive, said this is not just about money. People are angry about the town hall issue. Take the town hall money out of the budget.

Po Murray, 38 Charter Ridge Drive, said that she asked the Legislative Council in 2005 to review the town hall. We need a strategic long term plan. Take the town hall out.

Sue Zimmerman, 20 Pine Tree Hill Road, said do not take any token cuts from education. People are tired of it. Cut the town budget.

Nina Stout, 9 Grand Place, said Newtown is not among the top ten high schools in the state.

Robin Fitzgerald, 24 Old Farm Hill Road, said that her husband wanted people to understand that there is an item in the budget for the town hall. One or two years of cuts to the school system will not make it go down the toilet. Timing is wrong for a town hall. Remove the debt service for a new town hall.

Natalia Apparessio, 32 Littlebrook Lane, thanks the town for restoring power after the storm. We are facing another crisis. Why do students have lunch first period? A special needs teacher cannot hired and now the students have group sessions.

Ann Ziluck, 61 Aunt Park Lane, said remove the town hall. Keep the Gates program.

Bob Murray, 19 Farm Meadow Road, asked the Council to look at the bond resolution in February and was told that the town counsel was looking at it. Mr. Rodgers said that counsel is only looking at the ordinance. Too much is done behind closed doors. He asked that Mr. Rosenthal speak about the town hall. Mr. Rodgers said Mr. Rosenthal would discuss this in his report.

Mr. Rodgers declared a recess at 8:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m.

Pat Calabrese, 9 Indian Hill Road, said town officials are not listening to the voters. It is not a money issue. We don’t want the town hall. We don’t want the schools sacrificed.

Michelle Hankin, 48 Mt. Pleasant Road, said that if the Legislative Council wants the people to respect the rules they need to respect the people who came here.

Kevin Fitzgerald, 24 Old Farm Hill Road, said that the town hall and Fairfield Hills referendum was defeated. He expected the Master Plan to be voted on again. He told people to vote “no” if they don’t want a town hall and “yes” if they do want a town hall.

Po Murray, 38 Charter Ridge Drive, said she recommended on February 7 that the town hall be taken out of the budget and let the people vote on it separately.

Connie Whitman, 74 Hattertown Road, said we need to set long term strategic plans.

COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Rodgers received over 75 emails about the referendum failure. He thanks the Legislative Council members for communicating with him and responding.

Kevin Fitzgerald, 24 Old Farm Hill Road, said he will vote “no” until the $10 million for the new town hall is removed from the budget. He asked for clarification as to whether there is a connection between this vote on the budget and the issue of a town hall. He said that Edmond Town Hall cannot be used.

COMMUNICATIONS (continued). Mr. Rodgers read a letter from Financial Director Spragg stating that Mr. Fitzgerald’s information had many financial inaccuracies and he did not agree to endorse Mr. Fitzgerald’s comments. Debt service will allow town leaders to borrow the remainder. Mr. Rosenthal said the line item is necessary because we have legal authority to borrow the $6 million whether in this year’s budget or next year. Twenty debt payments have to be made. Mr. Rodgers said that the 2003 referendum was binding.


FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Rosenthal reported that the town attorney does not believe it was a binding referendum. This was called an advisory referendum. It is noted in the statutes that an advisory referendum is allowed. The referendum failed and we did not go forward with that plan. The selectmen decided not to go forward with another vote because a public opinion indicated that there was not a consensus on anything.  Towns do not vote on Plans of Conservation and Development and Master Plans of Developments. Improvements to Edmond Town Hall were $1 million of that bonding for handicap access. Mr. Rodgers asked that the voters not tie the operating budget to the town hall issue.

Mr. Rosenthal said that at the February 7 Council meeting he was not allowed to speak until public participation ended. The Chairman said that a Legislative Council member asked to take a break and the room cleared out except for 40 people. He did not speak until midnight. He said that the Board of Education and the present and previous superintendents said that they wanted to the part of the offices at Fairfield Hills. He said that Danbury Hospital will go to Fairfield Hills if there is something else like town offices there.

This week the Board of Selectmen agreed to form an Ad Hoc Strategic Long Range Planning Committee. Mr. Jacobs asked if Danbury Hospital specifically said they would go to Fairfield Hills if town offices are there. Mr. Rosenthal said he understood that they were told that we would build town and school offices and that would be desirable to them. He did not specifically ask this question. Mr. Borst asked at what stage is the town hall. Mr. Rosenthal said that the architects are reviewing space needs. He said that the Board of Education needs to submit a request for reimbursement to the State School Facilities Unit by June 30. Mr. Borst said the $7 million is for the Fairfield Hills campus per the bond issue. Mr. Rosenthal said that the bond resolution is very general. Mr. Spragg said that the issue references resolution approval by the special town meeting. Mr. Rosenthal said that the original bond issue said municipal offices and other school uses. Mr. Borst said that the use of Bridgeport Hall as a community center would be better accepted.

Mrs. Llodra asked Mr. Rosenthal about a time frame for the strategic planning initiative. He said that the charge to the Committee would be to recommend to the Board of Selectmen a process. He does not know the time frame.

Mr. DiCandido asked if we would need authorization for money for another building such as the Edmond Town Hall, to which Mr. Rosenthal said that we would.


Discussion and possible action concerning the proposed fiscal year 2007-2008 budget.

Mr. Pennarola moved to cut $604,000 from the budget, $423,000 from the Education side and $181,000 from the Town side, with the Board of Education realizing $363,000 from health insurance leaving a remaining cut of $60,000 and with a reduction in the Town insurance budget of $121,000 leaving a cut of $60,000 to be determined by the Board of Selectmen. Second by Mr. Holian. Mr. Pennarola said this would reduce the budget by 2/10 of a mill and the mill rate increase would be 3%.

Mr. Jacobs strongly condemns the actions of Mr. Fitzgerald. Mr. Rodgers supports the motion. Mr. Iassogna supports the motion. He does not appreciate the idea that we are a group that just sits around and does not plan. He noted that the town has a Capital Improvement Plan, a Master Plan and Strategic Plan of Conservation and Development. He believes that a town hall is an appropriate investment in the scheme of things. This had turned into a political issue. He will vote for the $60,000 cut but does not support it. He asked if we can get an advisory question on the ballot. Mr. Rodgers said this must be referred to the Charter Revision Commission and only one question could be on the ballot. Mr. Rosenthal said that the language of the question is dictated by the Charter. Mrs. Llodra supports the motion though some of us had already met our personal bottom line. We cannot undo 2001. Mr. DiCandido agrees with Mr. Iassogna. Mr. Holian is not inclined to undo the 2001 vote. Mrs. Doyle does not want to cut further. She said we need a better mechanism to understand what is going on out there. Mr. Capeci said this is a difficult process. He feels this will be a minimal impact on the budget.

Motion passed 9-2 by roll call vote. YES (William Rodgers, Timothy Holian, Daniel Amaral,  Jeffrey Capeci , Joseph DiCandido, Stacie Doyle, Michael Iassogna, Patricia Llodra, Francis Pennarola). NO (Joseph Borst, Keith Jacobs).

Mr. Rodgers declared a recess at 10:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:15 p.m.


Creation of a tax suspense list. Mr. Holian  moved to accept the Tax Collector’s suspense list as indicated in her memo dated May 9, 2007, with 97 Personal Property Accounts totaling $45,155.13, 5 Real Estate Accounts totaling $63,807.60 and 726 Motor Vehicle Accounts totaling $90,994.27 for a grand total of $199,957.00. Second by Mr. Borst and unanimously carried.

Year-end Transfers 2006-2007  Mr. Holian moved that the Financial Director is authorized to make any nominal transfers that might be required to close out fiscal year 2006-2007. Second by Mr. Borst and unanimously carried.

Mr. Holian moved to authorize the Financial Director to make any mathematical corrections in appropriations and revenues and report back to the Legislative Council. Second by Mr. DiCandido and unanimously carried.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Mary Ann Jacob, 65 Mohawk Trail, thanks the Council for their consideration in this reduction.

Sue Zimmerman, 20 Pine Tree Hill Road, is disappointed in the cut. She urged the Council to write editorials to The Bee in support of the budget.

Connie Whitman, 74 Hattertown Road, said that the communication process is critical in the community for strategic planning and the town hall. Mr. Rosenthal offered to post a quarterly report on line.

Mike Bonasarro (sp), 164 Taunton Hill Road, asked that the Council find a way to communicate what all this means – not just the numbers.

Nina Stout, 9 Grand Place, said town hall offices are preferred over recreation at Fairfield Hills. There are no plans to replace Dickinson Pool. Would Danbury be interested if there is economic development.

Peggy Yochum, 41 The Boulevard, is a member of the Parks & Recreation Commission. She said that when they discussed recreation facilities, no one came to the meeting. She invited the public to attend their meetings.

Paul Lundquist, 14 Currituck Road, would like to see the point settled about whether the town hall and the budget are related.

Guy Howard, 4 Main Street, said the Legislative Council has the authority to take out line items but chose to deal with the budget as a whole.

Jim Juliano, 36 Hundred Acres Road, is a member of the Town Hall Board of Managers. He said that the addition was completed to be in compliance with the disabilities act. The building is in trouble; thy gym floor buckles; the boiler is 77 years old.

Tina Fiorella, 47 West Street, is disappointed in the cut and in the fact that four of the six supporters voted for the cut.

Melissa Bonasarro, 164 Taunton Hill Road, said cut back the commentary and let the people speak. Would like to see more money in the education budget.

John Eurell, 5 Cedar Circle, moved to Newtown for the school system. He said education is pushed aside in Newtown. Town hall money could be spent on a school.

Jeannine Krol (sp), 26 Canterbury Lane, said that the Fairfield Hills Authority minutes on line are three months behind. You are implying you spoke to Danbury Hospital who said they would come to Fairfield Hills if a town hall is built. A recreation facility would attract more than a town hall.

Mike Sku (sp), 24 Gelding Hill Road, said that a goal seems to be to build a town hall. Animosity was created by someone at the voting booth.

Chuck Taylor, 55 Bennetts Bridge Road, supports the education budget and will get more involved.

Chuck DuBois, 7 Marlin Road, is disappointed that the education budget was cut. If debt service is removed, the discussion might be not to move forward with the town hall at this time.

Michelle Hankin, 48, Mt. Pleasant Road,  asked how you will tell the rest of the voters that the town hall is not connected to the budget.

Po Murray, 38 Charter Ridge Drive, said the Council can’t or won’t stop the town hall. She is not convinced that you cannot stop it.

Kevin Fitzgerald, 24 Old Farm Hill Road, felt that the Council did not see the link between the town hall and the budget. He felt we should have gone back to a referendum for the Master Plan. He asked Mr. Spragg to review his data for accuracy. If the budget is defeated next year, the bond will default.

Elaine McClure, Ashford Lane, said if we do not file the architect’s fees by June 30 the building project will be put off another year. Mr. Rosenthal said you can file before approval.

Dr. Pitkoff said that in addition to the $60,000 remaining to be cut in the education budget consideration must also be given to the fact that employee co-pay will be reduced by $50,000. He would like the voters to support the budget. He is upset that people were misled to vote no when they have been voting yes.

LeReine Frampton, 6 Pebble Road, is a member of the Charter Revision Commission. She suggested a separate question to split the budget and also that major projects be on a separate referendum. The Charter Revision Commission did not consider either request.

(Resident) feels that there was an adverse impact because some were misled.

Kevin Fitzgerald is convinced that a link exists based on what Mr. Spragg told him.

Mr. Rosenthal said that the $6 million will be borrowed whether debt service is in there or not. If the debt service did not pass, he is sure the Legislative Council will not default on a bond.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. Rodgers said that voting no for the town hall would be based on reasons that are incorrect. There are other forums for the town hall. Please respect others’ opinions.


ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk