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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, September 20,
2006 in the Meeting Room of the C. H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, CT. Vice-Chairman Holian called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: T. Holian, D. Amaral, J. Borst, D. Brown, J. Capeci , J. DiCandido, S. Doyle, K. Jacobs, M. Iassogna, P. Llodra, F. Pennarola. ABSENT: W. Rodgers ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman H. Rosenthal,  one member of press.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Mr. Borst, the minutes of the regular meeting of September 6, 2006 were unanimously accepted as presented.




Ordinance. Mr. Pennarola reported that the Ordinance Committee met tonight concerning ordinances for animal control at Fairfield Hills, cultural arts and amendment to the veteran’s property tax exemption. Mr. Pennarola will further research the proposed amendment to the volunteers benefits ordinance as to its implementation.
Finance. No report.

Education. Mrs. Llodra said that the Board of Education voted to make the High School expansion the number one priority in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Hawley School number two. The Board of Education will present their CIP to the Board of Finance next week. Mrs. Llodra and Mrs. Doyle arranged two dates for the Legislative Council to review the High School and its proposed expansion projects. The dates are Friday September 29 and Friday October 6 at 8:30 a.m.

Mrs. Llodra presented a SFU Timeline prepared by Board of Ed Director of Business Ron Bienkowski (Att A). The timeline shows the State’s proposed timeline and the local timeline. She questioned whether there would be a cash flow problem because of 2008-09 construction costs not being reimbursed until 2009-10. Mr. Rosenthal said that Financial Director Ben Spragg assured him there would be no cash flow problem. He also said that he would never support the SFU timeline because that would mean going to the voters and asking for money before the actual cost of the project had been determined. He said that is what got Bethel and New Milford into trouble. He prefers the process we use which is having an architect in place, designing the project and going to the public with firm numbers. Mr. Holian will invite Mr. Spragg to the next meeting.

FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Rosenthal had no report.


Veterans' Benefits ordinance and Volunteers' Benefits ordinance were previously discussed by the Ordinance Committee.

Discussion and possible action on acceptance of easement from State of Connecticut (Att B). Mr. Rosenthal explained that this easement would connect a portion of Al’s trail from the end of Commerce Road, under I-84 and along the Pootatuck. Mr. Borst moved to accept the easement from the State of Connecticut as outlined on “Map Showing Easement Granted To The Town of Newtown By The State of Connecticut Department of Transportation, I-84 At The Pootatuck River, Dated January 21, 2005.” Second by Mr. Brown and unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action on request for ordinance – Board of Assessment Appeals ©. Mr. Holian  stated that the Board needs more manpower during reassessment years and referred this to the Ordinance Committee.


ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. Holian noted that Mr. Rodgers is stationed in Baghdad.

Mr. Brown announced that the Public Safety Subcommittee will meet on October 18, 2006 at 7:15 p.m. in the Library prior to the Legislative Council  meeting.

EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LEGAL MATTERS. Mr. Borst moved to enter executive session at 8:03 p.m. to discuss legal matters. Seconded by Mr. Brown and unanimously carried.

Executive session was exited at 8:26 p.m. Mr. Borst moved that the Town of Newtown through the First Selectman be authorized to seek legal action against Mr. Bevansee, 263 South Main Street, Assessor’s Map 36, Block 13, Lot 9. Second by Mrs. Llodra and unanimously carried.

ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk