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06/12/06 Special Meeting
Minutes of the special meeting of the Legislative Council held on Monday, June 12, 2006 in the Multi-Purpose Building (Senior Center,) 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: W. Rodgers, T. Holian, D. Amaral, J. Borst, D. Brown, J. Capeci, J. DiCandido, S. Doyle, M. Iassogna, K. Jacobs, F. Pennarola. ABSENT: P. Llodra. ALSO PRESENT:  six members of public, one member of press.


COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Rodgers received a letter from “Preserve Sandy Hook” signed by Morgen McLaughlin and Megan Williams asking that the Legislative Council form a Sandy Hook Historical Study Committee. Mr. Holian stated that Sally O’Neil inquired about being a member of the Charter Revision Commission. Mr. Borst contacted Mr. O’Neil and explained that the process was completed in February.


Charter Selection Committee. Mr. Borst thanked Mr. Brown, Mr. Iassogna and Mr. Jacobs for their work with him on the Committee.

FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Rosenthal was not present.


Charter Selection Committee. Mr. Borst moved that in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes, section 7-187a and 7-188b and section 8-50(a) and (b) of the Newtown Charter dated 11/6/2001, I move to recommend that the Newtown Legislative Council appoint the following individuals to serve on the Newtown Charter Revision Commission and that the question be divided so that each individual is voted on separately: Republicans Carol Signorelli and Gary Davis, Democrats Joseph Hemingway, LeReine Frampton and Po Murray and Unaffiliated Alvah Cramer, Audrey Greenwood, Guy Howard and Joan Plouffe. Second by Mr. Jacobs. Mr. Rodgers stated that the latter part of the motion may be out of order as to the alternates because they cannot be formally appointed. Mr. Borst said that the last Charter Revision Commission vote included the alternates to make it a twelve member commission.

Mr. Rodgers declared a two minute recess at 7:48 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:50 p.m. Mr. Borst noted the number of years (and months for Ms. Greenwood) that each candidate has lived in Newtown. Mr. Brown stated that this was not asked as part of the interview process to which Mr. Borst agreed but said that the information was available.

Mr. Brown moved to amend the motion to delete “each individual is voted on separately.” Mr. Borst agreed to the amendment. Mr. Brown stated that he had supported the slate sans the alternates until it was known that two individuals on the list became the leadership of a special interest group in town. Mr. Borst said we then would have to eliminate Ms. Greenwood because she is a leader of the PTA. Mr. Brown said that he was talking about the top leadership in a group. Mr. Borst said that Ms. Murray and Mr. Davis are media contacts for WeCan. Mr. Rodgers said that he has seen the titles Co-Chairmen used and they were identified as leaders. Mr. Holian agrees with Mr. Brown and understands that Ms. Murray and Mr. Davis are the moving force in the group and he could not support this motion as presented. He also believes that someone who has lived in town for eight months should wait a while before serving on a Charter Revision Commission. Mr. Iassogna does not see political motivation of WeCan related to the charter charge. He also said we need more active people knowledgeable about the process. Mr. Borst said that the last Charter Revision Commission did not do enough to educate the public about the changes that were proposed. He said that Mr. Davis is a journalist with a master’s degree. Mr. Rodgers feels that there would be an appearance of partiality.

Motion failed by roll call vote.
YES (Borst, Doyle, Iassogna, Jacobs).
NO (Amaral, Brown, Capeci, DiCandido, Holian, Pennarola, Rodgers).

Mr. Brown moved that the Charter Revision Commission of the Town of Newtown consist of six voting members and that the following six citizens of Newtown be appointed as members of said commission, each having one vote: Alvah Cramer, LeReine Frampton, Joseph Hemingway, Guy Howard, Joan Plouffe and Carol Signorelli. Second by Mr. DiCandido. Mr. Brown feels that an even number would force a super majority. Mr. Holian said that the Charter should not be easy to change.

Mr. Pennarola asked if the Legislative Council can act only on affirmative items from the Charter Revision Commission or could the Council reverse a denial. Mr. Rodgers feels that we cannot undo denials. Mr. Jacobs said that the main issue of a new high school may not be an issue because the high school can be expanded. He does not know that Ms. Greenwood is an education supporter except that she has kids.

Motion passed by roll call vote YES (Amaral, Brown, Capeci, DiCandido, Holian, Pennarola, Rodgers). NO (Borst, Doyle, Iassogna, Jacobs).

Creating a Charter Revision Commission. Mr. Brown moved to create a Charter Revision Commission pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes. Second by Mr. Capeci. Motion passed by roll call vote YES (Amaral, Brown, Capeci, DiCandido, Doyle, Holian, Iassogna, Jacobs, Pennarola, Rodgers). NO (Borst).

Mr. Brown moved to reaffirm the selection of the Charter Revision Commission members and the charter charge as adopted. Second by Mr. Holian and unanimously carried.

Mr. Rodgers thanked the Charter Selection Committee for its work. He felt that the decision to reduce the number of members of the Charter Revision Commission gathered support because picking and choosing would like we were picking favorites.

Mr. Pennarola asked if we need to take any action on the alternates. Mr. Rodgers said that the Charter Selection Committee would select a replacement if there is a vacancy. Mr. Holian said that this must be a similarly configured group. Mr. Borst agreed to ask the Town Clerk to swear in the primary members and the alternates.




ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of  Mr. Borst, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


Ann M. Mazur, Clerk