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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 in the meeting room of the C. H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown CT. Vice Chairman Holian called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: T. Holian, D. Amaral, J. Borst, D. Brown, J. Capeci, J. DiCandido, S. Doyle, M. Iassogna, K. Jacobs, P. Llodra, F. Pennarola. ABSENT: W. Rodgers. ALSO PRESENT:  one member of press.


MINUTES. Upon motion of Mr. Borst, the minutes of the  regular meeting of  April 5, 2006 were unanimously accepted as presented. The minutes of the special meeting of April 26, 2006 will be amended to note on page 3, para 2, line 2 add “However, because of the vote” before “He would support.” Also on line 3 add “He feels that unfortunately” before “maintenance” and on line 4 change “cut item to be first” to “the first item to be cut.” Upon motion of Mr. Borst, the minutes of the  special meeting of  April 26, 2006 were unanimously accepted as amended.

COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Holian distributed communications between the Board of Education and Mr. Rodgers as Chairman of the Legislative Council concerning: the return of monies discussed two budget meetings ago, Mr. Rodgers’ response to a letter in The Bee from Eric Steinkraus stating that the special meeting for the budget was noticed, and a letter from the Board of Education indicating that according to state statutes the Board of Ed is required to meet with the financial body of the Town at least 30 days prior to beginning contract negotiations. The Board of Ed plans to meet with both the Board of Finance and the Legislative Council.


Education. Mrs. Llodra presented a report concerning space needs for the high school and the Town’s long term planning initiative (A).

Ordinance. Mr. Pennarola reported that meetings will be scheduled to discuss ordinances concerning dogs, art and noise.

Finance. Mr. DiCandido had no report.

FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Rosenthal was not present.


Charter Charge Committee, Charter Selection Committee and Creating a Charter Revision Commission will be carried forward.


Discontinuance of a section of Orchard Hill Road, due to road realignment will be discussed at a future meeting.

Creation of a tax suspense list. Mr. DiCandido moved to accept the Tax Collector’s suspense list as indicated in her memo dated May 1, 2006 (B). Second by Mr. Borst and unanimously carried.

Resolution to sell tax liens. Tax Collector Carol Mahoney requested that the Legislative Council approve the assignment of tax liens ©. Mr. Borst moved Whereas, Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 12-195h authorizes any municipality to assign, for consideration, any and all liens filed by the Tax Collector to secure unpaid taxes on real property, and Whereas, said assignment of tax liens is found to be in the best interests of the Town of Newtown; “Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved By the Legislative Council of the Town of Newtown that First Selectman Herbert C. Rosenthal be and hereby is authorized to assign to American Tax Funding any and all liens by the Tax Collector to secure unpaid taxes on real property appearing on the Grand Lists of October 1, 2004 through October 1, 2007. First Selectman Rosenthal or his successor is further authorized to execute any agreements or amendments thereto as may be required to accomplish the purposes hereof.” Second by Mrs. Doyle and unanimously carried.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  John Voket, The Bee reporter, noted that Tax Collector Carol Mahoney said that $240,000 is standard for the suspense list.

EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PROPOSED LAND PURCHASE, LEGAL ACTION, AND/OR PERSONNEL.  None noted. Mr. Capeci noted that this item should specifically state what will be discussed and should not be so general.


ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.


Ann M. Mazur, Clerk