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04/26/06 Special Meeting
Minutes of the special meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, April 26, 2006 in the Multi-Purpose Building, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: W. Rodgers, T. Holian, D. Amaral, J. Borst, D. Brown, J. Capeci, J. DiCandido (telephonically), S. Doyle, M. Iassogna, K. Jacobs, P. Llodra, F. Pennarola.  ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman H. Rosenthal, Financial Director B. Spragg,  Schools Superintendent Dr. E. Pitkoff, approximately twenty-nine members of public, one member of press.

Susan Zimmerman, 20 Pine Tree Hill Road, is president of the Middle Gate PTA. She asked that the budget be put forward as is. She feels that the referendum failed because of voter apathy and because the referendum was two days after spring break.

Dr. Pitkoff said that when the budget was defeated three years ago the Board of Education eliminated, among other items, the gifted and talented program and the bus system went from four to three tiers because of reductions in the Board of Ed budget.

At this time (7:45) Mr. DiCandido joined the meeting telephonically. He was able to hear the proceedings and those present were able to hear him.

Bob Merola, 22 Ashford Lane, said that the budget was exorbitant and is difficult for people on fixed incomes. He recommends a flat budget each year.

Chris Manfredi, 1 Wilderness West, asked how the school budget is going to survive going forward with this amount of money. The number of votes that the budget was defeated by was insignificant.

Sarah Beier, 7 Yogananda Street, feels that apathy, lack of confidence in leaders and other factors  resulted in the defeat of the budget and that that the defeat by 53 votes was an insignificant amount. She said that if any cut is made it be the smallest possible cut.

Tom Gissen, 35 Horseshoe Ridge Road, is a member of the Board of Education. He agreed that the defeat was statistically insignificant. He asked that the budget be passed on as is or if it is cut that the cut be commensurate with what the voters stated.

Abe Pelosi, 151 Huntingtown Road, asked that the budget be left intact. He said that the school budget is 50% of the budget and asked that if any cut is made it be from the other side of the budget. He said that the “no” voters may have wanted more in the school budget for more services.

Connie Whittman, 74 Hattertown Road, said that you should reduce more on the town side than on the school side if you do reduce the budget.

Bob Merola, 22 Ashford Lane, said that the vote this year and in recent years was not a mandate. A sixteen percent increase year over year is exorbitant. He asked that the Legislative Council and Boards of Education and Selectmen come up with a fiscally responsible cut.

Discussion and possible action on the budget. Mr. Holian moved to reduce the budget by 1/10 of a mill by reducing the Board of Selectmen’s budget by $100,000 and the Board of Education’s budget by $195,000 with the proviso that the First Selectman and the Financial Director be authorized to determine which line items to reduce on the Board of Selectmen’s side of the budget. Second by Mr. Brown.

Mr. Amaral feels that the budget should be reduced by at least 2/10 of a mill. He asked if we know what money is coming back from the state.

Mr. Rodgers said that the Board of Education’s decision to give back up to $284,000 of the energy grant money that they were expected to receive from the State was contingent upon this budget passing and is now off the table. Mr. Rosenthal said that rather than an energy assistance grant the State is considering a one time general revenue sharing grant that would go to the Town whereas the energy assistant grant would have gone directly to the Board of Education.

Mr. Rodgers called a two minute recess at 8:10 p.m. in order to connect to another phone to communicate with Mr. DiCandido.  The meeting reconvened at 8:12 p.m.

Ms. Llodra feels that the Board of Education budget that was presented to the Board of Finance was fair and appropriate and she reluctantly agreed to the reduction made by the Legislative Council. She feels that the smallest magnitude of a cut is appropriate.

Mr. Jacobs moved to amend the motion  and to put $175,050 back in the Board of Education budget. Mr. Rodgers stated that this amendment should really be in the form of a new motion if the motion on the table fails.

Mr. Capeci asked if there are any other items on the revenue side that could effect the mill rate. Mr. Spragg said that he reviewed investment income. He said that that Tax Assessor said that there are 20%  new houses this year compared to last year. Building permits are also down.  He said that the revenue items are a wash. Mr. Rosenthal said that the entire surplus for the past few years has been used to reduce taxes rather than put the money in the capital reserve fund.

Mr. Pennarola said that there may have been voter apathy but he feels that the voters’ desire is that the budget be cut.

Mr. Jacobs said that increasing energy costs must be absorbed by the Board of Education. He said that 53 votes is not a clean indicator that money should be taken out. All of the people who talked to him today wanted money put back in.

Mr. Holian said that to state that 53 votes is statistically insignificant is a dangerous slope to slide down.

Mr. Iassogna said that a flat budget is not possible because 80% of the budget is for people. We need to take a closer look at the contracts. He would support some cut. The Board of Selectmen and Board of Education need to look at overhead. Maintenance seems to be cut item to be first.

Mr. Brown said that out of a $96 million budget, a cut of $295,000 is statistically insignificant.

The motion passed by roll call vote. YES (W. Rodgers, T. Holian, D. Amaral, D. Brown, J. Capeci, J. DiCandido (telephonically), S. Doyle, M. Iassogna, P. Llodra, F. Pennarola.) NO (J. Borst, K. Jacobs.)  

ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.


Ann M. Mazur, Clerk