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March 16, 2005
The Legislative Council held a regular meeting on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 in the Conference Room of the C. H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: W. Rodgers, D. Amaral, T. Holian, J. DiCandido, R. Recht, D. Brown, P. Baiad, J. Shpunt, M. Iassogna, J. Borst, F. Pennarola, J. Hemingway.
ALSO PRESENT: First Selectman H. Rosenthal, Financial Director B. Spragg, Board of Finance Chairman J. Kortze and member M. Portnoy, Superintendent of Schools Dr. E. Pitkoff, Board of Education Director of Business R. Bienkowski, Board of Education members L. Schwartz, D. Nanavaty, P. Mangiafico, one member of public, one member of press.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. None noted at this time.
MINUTES. Upon motion by Mr. Borst, the minutes of the regular meeting of March 2, 2005 were unanimously accepted as amended.
COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Rodgers reported that the Fairfield Hills Advisory Committee last night discussed Mrs. Ruby Johnsons proposal that any proposed enabling statute specify than any ordinance on the subject of a Fairfield Hills Authority be approved by town meeting or referendum. It was the uniform view of the Committee that this was not a good idea. No change was made to the proposal that was sent to the State legislature.
Mr. Rodgers noted that the general code project is in the hands of the editor.
FIRST SELECTMANS REPORT. Mr. Rosenthal attended the National League of Cities Strengthening Communities Initiative in Washington. Because budget items have been cut, we are fighting to get back to even. The CDBGP (block grant program) will be reduced and lumped with other grants under HUD, not under Commerce as it had been. The COPS Program has also been cut. He said also that the No Child Left Behind program will be underfunded by $19 billion.
Receipt and discussion of 2005-2006 budget. Mr. Kortze said that the Board of Finance recommends to the Legislative Council that $300,000 be appropriated to the revenue side. They also recommend using the tax collection rate of 98.4% which will result in $300,000 in revenue. Also he said that it is anticipated that the conveyance tax will generate $300,000. The Board of Finance reduced the Board of Selectmens budget by $50,000 in Public Works Capital and by $61,000 for lower anticipated insurance expenses. They reduced the Board of Educations budget by $400,000. The Board of Finance had concerns about staffing levels and technology dollars in the Board of Education budget. The result would be just under a 5% increase in taxes. No action was taken by the Board of Finance on the Library budget. The Library designated a lot of money for capital projects this year. Mr. Kortze feels that the Friends money is for a series of projects that the Library wants to do and that they spent a fair amount of the money on these projects. Mr. Rosenthal said that the Friends do not want their money used for normal operating expenses.
Dr. Pitkoff discussed the Board of Educations proposed budget. He said that the fact that $216,000 of this years budget was spent on the oil spill means that some projects that were planned for this year had to be pushed off to next year. He said that $1.20 per gallon was budgeted for fuel oil which is now $1.69 per gallon resulting in a shortage of $185,000 for this year. The Board of Finance cut the budget by $400,000. To the Board of Education this will be a total cut of $800,000. This is too deep of a cut. The budget increase will be 7.19% with the Board of Finance cut. This is less than what we need for fixed and growth costs. He asked that the Legislative Council take a hard look at reinstating some of this money.
Mrs. Schwartz spoke as acting chairman of the Board of Education. She said that last years budget passed by over 1,000 votes which is a clear mandate. She said there was a favorable exchange this year between the Board of Education and the Board of Finance but she was disappointed in the reduction of $400,000 in the budget. Consider what the voters said last year. Do not cut further or do restore some of the money.
Mr. Mangiafico said that Dr. Pitkoff cut $1.7 million from the staff requests. The Board of Education further cut $716,000 resulting in a 7.95% increase in the budget. The Board of Finance cut another $400,000 to reduce the increase to 7.19%. He recommends that the Council not cut the budget further and consider adding funds back. He said that the Board of Education has had extraordinary constraints this year such as the $216,000 spent for the oil spill. He asked that the $216,000 be put back. He said there was a horrendous increase in health insurance premiums. He said this is a fair budget.
In response to a question about whether or not to lock in on an oil price, Dr. Pitkoff said that Newtown did better than the consortium of districts that did lock in a price.
Mr. DiCandido said that the Board of Education budget is 69% of the budget and 79% of that is salaries and asked why no one is speaking out against the system of negotiations. Mr. Mangiafico said that the state arbitration process would have to be revised by the state legislature. He said that the Board of Education is looking at how the town and the district are being impacted during negotiations and that Mr. DiCandidos complaints have been heard.
Mr. Rodgers asked about the disposition of money recovered from third parties for the oil spill. Mr. Rosenthal said that the $216,000 would be returned to the Board of Education if recovered this year and we are reimbursing the Board of Education for expenses over the $216,000 they have already spent.
Mr. Rogers noted that the Legislative Council will hold a public hearing on the budget on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 and that the budget would be adopted by the Legislative Council on April 6, 2005.
Mr. Rodgers asked the Council members if they preferred referring the proposed budget to the Finance Committee or if each subcommittee should review the sections of the budget that are under their jurisdiction. Mr. Rosenthal said that he feels that the Legislative Council would be micromanaging if each subcommittee reviewed its section of the budget and that this would be defeating the purpose of the Board of Finance. No one on the Council was in favor of having the small committees review the budget. The budget will be referred by the Board of Finance.
Mr. Rodgers called a five minute recess at 8:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
The Board of Finance will meet on Thursday, March 31, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. at a location to be determined. There will be a special meeting of the Legislative Council on 0Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at a location to be determined to continue budget discussions. Judge Lavery from the Library Board of Trustees, the Board of Education and the Board of Finance will be invited to attend.
EXECUTIVE SESSION. There was no executive session.
ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mr. Borst, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Ann M. Mazur, Clerk