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07-02-12 Appt Cmte
Town of Newtown Legislative Council Charter Appointment Committee Meeting
Monday, July 2, 2012 at 7:00 PM
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

PRESENT:  Paul Lundquist, Bob Merola, Mary Ann Jacob, Jeff Capeci
ABSENT: Phillip Carroll

Charter Appointment Committee of the Newtown Legislative Council Chairman Paul Lundquist called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

VOTER COMMENT: No members of public present

APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: Ms. Jacob moved to accept the meeting minutes of June 11.  Motion Seconded. Minutes unanimously approved.  Mr. Merola moved to accept the meeting minutes of June 13.  Motion Seconded. Minutes unanimously approved.  


EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERVIEWING CHARTER REVISION COMMISSION APPLICANTS: MOTION: Ms. Jacob moved to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of interviewing Charter Revision Commission Applicants.  
7:00 -- Executive session to interview Neil Randle
7:20 -- Executive session to interview Ted Welsh
7:40 – Executive session to interview Robert Neilsen
8:00 – Executive session to interview Craig Lehecka
8:20 – Executive session to interview George Coleman
8:40 – Executive session to interview James Ritchie
9:00 -- Committee returned to public session

FUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE - Mr. Lundquist confirmed the next meeting will be held Monday, July 9 at a location to be determined.

Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.

Paul Lundquist