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09-15-10 Amended


Amended Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Public Hearing Meeting held on Thursday September 15, 2010 in Meeting Room 1 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street , Newtown, CT.

Charter Revision Commission Chairman William Lavery called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM.  

PRESENT: Robert Duero, John Godin, Joseph Golden, William Lavery, Eric Paradis, Carey Shierloh, Peter Spanedda.  

ABSENT:  None.

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectwoman Pat Llodra, Legislative Council Chairman Jeff Capeci, Legislative Council member Jan Andras,  Legislative Council member Bob Merola, Registrar of Voters LeReine Frampton, Police Commissioner Bruce Walzack, thirteen members of the public, one member of the press.  



Bruce Walzack, Police Commissioner, 12 Glover Lane.
  • Mr. Walzack indicated that he supports bifurcating the budget.
  • Mr. Walzack also supports advisory questions, however he feels that if they are included on the ballot, they should be for both yes and no votes.  Mr. Walzack explained that some voters may vote yes for a budget even though they feel it is too low, out of fear that if they vote no the budget will be reduced further.  The ballot should ask voters who vote yes and no if the budget is too high or too low.  He feels that by having advisory questions for yes and no votes the government will get a true aggregated idea of how all voters are thinking.  He noted that the state statutes allowing advisory questions does not limit the questions to only no votes.   

LeReine Frampton, Registrar of Voters, 6 Pebble Rd.  
  • Mrs. Frampton wanted to clarify framework set by the State legal department related to the charges:
  • According to Mrs. Frampton, all advisory questions must start with “shall”, end with a “?”, and be answered with “yes” or “no”.
  • With Newtown’s current single budget system, if advisory questions were added the question would have to ask if the budget was too high (yes/no).
  • With a bifurcated budget, the questions would have to ask:
  • Is the town budget too high (yes/no)
  • Is the town budget too low (yes/no)
  • Is the board of education budget too high (yes/no)
  • Is the board of education budget too low (yes/no)
  • If you do not bifurcate the budget, you cannot ask advisory questions on separate portions of the budget.
Bob Merola, Legislative Council member, 22 Ashford Lane
  • Mr. Merola indicated that the commissioners should make sure that they clarify “local” vs. “advisory” questions as local questions dictate that action is taken on the question.  He felt that usually in a bifurcated budget system, a question would require action.
  • Mr. Merola also requested that the commissioners consider what the impact has been on voter participation in towns that have moved to a bifurcated budget.
Jan Andras, Legislative Council member 16 Poverty Hollow Rd.
  • Mrs. Andras submitted her viewpoints on the specific charges to the Charter Revision Commissioners via email.  A copy (attachment B) was presented at the meeting.


Bruce Walzack, Police Commissioner, 12 Glover Lane
  • Mr. Walzack indicated that on October 1, 2010 Freedom of Information requirements will change, no longer setting specific requirements in state statutes for how towns post agendas and minutes on town websites.  Mr. Walzack requested that the commissioners consider including specific requirements in Newtown’s charter.  
  • Mr. Walzack provided a copy of the transcript of house discussion passing House Bill number 6712 (attachment A) which established the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Mr. Walzack noted that text of transcript appears to reveal the intent of the Fairfield Hills Authority was to be a temporary body until the Town could form a charter revision committee (specific section highlighted).  
Mr. Walzack would like the commission to consider the replacement process for all boards and commissions when a vacancy occurs between elections as the process is currently different throughout the various Town boards.
Mr. Walzack would like the commission to consider term limits of elected officials.

LeReine Frampton, Registrar of Voters, 6 Pebble Rd.  
  • Mrs. Frampton requested that the commissioners make their decisions not just based on present personalities and to not make major changes for something that may be a temporary problem.  
  • Mrs. Frampton indicated that the commission should consider requiring all CIP items in the annual budget vote as opposed to having multiple referendums throughout the year.  She felt that this would encourage all departments to have their CIP items ready for the yearly budget referendum and that it would reduce costs to taxpayers as each referendum carries the same cost, regardless of how many questions are on the ballot. The charter could allow the legislative council to maintain authority to approve special referendums on exceptions.  Mrs. Frampton indicated that Ridgefield has this process.
  • Mrs. Frampton requested that the commission consider the replacement process for the Board of Education when a vacancy occurs between elections. The BOE chooses their own replacement compared to the legislative council which is selected by the first selectperson.  Mr. Godin wished to note that in relation to Mrs. Frampton’s comments regarding the BOE replacement process: the Board of Education has 30 days to choose their replacement candidate or the selection falls to the Board of Selectmen to appoint the replacement.  
Mrs. Frampton requested that the commission address elected and appointed positions in the town hall.  She feels that some currently appointed positions could be changed to a “hired” position.  This would take political agendas out of the equation in many departments.  She feels that the Town Clerk, Tax Collector, and Tax Assessor should be “hired” employees similar to all other department heads in Town.   She gave the hypothetical example that  under the current system, any appointed department heads could be removed, even if they are doing an excellent job, if a new administration was voted in and chose to do so.

Jan Andras, Legislative Council member, 16 Poverty Hollow Rd.
  • Mrs. Andras submitted her viewpoints on the specific charges to the Charter Revision Commissioners via email.  A copy (attachment B) was presented at the meeting.
Chairman Lavery moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 PM.

Patrick M. Kelley, Clerk