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Minutes 925/07
Town of Newtown, CT.
Edmond Town Hall: 45 Main Street, Newtown, Ct. 06470

Special Meeting 9/25/2007
Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Meeting held on Tuesday September 25, 2007 7:00 p.m. in the Old Court Room at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, Ct.06470.

PRESENT: Chairman Al Cramer, LeReine Frampton, Joe Hemingway, Joan Plouffe, Guy Howard, Carolyn Signorelli. One member of the press.

ALSO PRESENT:  David Grogins, Town Attorney

Chairman Al Cramer called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.


1. A review of the Town Attorney’s comments on the Commission’s recommendations to be forwarded to the legislative council.

Mr. Grogins submitted a draft of his comments and suggestions for Charter revisions.  See Draft Comments on Charter Revisions dated 9/19/07, Attachment A.  
Mr. Cramer went through the suggestions for each section of the Charter with commission members.  Ms. Plouffe had a comment on Section 2-10 (a) page 2 where the language may need to change, a differing opinion from that of Mr. Grogins who recommended that existing language remain unchanged.  Regarding Section 6-14 (a) page 26, Advisory Questions, Ms. Frampton’s request regarding Advisory Questions was to possibly combine topics at referendums so as to save the town money and not hold multiple referendums.  Mr. Grogins suggestion was that questions must start with “shall” and answerable as Yes or No and called “Local Questions”.  The language in section 6-14 (a) will be submitted for change regarding “Advisory” to “Local”.  The next recommendation for Section 6-90 (i), Mr. Grogins suggested for language to be changed to, “The town may retain a cash surplus from year to year in an undesignated fund.”  Mr. Howard questioned Section 7-70 (a), how town reports are made available to the public.  Mr. Cramer said the town has flexibility to disseminate reports and is up to the Legislative Council. Ms. Signorelli responded that if in other Sections, such as 5-01 (4) page 18,  there are postings on the Town Website, then why wouldn’t it be valid to post Town Reports on the Website as well for additional availability.  Mr. Cramer questioned Town Attorney, Mr. Grogins if such a substantial change regarding Legislative Council disseminating reports would require a Public Hearing.  Mr. Grogins said the change would not require a public hearing as the change is so technical. Ms. Signorelli suggested the language be changed to read, “Town Reports are available at the Town Clerks Office and on the Town Website”.  Mr. Howard suggested for future consideration, to possibly have submitted with the hard copy (report) a PDF file.   Changes discussed are to be submitted by Mr. Cramer.         

2. Re-submitting the Draft Report.

Mr. Cramer discussed the Draft Report with the commission members, see Attachment B.

3. E-mail received by Mr. Cramer from Mr. Howard.

Mr. Cramer pointed out that the e-mail sent to all commission members where many criticisms were made by Mr. Howard will be submitted to Jon Voket, of the Newtown Bee as per Freedom of Information.  Mr. Cramer asked Mr. Howard to clarify some points made in his letter, his first question to Mr. Howard was, what materials he felt should have been submitted that weren’t?  Mr. Howard responded, the summary description to legislative council. He continued to say that he was under the assumption that there would have been more materials provided.  Mr. Cramer asked Mr. Howard why, if he thought there would be more materials submitted, he did not question it then.  Mr. Howard went on to say that he felt the letter he sent was self explanatory and if Mr. Cramer has any additional questions he will have to submit them in writing to Mr. Howard so that he can respond in another letter form.  Ms. Signorelli moved to continue on to the Public Participation area of the meeting.  Ms. Plouffe seconded the motion, all in favor.


There being no further business, Ms. Signorelli moved to adjourn the meeting.  All in favor.
Mr. Carmer  adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
                                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk Pro Tem