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Minutes 6/12/07
Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Meeting Public Hearing held on Tuesday June 12, 2007 in the Lower Meeting Room at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.
PRESENT: Al Cramer, Joan Plouffe, Joe Hemingway, Carolyn Signorelli, Guy Howard, LeReine Frampton, one member of the public, one member of the press.

Chairman Al Cramer called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.  

1.      Ruby Johnson, Chestnut Hill Rd. stated that each change recommended by the commission should be voted on individually.  When multiple proposals are grouped together, she does not feel that the voters have a chance to speak.  She asked for clarification on the name change regarding the Board of Finance.  Mr. Cramer explained that the commission is not recommending changing the duties of the BOF rather changing the name to eliminate conflict down the road with state statutes.  Mr. Howard added that state statutes identify a Board of Finance as a policymaking body and that some towns don’t have a legislative council to fill this role.  Ms. Johnson also questioned the rationale behind allowing the Parks and Recreation Commission to appoint ad-hoc members.  Mr. Cramer responded that in the Charter, only the Public Building and Site Committee had this specified in their powers.  The Parks and Recreation Commission did not specify how many additional members they were looking for.  Subsequent to the Charter Revision Commissions recommendation to allow ad-hoc members, Park and Rec requested having 7 members instead of the current 6.  The issue may be reconsidered at the next meeting.  Ms. Johnson expressed concern over the Commission not including a Town Planner and Long Range Planning Committee in the recommendations for the Charter.  She feels that there is a situation in Town where we can’t get younger qualified people to run for First Selectman.  She feels that if this problem persists, a town planner may help.  She feels that the town needs to do more for long range planning, especially since the possibility of a new First Selectman each two years exists.  Ms. Johnson expressed concern over the need to improve education nationwide.  

NEXT MEETING:  To be held Tuesday June 26, 2007 at 7:00 PM in the Old Court Room at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

There being no further business Mr. Cramer adjourned the meeting at 7: 30 PM.  

                                                Patrick M. Kelley, Clerk