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Minutes 5/8/2007
 Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Meeting held on Tuesday May 8, 2007 in the Old Court Room at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.
PRESENT: Al Cramer, Joan Plouffe, Joe Hemingway, Carolyn Signorelli, Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman Ed Marks, two members of the public, one member of the press.

ABSENT:  LeReine Frampton, Guy Howard

Chairman Al Cramer called the meeting to order at 7:01PM.  
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Hemingway noted that the minutes indicated he was present at the meeting when he was in fact absent.  Upon motion from Ms. Signorelli the minutes of the April 24, 2007 meeting were accepted as amended.  
1.      James Bergeron, Brushy Hill Road supports bifurcation of the Town and Education budget and also supports advisory questions on the ballot.  He believes that voters feel disenfranchised and whether you are for or against something, you should have the opportunity to express yourself clearly.  

2.      Ruby Johnson, Chestnut Hill Rd. has concern regarding ordinances and the Fairfield Hills Authority.  She feels that if the Town relies on ordinances, decisions are too dependent on who sits on the current Legislative Council.  Ms. Johnson feels that the Board of Finance currently has too much power and that individual departments ask the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Finance for items in their budget when the Legislative Council should have that responsibility.  Ms. Johnson noted that the Water and Sewer Authority keeps all of the money that they collect from residents and businesses and that they have accumulated enough money to install sewers in Fairfield Hills and Commerce Park.  She feels it should be clear in the Charter that the Authority does not distribute surplus back to the Town.  Ms. Johnson believes that the right to petition in Town does not necessarily mean that the Town has to do anything.  She stated that the Legislative Council was petitioned in mid February regarding the Town Hall at Fairfield Hills and still have not responded.  

3.      Parks and Recreations Commission Chairman Ed Marks stated that his group’s responsibilities have fundamentally changed with the growth of the Town.  He feels that they need more members as every interaction they have with other Town groups requires a member from the Parks and Recreation Commission to attend other group meetings and there are not enough members to cover all areas.   


1.      Charge #24-Section 5-01 (7)  Should language be added which requires the Finance Director to also report to the Board of Finance as well as the Legislative Council relative to the CIP?  Discussion and vote.
·       Ms. Signorelli made a motion that the Finance Director report to both the Board of Finance and the Legislative Council relative to CIP.  Motion unanimously carried.

2.      Should the name of the Board of Finance be changed, for example, to the Finance Advisory Board?  Discussion and vote.
·       Ms. Plouffe made a motion to change the name to Finance Advisory Board.  Motion unanimously carried.

3.      Should the position of a Town Planner be included in the Charter?  Discussion and vote.  
·       Mr. Cramer agrees with having such a position in Town but does not feel it should be in the Charter as it would be another paid position whose duties could be rigid in the Charter when it should be a flexible position.  
·       Ms. Plouffe feels that many citizens in Town are in favor of such a position and that if it is not included in the Charter, there is no guarantee that the position will happen.  She feels that language in the Charter could be worded so that it is a flexible position.  
·       Ms. Signorelli noted that the First Selectman is elected to represent the direction of the Town.  A town planner who is not elected could have a significant impact on the direction of the Town and therefore the language for such a position must indicate that they use input from various boards and commissions.
·       Mr. Hemingway agrees with having a town planner but would not feel comfortable voting on its inclusion in the Charter without seeing the language since the Charter is only revised every 5-6 years.
·       Ms. Plouffe made a motion to table the subject.  Commissioners Hemingway, Plouffe, and Signorelli in favor.  Commissioner Cramer opposed.  Motion denied.  

4.      Should 6-100 be changed to indicate that the Financial Impact Statement is to be prepared at the discretion of the Finance Director rather than by the Finance Director?  Discussion and vote.  
·       Ms. Plouffe feels that the statement should be prepared every time and that it should not be discretionary.  Ms. Signorelli agreed noting that had the statement been prepared for the Fairfield Hills purchase, the vote may have been different.  
·       Mr. Cramer made a motion that the current language in the Charter remain unchanged.  Motion unanimously carried.

5.      Please note that the Water and Sewer Authority has withdrawn their request to be included in the Charter.  Should this be accepted?  Discussion and vote.  
·       Mr. Cramer noted that State Statutes provide very specific requirements for authorities and cautioned that any inclusion of authorities in the Charter may conflict with language in Statutes.  Ms. Plouffe is uncomfortable with having authorities as she feels they have too much power.
·       Mr. Hemingway made a motion not to include the Water and Sewer Authority in the Charter.  Commissioners Hemingway and Cramer in favor.  Commissioners Plouffe and Signorelli opposed.  Motion denied.  

NEXT MEETING:  To be held Tuesday May 22nd 2007 at 7:00 PM in the Old Courtroom at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

1.      Ruby Johnson feels that the Town needs an ongoing strategic planning group to lay out a plan for the Town.  

There being no further business Mr. Cramer adjourned the meeting at 8:05 PM.  

                                                Patrick M. Kelley, Clerk