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Meeting 10/10/06
Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Meeting held on Tuesday, October 10, 2006 in the Old Court Room at the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

PRESENT:        Al Cramer, Guy Howard, Joseph Hemingway, LeReine Frampton, Joan Plouffe,
                Carolyn Signorelli


Chairman Al Cramer called meeting to order at 7:01 pm.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Mae Schmidle, former Town Clerk, State Representative member and Chairman of the Charter Revision Commission passed out a handout said in her opinion that having a single Mayor/Selectman has the potential for “big city problems”. Ms. Schmidle supports a Board of Selectman of at least 5 members would better represent the town as a whole.
Bob Merola, 22 Ashford Lane, stated he felt the term used at meetings should be changed from public participation to public comment because there is no verbal exchange allowed between members of the public and board members. Supports keeping the Board of Finance, as our town budget continues to grow its a good way to keep track of checks and balances. Mr. Merola said if we put forth an appropriate budget in the first place it would not have to be streamlined.
Representative Julia Wasserman, passed out handouts referencing statutory options (requirements) when adopting or amending any Charter. Rep. Wasserman made several options to consider;
keep the Legislative Council and Board of Selectman the same with no Finance Board or eliminate the Legislative council but keep the Board of Finance. She was not in favor of combing the council with a special finance subcommittee saying that it would be an unnecessary layer of government.
Jim Smith, former Selectman, feels the Board of Selectman should be maintained or increased to a 5-member board, to better represent the people of the town. Feels the Selectman should coordinate with all the boards to attend their meetings in order to know what going on.
Mike Snyder, former Selectman, feels we should keep the Board of Selectman as is. Feels it’s a good idea for the Fist Selectman to have the other members to bounce ideas off of. Suggested doing away with the Legislative council and increasing the power of the Board of Finance.
Andrew Buzzi, board of Ed member, said there should be accountability of our public officials but not to confuse layers of government with accountability. Simple government with fewer layers with more straightforward opportunities for public to participate.

MINUTES:  Carolyn Signorelli moved to accept minutes of October 3, 2006, seconded by Guy Howard unanimously approved.

-       Agenda item #4 Board of finance and budget issues: Chairman Cramer discussed in his opinion
why the budget failed at referendum, not that it was because of several of our branches of government were conflicted as suggested by the newspaper, but that of the current state of our economy with the rise and potential continual rise of our cost of living expenses.
Ms. Signorelli made a suggestion that when the board of Ed and board of selectman present their budgets that the Legislative council and the board of finance can sit together and hear their presentation at one time. And then they can take the time to consider the recommendations to the Legislative Council.
-Discussed one of the recommendations to the Commission to elect an additional 6 members to
the Legislative council. Chairman Cramer suggested they keep the board of finance as is and
the council remain at 12, he feels should eliminate one step, the finance sub-committee
budgets for the board of education and board of selectman and accept or make any cuts or additions, and then recommend to the entire council that they feel should be sent to referendum.
Joe Hemingway said the Board of Finance and Legislative Council are good checks and balances and having one public meeting for both would help streamline the budget process.
LeReine Frampton supports the Board of Finance and feels it is looking at things objectively not politically.
Guy Howard feels he needs more information and understanding of the practices of the board of finance before forming any conclusive opinions.
Joan Plouffe supports rolling back the finance board duties into the Legislative Council saying it would help streamline the process making it more comfortable for the public to participate.
- Discussed Capital Improvement Plan. Chairman Cramer said there is a Charge given to the commission by the Legislative Council, the role of the Board of Finance and Legislative Council in his opinion feels that



NEXT MEETING: October 17, 2006 meeting will be held in the Mary Hawley Room at 7pm. The Commission will discuss finance/budget issues and the Capital Improvement Plan.

Motion to adjourn by LeReine Frampton, 2nd by Joan Plouffe, meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Debbie A Aurelia, Clerk