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Minutes 9/26/06

Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Meeting held on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 in the Mary Hawley Room at the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

PRESENT:        Al Cramer, Guy Howard, Joseph Hemingway , LeReine Frampton,
Carolyn Signorelli, Joan Plouffe

Chairman Cramer called meeting to order at 7:01 pm.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Brigette Sorensen, (Tercentennial Committee) spoke about a State program for public art and public spaces that could potentially grant the Town not less than 1% of the total project costs. The Charter must include this program for the Town to be recognized for the program. Thus, Brigette is proposing an amendant to the Charter to address this issue.
Ruby Johnson passed out information regarding a report on civic participation as a nation as she is concerned about democracy. She would like to see a “real study” of Town Managers vs. elected first official. Ruby also feels term limits should be set at the local level. She also discussed the role of the First Selectman and that officials need checks and balances, i.e. perhaps an “oversight group” in the Charter.

MINUTES:  Carolyn Signorelli moved to accept minutes of September 19, 2006, seconded by Guy Howard unanimously approved.

- Discussed interpretation of state statute 9-167a as it relates to the Charter and the minority representation.
- Discussed state statute 9-453 in order to cover unaffiliated voters by including nominating petitions under “Eligibility” in the Charter.
- Chairman Cramer discussed the various aspects of the town meeting vs. Legislative Council authority and spoke of proposed Town expenditure amounts that might require an automatic referendum rather than a Town Meeting as well as the right to petition.
- Discussion began on clarification in the Charter of the role and authority of the Board of Finance and Legislative Council. They also discussed various amounts of appropriations that could be authorized by Legislative Council and keeping the Board of Finance advisory.
- Carolyn Signorelli suggested the committee ask Attorney Grogins what statutes require for referendum and rights to petition.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Board of Finance member James Gaston passed out to committee the rules of the Board of Finance for the Town of Newtown.

NEXT MEETING: October 3rd, 2006 meeting will be held in the Mary Hawley Room at 7pm. The Commission will discuss finance/budget issues and town meting at next weeks meeting.

Motion to adjourn by Joseph Hemingway, 2nd by LeReine Frampton, meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Debbie A Aurelia, Clerk