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Minutes 9/19/06
Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Meeting held on Tuesday September 19, 2006 in the Mary Hawley Room at the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

PRESENT:  Al Cramer, Guy Howard, Joan Plouffe, Leraine Frampton, one member of the press.

ABSENT:  Joseph Hemingway, Carolyn Signorelli.

Chairman Al Cramer called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.


MINUTES:  Minutes of the September 12, 2006 meeting were approved without change, motioned by Leraine Frampton and second by Joan Plouffe.



1.      The commission has been approached by members of past Charter Revision Committees as well as by other local officials who have requested to be invited to address the Commission.  After discussion, the Commission decided that any member of the public may address the Commission through public participation, however it may create future conflict by inviting specific community members.
2.      Chairman Al Cramer presented a rough timeline that the Commission wishes to follow in order to have revisions ready for the Town election in November.  The commission wishes to submit a draft to the Town by May 22nd in order to meet a public hearing on May 29th.  
3.      Mr. Howard raised a concern that the Commission must ensure that the process moves efficiently without jumping into changes.  It is important that the Commission comes to a consensus on changes that are envisioned, visit all positive and negative impacts of envisioned changes, examine legal implications of said changes, then have a final vote on changes.  All final changes to the Charter will be written by Town counsel.    
4.      The issue of length of term for the Executive and Legislative Branch was discussed.  Leraine Frampton stated that by extending terms from the current 2-years to 4-years and having the terms of elected committee members staggering, their would be more continuity and would eliminate the possibility of an entire committee or council turning over every two years.  Ms. Frampton also stated cost and efficiency advantages for the Town in moving to 2 districts zoning from the current 3 and having the voting based on an “at large” process.  Joan Plouffe stressed that the Commission must be comfortable with an effective recall process, especially if extended term lengths are accepted.  
5.      The Commission discussed minority representation and bare majority implications on the Charter.  Ms. Frampton will research state statutes for any possible implications.  Ms. Plouffe stated that the Commission should explore ways to encourage involvement from unaffiliated/nominating petition voters and assure that they have proper representation under the Charter.  
6.      Mr. Howard will follow up with the Town to see if the Commission can have a meeting place that would have computer access to State statutes so that the Commission can examine implications as changes are being discussed rather than table the discussion until further research has been completed.  


NEXT MEETING:  September 22, 2006 in the Mary Hawley Room at Edmond Town Hall 7:00 PM.          

Motion to adjourn by Joan Plouffe, 2nd by Guy Howard, meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.