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Minutes 9/05/06
Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Meeting held on Tuesday, September 5, 2006 in the Mary Hawley Room at the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

PRESENT:  Al Cramer, Guy Howard, Joan Plouffe, LeReine Frampton, Carolyn Signorelli,
Joseph Hemingway

ALSO PRESENT: Board of Finance members James Gaston, Joseph Kearney, Michael Portnoy, and Harrison Waterbury, Board of Ed member Andrew Buzzi, two members of the public, one member of the press.

Chairman Al Cramer called meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


MINUTES:  Minutes from August 29th, 2006 were approved without change, motioned by LeReine Frampton and 2nd by Joan Plouffe.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Bob Merola, 22 Ashford Lane, was in favor of the Board of Finance expanding their terms from 2 years to 3 to 4 years and then rotating members out so to get new blood. Commented on unaffiliated voters, help make the process easier for them to be nominated for boards.

Board of Finance Chairman John Kortze was the guest speaker.


Question #1 - Bifurcate the budget? In John Kortze’s opinion, he feels it would not be a good idea to bifurcate the budget. One reason being the Board of Education and Board of Finance share certain costs in order to save money, stating health as one area.

Question #2 - Should advisory questions be put on the ballot? Chairman John Kortze felt it would be very helpful but has to be black and white and straightforward.

Question #3 – Agreed there are some pragmatic issues but feels you still need prescribed time periods to assure checks and balances.

Question #4 - Should the Financial Director report to the Board of Finance? Mr. Kortze stated that the current structure is working amicably, but perhaps could be a future consideration.

Question #5 - Feels the language should be changed regarding managing the surplus. Joseph Kearny, member of the Board of Finance, feels that a single item charter revision should be discussed, passed and then goes on to the next issue.

Question #6 – CIP - discussed the history of how it evolved. Chairman Al Cramer asked who maintains the CIP.  Mr. Kortze said that Ben Spragg’s function was to gather information and compile it. The Board of Education and Board of Selectman make presentations to justify the CIP.

Mr. Kortze discussed how the Moody’s bond rating downgrades can happen and their impact on the town.

Passed out information and articles pertaining to our Moody’s bond rating and why its important to have a capital improvement plan.

Feels the best way to get the Town’s public participation is at the referendums. Public hearings do not enable the public to have a convenient forum. We need to maximize the public’s ability to express their opinions as they vote.

Chairman Al Cramer skipped agenda items 5 & 6


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Bob Merola feels the number of referendums should remain as is.
Mr. Andrew Buzzi suggested that the Legislative Council be increased from twelve members to eighteen members.  The additional six members should have expertise in financial matters and serve as the Legislative Council Financial Subcommittee. The Legislative Council Financial Subcommittee would replace the Board of Finance and thus eliminate one step in the budget preparation process.

NEXT MEETING: September 12, 2006 meeting will be held in the Old Court Room at 7pm

Motion to adjourn by Joseph Hemingway, 2nd by LeReine Frampton, meeting ended at 9:05 pm.