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Meeting 7/25/06
Minutes of the Charter Revision Commission Special Meeting held on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 in the Old Court Room at the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

PRESENT:  Al Cramer, Guy Howard, Joan Plouffe, LeReine Frampton, Joseph Hemingway

ABSENT: Carolyn Signorelli

Chairman Cramer called meeting to order at 7:05 pm



Mae Schmidle, 53 Echo Valley Rd, expressed that we should keep Town Meetings and is in favor of a 5 person Board of Selectman.

Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Rd, passed out example of a financial analysis. Concerned about protecting public from check and balances.

Oscar Berendsohn, 34 Appleblossom Lane, concerned that the planning and zoning has conflicts of interest. Wants to keep town clean.

Chairman Cramer started regular meeting at 7:29 pm

MINUTES:  Joe Hemingway moved to approve corrected minutes from July 18, 2006 Public Hearing and minutes July 18, 2006 Special Meeting 2nd by Guy Howard unanimously approved.

Attorney David Grogins recommended that an Attorney review changes to the Charter before officially submitting draft and substantive provisions.

The Commission then discussed the following issues:

-1st Charge referencing 3-30 (a) #3
-Questioned mentioning Capital Improvement Plan in the Charter
-2nd Charge
-3rd Charge regarding the acquisition procedure of Town property easements
-Chairman Cramer asked for clarification of bare majority and minority representation
-9th Charge
-Section 2-20 regarding eligibility of elector vs. resident for town offices.

Chairman Cramer passed out literature outlying:

-Duties of city manager
-Finance, Legislative & Executive Branch
-Principles of a Charter


NEXT MEETING: Cancelled August 1st meeting, will resume August 8th at 7:00 pm in the (Old Court Room)

Motion to adjourn by Joan Plouffe 2nd by Joe Hemingway meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm