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Regular Meeting of June 13, 2012 at 7:30 pm
Council Chamber, Municipal Center,
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Peters, Salling, Bryan, Curran, Boily, Hammar, Pieragostini.

Staff Present:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Land Use and Planning, Ann Mazur, Clerk.

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.  


IW #12-22, 40 Sugar Lane, application by Stephen Paproski to widen a brook. The application is tabled at the request of the applicant.

IW #12-23, 15 Towns End Road, application by Renee and Robert Kinne for construction of a new house and for a wetlands crossing for the driveway. Benjamin Doto, Professional Engineer, 238 Main Street, Danbury, CT. represented the applicants. Commissioner Curran said that there was a concern that if the gravel came off the boulders, it could run into the water. Mr. Doto said that a filter was created to prevent this by using large boulders and modified rip rap so that there will not be washing out into the waterway.   

Commissioner Pieragostini  moved to approve the application with standard conditions A, B, C, D, E and  

  • The approved plans are “Renee & Robert Kinne, 15 Towns End Road, Newtown, Connecticut, Revised Driveway Plan” dated March 12, 2012, revised April 26, 2012, Scale 1”=40’,with associated support documents.
  • Quarterly reports on forms provided on the Town of Newtown website or available in the Land Use office will be submitted to the Commission until the project is complete.
Second by Commissioner Hammar. All were in favor.

IW #12-28, application by Green Envy Products, 134 Pepper Street, Monroe. This is the applicant’s first presentation for production of organic mulch at Industrial Drive, Newtown, CT. Mr. Sibley noted that a parking lot and stormwater system was approved previously by the Commission for this site. Jack Sousa, Green Envy, Inc., 289 Burr Hall Road, Middlebury, CT. said that the company is a startup company. His partner, Michael Dillon, also attended.  The company composts horse manure so that it will become a tea like product that provides nourishment to plants. The product is kept at one pile for 60 days, second for 30 days and a third for 30 and then removed. There is no disturbance to the wetlands around the three piles. There will be a pond to collect the runoff  which will drain underground. The pond will be pumped each time the tea is finished. This will not be a retail operation; they will sell to large landscapers and nurseries wholesale. DEEP gave preliminary approval contingent upon local wetlands approval. The pond will have a vinyl liner. Mr. Sousa said that natural rainwater will be used as this process is part time and will be done during the rainy season. The season will begin when people mulch and use ground cover. Commissioner Peters questioned if there are elevations on the plans; Mr. Sousa pointed out where the elevations are noted. Mr. Sousa said that there will be long term silt fencing. Mr. Dillon said that this process is what the state is pushing for. Mr. Sousa and Mr. Dillon said that the DEEP requires that the site be monitored every day to prevent leaching of nutrients into the wetlands. The piles cannot catch fire even though the core temperature is high because the pile is constantly saturated. Mr. Sibley believes that the DEEP permit is a transfer station permit to transfer green product. He said that there will be a maximum capacity to the site. He noted that he had visited a Norfolk farm that is the first in the state to build a facility to produce a similar product. He advised the applicant to notify the Town Clerk in Monroe that they have an application before Newtown Inland Wetlands. He said that the DEEP permit is not under the Inland Wetlands Commission’s purview only monitoring significant impact to the wetlands is. The Commission cannot discuss monitoring unless there is impact to the wetlands. He suggested that the applicants should report on what is the tipping point. He noted that the stormwater system had a hard time infiltrating water because of the ledge. He said that the site should be staked. He would like to know that if the stormwater comes down the driveway will it tip into a swale. The application will be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Sibley asked that any questions that the Commissioners may have of the expert Jody Chase be forwarded to Mr. Maguire.


IW #12-30, application by Ahmed Ahsan, 3 Pocono Road to correct a violation.

IW MOD/EX #07-30, application by Highland, LLC for a modification to correct and fix the stormwater issues. Commissioner Curran  will review the application.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES.  Commissioner Boily  moved to approve the minutes of May 23, 2012 as amended to change “total” to “totaling” for the Towns End Road application. Second by Commissioner Curran and unanimously carried with abstention by Commissioner Pieragostini.

ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Pieragostini  motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Hammar  seconded the motion.  The motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned at 8:25  pm.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk Pro Tem