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Regular Meeting of February 22, 2012 at 7:30 pm
Shared Meeting Room #3, Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Peters, Boily, Curran, Pieragostini, Salling.
Staff Present:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Land Use and Planning, Steve Maguire, Wetlands Enforcement Official, Ann Mazur, Clerk.

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.  


IW #11-51, 81 Birch Hill Road, Application by Ronald Auriana and Michael Dees, application for a drain installation and to correct a violation. Culver Bolmer, 38  Berkshire Road, represented the applicant. He noted that the Town Engineer reviewed the plans for the pipes and rip rap; presently, the six inch pipe flow is .0044 cfs, and the 4 inch pipe flow is .005 cfs. The pipes stop before the rip rap. The water flows under the stone wall and under the house. There is no more water in the road. The purpose of the curtain drain is to drain the yard and keep the water off the road. A wetland seed mix or plants such as iris or woody shrubs are recommended by the Commission at the stream edge for a buffer of two to three feet. Mr. Bolmer will consult with Mr. Sibley and Mr. Maguire about the plantings to be used and the rip rap. A notation should be made on the plans as to what the buffer will be. Mr. Bolmer will plan to have a five foot buffer. The planting plan will be left up to the staff.     

 Commissioner Salling  moved that the application be APPROVED with standard conditions, A, B, C, D and M and

  • The approved plans are Property Survey prepared for Ronald R. Auriana, Jr. and Michael Dees, 81 Birch Hill Road, Town of Newtown, Fairfield County, CT. dated  April 6, 2001 revised October 31, 2001, scale 1”=40’,   including hand written annotations added by Mr. Culver Bolmer on 2/22/12. with associated support documents.
Quarterly reports on forms provided on the Town of Newtown website or available in the Land Use office will be submitted to the Commission until the project is complete.  

Second by Commissioner Pieragostini and unanimously approved.

IW #11-57, 17 Sweet Meadow Road, application by Jacob Schwartz for disturbance in a regulated area and to correct a violation. Commissioner Curran said that there is an area on the right of the site that needs to have a planting plan.  Mr. Maguire discussed vegetating this area with Mr. Schwartz.

Commissioner Pieragostini moved that the application be APPROVED with standard conditions, A, B, C, D and

  •  The approved plans are “Base map of 17 Sweet Meadow Rd”, Newtown, CT, dated1/31/2012, with associated support documents
  • The violation for this activity is removed.
  • Quarterly reports on forms provided on the Town of Newtown website or available in the Land Use office will be submitted to the Commission until the project is complete.
  • Re-planting of the site will occur within one year and be monitored for two years thereafter.
  • All disturbed areas will be re-vegetated with mix approved by the agent.
Second by Commissioner Curran  and unanimously approved.

IW #11-58, 10 Abbotts Hill Road, application by John Zaharek to build a barn. George Johansson of Allied Engineering,  representing the applicant,  is returning with information requested by the Commission. Soil Science and Environmental Services submitted a Wetlands/Watercourses and Soil Report as well as planting plans for Area One along the driveway and for Area Two along the pond. Boulders will be added along the wetland as the Commission had requested. The erosion control notations are on a plan submitted tonight. Commissioner Peters asked about the ratio of the mitigation to the disturbance of the wetlands; it is about one to one according to Mr. Johansson. She asked that the mitigation be a multiple of the original loss, rather than one to one. The square footage is  of the mitigation is planned to be 1,292. Commissioner Boily asked about rain coming off the roof. Mr. Johansson said that the owner does not want to put gutters on the barn and a two foot strip of stone will surround the barn to dissipate the rain water. The Commission feels that total mitigation should be at least 2,500 square feet at the discretion of the owner.

Commissioner Pieragostini moved to approve the application with standard conditions A, B, C and D and

1. The approved plans are “Proposed Site Plan prepared for John Zaharek,  10 Abbotts Hill Road, Newtown, Connecticut” dated 1/24/12, last revised 2/22/12, scale 1”=20’ with associated support documents.
2. There will be total mitigation of 2,500 sf of area 1 and area 2 as indicated on the map.
3. Quarterly reports on forms provided on the Town of Newtown website or available in the Land Use office will be submitted to the Commission until the project is complete.

Second by Commissioner Curran and unanimously approved.

IW MOD/EX #06-11, 9 Butterfield Road, application by Kenneth R. Petrucci dba F & P Construction LLC for a modification to an approved application to construct a single family residence. This is the applicant’s first presentation. Mr. Sibley noted that although the application actually expired in June it application has been actively pursued and thus the applicant is in for an extension as well as a modification to the approved plans. The plan presented is a revised plan that will build up the elevation for the patio that was not part of the original approval. Mr. Petrucci said that the plan is to have a retaining wall to bring the grade up to create a flatter area in the back.  Mr. Sibley noted that In 1994 the subdivision was approved and that In 2006 Larry Edwards presented alternative one with a wetlands crossing. Another alternative was requested by the commission. The Commission then approved a plan with no elevation changes whatsoever. No alterations to the site plan can occur without approval by the Commission. Mr. Sibley believes the silt fence is close to where it should be as is the house.  He said that the plans presented tonight should be compared to the approved plans as no grading was approved by the Commission. Mr. Petrucci said that the building plans did have a walk out.  Mr. Maguire noted that the plan that Mr. Petrucci gave to him did not have the patio on it.  Mr. Petrucci said that the change from the original grade would be about eight feet.  Mr. Sibley noted that the plans that he signed did not have a walk out.  The plans are changed to reflect an eight foot build up. Commissioner Peters questioned whether this will change the drainage to the wetlands; Mr. Sibley does not believe that this change will affect the hydrology with the wetlands in that area.

The Commission requested that  the applicant  provide a letter from the engineer stating that the  grading will not affect the hydrology of the wetlands as well as the fact that  equipment will not go into the wetlands.

The application is tabled until the March 14 meeting.


IW #11-60, 11 Edmond Road, application by Advanced Fusion Systems (AFS), to lay gas pipeline under Route 84 to provide gas to an existing manufacturing building. Commissioner Salling will review this application.

IW #11-61, 84 South Main Street, application by Andrew Wiggin to construct a new commercial building. Commissioner Pieragostini will review the application.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES.  Commissioner Pieragostini  moved to approve the minutes of February 8, 2012 as amended. Second by Commissioner Salling  and unanimously approved.

ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Salling motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner  Curran seconded the motion.  The motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned at  8:33pm.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk Pro Tem