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Regular Meeting of November 9, 2011 at 7:30 pm
Council Chambers, Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Curran, Hammar, Peters, Pieragostini, and Salling
Staff Present:  Steve Maguire, Wetlands Enforcement Officer; and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.  


IW #11-41  Rollingwood Subdivision, Lot 88.  Application by Blakeman Construction for the construction of a single family residence.

Bill Carboni was present to discuss the application regarding renewals of approvals of these lots in 2001.  Commissioner Curran asked for clarification of the plans in regards to the road and the grading.  Mr. Carboni confirmed that there will be no additional work in relationship to the road.  Commissioner Pieragostini asked whether there could be a buffer or additional protection between the road and the wetlands.  Mr. Carboni said the demarcation boundary can wrap around the wetlands (from the house and down along the road).  Commissioner Peters asked Mr. Carboni to review the additional conditions he suggested.  After discussion, Commissioner Pieragostini motioned to approve the application with standard conditions, A, B, C, D, E, F, and

  • The approved plans are “Rollingwood Section 9”, Hoseye Coach Road, Newtown, CT, dated 9/27/2011 Scale 1” = 40’ showing road shading.
  • Quarterly reports on forms provided on the Town of Newtown website or available in the Land Use office will be submitted to the Commission until the project is complete.  
  • Runoff from the roof shall be detained in subsurface galleries for the purpose of recharging the ground water.  The volume of water to be retained shall be equal to the runoff from a one-inch storm.
  • The demarcation boundary shall be installed at the limits of grading for the construction of the driveway, house, front yard and septic system.  For this lot, the boundary would be in the approximate location of where the silt fence is shown on the plan.
  • The demarcation boundary may consist of the split rail fence, open jointed rock wall, placed rocks, row of plants or other means suitable to the Newtown Wetlands Commission.  The purpose of the demarcation boundary is to clearly define the limits of disturbance near wetland areas.
Commissioner Salling seconded the motion.  Commissioner Curran asked whether specifics about the demarcation of the wetlands boundary should be stated more clearly.  After discussion, Commissioner Pieragostini amended the motion to include #6, “At the time of the specific plan for the lot, the demarcation lines will be approved by the staff and/or the commission”.  Commissioner Curran seconded the amendment to the motion.  Commissioner Peters called to question the amended motion.  The motion was unanimously approved as amended.


Approval of MinutesCommissioner Curran motioned to approve the minutes of October 26, 2011.  Commissioner Salling abstained.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Hammar.  The minutes were approved as amended.

Commissioner Hammar motioned to adjourn.  Commissioner Pieragostini seconded the motion.  The motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.