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Regular Meeting of May 11, 2011 at 7:30 pm
Council Chambers, Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Curran, Hammar, Kotch, Peters, Pieragostini, Salling
Staff Present:  Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:31 pm.


IW #11-20  31 16 Still Hill Road, Jason Petrelli.  Application for a garage.

Commissioner Peters asked Mr. Petrelli if he would consider a wall or fence along the driveway to delineate the wetlands and help hinder lawn encroachment.  He was also asked if he would remove invasives, plant a buffer, install rip rap where the pool’s backwash pipe flows out, and leave the gravel driveway permeable.  He was also asked to show the screened porch on the plans.  Mr. Petrelli agreed to all and will return to the next meeting with updated plans showing these changes.  

IW #11-21  25 Sherman Street, Michael & Pamela Davis.  Application for a garage.

The applicant was not present.  Item tabled.


Approval of Minutes - Commissioner Pieragostini motioned to approve the minutes of April 27, 2011.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Kotch.  The minutes were approved as amended.

Commissioner Peters said that it was with great regret that she accepted the resignation of Commissioner Philip Kotch.  The commissioners expressed their gratitude for his years of service on the commission and said that he will be more than missed.  

Commissioner Pieragostini motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 pm.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kotch.  The motion was approved unanimously.