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06-02-10 Special Meeting

Special Meeting
June 2, 2010 at 7:30 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present: Peters, Salling, Curran, Bryan, and Hammar
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director Planning and Land Use

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.  


IW #10-07   25  Shepard Hill Road, Bernard Cieniawa.  Application for the removal of a violation.

Mr. and Mrs. Cieniawa were present.  Mr. Cieniawa explained their plans to build a paddock without disturbing soil or taking down additional trees and plans to move an existing stone wall towards the boundary of their property.  The sketch was updated to show a break in the stone wall that would allow the flow of an intermittent stream.  Mr. Cieniawa explained that dead trees were removed in November of 2009 and that there will be no more clearing or filling of the wetlands.  The commissioners will revisit the site.

IW #10-08   6A Russett Road, Robert & Valerie Frate.  Application to remove trees and create a trench from a culvert to a pond.

Robert and Valerie Frate were present to discuss their application to remove trees and remove sediment from a trench to re-establish the flow of water.  They also want to remove trees that hang over their fence.  The commission asked for something in writing from an arborist stating that removing the trees will not change the functionality of the wetlands.  They also asked for a schematic showing their planting plan and an estimation on the amount of sediment they plan to remove from the trench.  The commission asked for this information prior to the next scheduled meeting.

IW #10-12   4 Boggs Hill Road, Serge Harabosky.  Application for stream/pond dredging and restoration.

Mr. Harabosky could not attend this meeting.  The commissioners had a brief discussion over the fees and content of this application.  The item was tabled until the next meeting.

IW #10-13   5 Sugarloaf Road, Omari Vessup.  Application for the removal of a violation by a previous property owner.  Application to mitigate wetlands.

Mr. Vessup was present and the commission reviewed the restoration planting plan completed by Environmental Land Solutions, LLC.  This violation originally occurred under the previous ownership of William Piccirillo in 2007.  The plans delineate the wetlands area with vegetation, Mr. Vessup said they will add a stone barrier as well.  Mr. Sibley stated the proposed plans should build up wetland soils if it is kept undisturbed and noted that the proposed plan is more conducive to the area.  Mr. Vessup said they will begin work before the end of the year.  

Commissioner Curran motioned to approve the application with standard conditions A, B, C, D, E, F, and
  • The approved plans are “Restoration Planting Plan for 5 Sugarloaf Road, Newtown, CT by Environmental Land Solutions, LLC” and dated May 11, 2010.
  • The wetlands plantings will be monitored for two growing seasons to ensure growth.
  • Quarterly reports will be submitted on forms provided on the Town of Newtown website or in the Land Use Office until the permitted activity is completed.  The completed plan will be approved by the Conservation Official.
Commissioner Bryan seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

IW #10-14   39 Tunnel Road, Charlie Payne.  Application for the construction of a lawn area.

Mr. Payne could not attend this meeting.  The item was tabled.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.