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Inland Wetlands 9/12/07
Inland Wetlands Commission
Regular Meeting
September 12, 2007, 7:30 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Present:  Peters, Pieragostini, Salling, and Gillingham
Staff Present:  Robert Sibley, Conservation Official; Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Commissioner Peters opened the hearing at 7:31 p.m.

Pending Applications

#07-22   Nunzio Sasso, 42 Great Ring Road.  Application for activities related to the remediation of an oil leak.

Scott Biels from Sovereign Consulting reviewed a brief history of the site and this application.  A wetlands functionality report, dated September 10, 2007, was submitted by JMM Consulting that noted the smaller wetland area in the north of the property is low functioning. The applicant proposes to fill in this wetland area (1,200 to 1,700 cy) that, originally, was created by an excavation in 1992 for a house that was never built.  The applicant asked that the Commission accept the report and make a decision, rather than having to withdraw and resubmit.  Commissioner Peters stated that the commission requires time to review the information before a decision is made.  The applicant asked that if the application was withdrawn and resubmitted, can the fees be waived.  Commissioner Peters stated her concern about filling in this wetland.  The applicant is withdrawing and will submit a letter by September 13, 2007.

#07-23  Paul Genna, 32 Lake Road.  Application for activities related to a prior violation.

Paul Genna and Michael Cosmos, Pool Engineering, LLC were present.  The applicant has provided the Commission with the location of the pool equipment and filter information.  New silt fence was installed and the area has been seeded.  The pool area has been outlined on the property. Mr. Sibley asked what amount of material will be removed or added in the regulated area.  Mr. Cosmos explained the grading and type of pool being installed.  Most of the fill being pulled out will be back filled.  Extra material will be removed. Commissioners will visit the site.

#07-25  Nick & Gina Vona, Oak Ridge III.  Application for activities related to a sub-division.

Applicant not present.  Public Hearing set for September 26, 2007.

#07-27   AT&T Mark Burkhart, 50 Great Quarter Road.  Application for activities related to the installation of a cable.

Matthew Scully, CCA Engineering representing AT&T discussed the plans to run a new cable under Lake Zoar.  Disturbance will be kept to a minimum.  Overgrowth will be removed and the area reseeded with a wetland mix.  The entire project will be completed within five days.  Commissioner Pieragostini motioned to approve with the following standard conditions:

a)      Erosion and sediment controls as illustrated on the plan and where deemed necessary by the Conservation Official will be installed prior to construction and maintained until directed by the Conservation Official.

b)      The Conservation Official must be notified in writing one week prior to commencement of the permitted activity and again upon completion of the activity.

c)      A copy of the approved plans will be on site at all times.

Seconded by Commissioner Salling.  Motion carried.  

#07-28   Liscinsky - 6 Split Rock Road.  Application for activities related to a subdivision.

Mr. O’Bymachow, Land Surveyor from Nowakowski, O’Bymachow & Kane Associates in Shelton, CT, representing the applicant, reviewed the proposed plans for a subdivision and property line transfer.  A report from JMM Consulting has been submitted.  

The applicant is proposing two long driveways, which are approximately 550 and 800 feet long.  Commissioner Pieragostini asked the applicant to consider one long common driveway that split off on the end and to use gravel instead of black top.  

The storm water treatment has a series of underground gallery systems and catch basins.  The fill required:  Lot 3a approximately 10 cubic yards, and Lot 3b approximately 63 cubic yards.  

Mr. Steve Liscinsky answered questions about the pond.  It appears to have been man made and dries out in the summer months.  The Commissioners will visit the site.

Mr. Sibley listed information that the applicant needs to provide to the Commission.
The applicant must confirm that there is no net increase of run off from the entire site, including pre-construction, during construction, and post construction numbers.
Information is needed on the infiltration separation for the galleys that are proposed.  There should be at least 36 inches separation for ground water tables on each of the galleries.
The applicant is to confirm there is treatment at the end of the driveway and that there will be no discharge off the site onto the road.  
The applicant must provide a total functionality of all wetlands within the regulated areas being disturbed.  A functionality report should be provided by a certified soil scientist.  
The footing drains and gutters cannot be infiltrated into the same galleries.  They must be separate systems.
The applicant is to provide the approval by the Wetlands Commission of the originally proposed site, particularly information on where the house was originally to be situated on the lot.  
The applicant is to provide the calculation for impervious surfaces – what was original proposed for the lot versus what is being proposed now.

#07-29   Claris Construction, Inc., Enterprise Drive, Monroe.  Application for activities related to the construction of a parking lot and septic system.

Item tabled.

#07-30  Highland HC, LLC, 121, 123, 125 South Main Street.  Application for activities related to the construction of commercial buildings.

Public Hearing set for October 10, 2007.

#07-31  Allstate Realty, LLC,  2 Shady Rest Boulevard.  Application for activities related to a single family residence.

Item tabled.

#07-32  Orlowski, Eugene, 18 & 20 Sugar Street.  Application for activities related to a pond

Mr. Orlowski discussed plans to restore a man made pond.  The edges can be built up by dredging out the pond with a backhoe.  The material pulled out of the pond will be dewatered and used to rebuild the banks.  No material will need to be brought in.  He also wants to aerate the pond and build a small Japanese bridge.  Some trees need to be removed.  Mr. Sibley asked for an A-2 survey showing the location of the ponds and streams.  It is requested by the Commission that the applicant have a functionality report completed by an environmental or soil scientist.

Aquifer Protection District

#07-04  Fairfield Hills Sports Facility, 46 Mile Hill Road.  Aquifer Impact assessment for P & Z.  A decision will be made at the next meeting.
Other Business
o       Hunter Ridge, application for extension.  Mr. Sibley reviewed this application.  There has been a recent violation on this property, vegetation has been removed from this site along the lake.
o       Porco Construction, 5C Glen Road.  Possible extension to wetlands application #02-02.  Pending.
o       Acceptance of new applications.  No new applications.
o       Acceptance of minutes.  The minutes for August 22, 2007 will be completed by the next meeting.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.