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PRESENT:    Donna M. Culbert - Director of Health, Dr. Robert Grossman, Chairman; Board Members:  Joan Crick, Curtis Read, Bernie Meehan, Medical Advisor - Dr. Thomas Draper

II.  Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meetings – August 27, 2012; July 10, 2013

Bernie Meehan made a motion to accept the minutes from the BOH meeting on August 27, 2013 and the meeting minutes from the Board meeting held on July 10, 2013 which did not have a quorum.  Seconded by Curtis Read.  Motion approved.

III.  Reports of Officers and Director of Health

  • Update on District Activities
Ms. Culbert shared the Activity Update Summary Sheet with the BOH members and stated that in addition to the larger summer events, the NHD has inspected 44 temporary food events in the three member towns since July 2013.  Ms. Culbert noted that the number of temporary food events continues to grow.  Ms. Culbert stated that she has been in recnt discussions with residents who have inquired about pot-luck events in the District member towns.  Ms. Culbert noted that it is the District’s desire to work with residents to meet their goals but that it was the responsibility of the District to ensure safe food handling procedures are utilized and public pot-luck events are not allowed.   

  •  Tick Borne Disease Action Committee
Ms. Culbert informed the BOH members that the Newtown Board of Selectmen had authorized and appointed Judy Blanchard and herself as sub-committee chairs of the Tick Borne Disease Action Committee that Dr. Grossman formerly chaired.  Ms. Culbert explained that in this role both she and Ms. Blanchard would be charged with moving forward a tick borne disease education program aimed toward the general public.  

Ms. Culbert shared with the Board members that a recent request for proposal was circulated and that the subcommittee has received one response.  Ms. Culbert stated that that firm is Moore Advertising in Massachusetts.  Ms. Culbert further stated that both she and Ms. Blanchard are anticipating an introductory meeting with Moore Advertising to go over their scope of services.  Ms. Culbert added that it was the desire of the sub-committee to offer better messaging and education to the public regarding tick borne diseases.  

Ms. Culbert noted that the Newtown Board of Selectmen has authorized $15,000 to get this programming off the ground.  Dr. Grossman and Dr. Draper asked Ms. Culbert to let them know when that meeting will tke place as they would like to be notified and possibly attend.  

Newtown District Department of Health
Board of Health Meeting Minutes
December 30, 2013
Page 2

  •  Litchfield County Transformation Grant
Ms. Culbert explained that the NHD has been involved in the preparation and planning of the Southern Litchfield County Transformation Grant.  Ms. Culbert stated that this grant involves the towns of New Milford, Woodbury and Washington,  and our District member towns of Bridgewater and Roxbury, that are located in Southern Litchfield County.  Ms. Culbert informed the Board members that this grant is focused on working with residents who have uncontrolled hypertension.  Ms. Culbert noted that these individuals are referred from the medical community, public health nursing and the local health departments.  Ms. Culbert explained that as part of this grant, those individuals with uncontrolled hypertension will be offered self-monitoring devices such as blood pressure cuffs and notebooks and will visit their doctor and public health nursing services on a regular basis in an effort to monitor their progress.  Ms. Culbert added that part of this grant is to help patients work on their personal health issues within their own comfort zone by offering the tools and support they may need or require to help get their hypertension under control.  Dr. Grossman asked what medical services are being offered.  Ms. Culbert replied the New Milford Hospital branch of The Western Connecticut Health Network, the  New Milford Visiting  Nurse Association  and the Pomperaug Health District Nurses.  

Dr. Draper asked  how patients are  referred to the program.  Ms. Culbert answered through the Western Connecticut Health Network physicians.  Ms. Culbert noted that she and other Health Directors and medical services have been meeting frequently to set up the parameters of this program in developing the framework for this grant.  Ms. Culbert stated that it is anticipated that this grant will be up and running sometime inJanuary 2014 and that materials will be delivered at that time and distributed to participants.  

BOH members asked how the program will be measured.  Ms. Culbert  replied by the Western CT Health Network through their electronic health care records.  Data will be collected and reported as part of the grant process.  

  •  Danbury HVCEO Region
Ms. Culbert shared with the Board that the NHD is also participating  in an assessment process in the Greater Danbury area with the Regional Y, Danbury Hospital and other health districts.  Part of that work will include promoting a Know Your Numbers program regionally.  

Ms. Culbert shared with the Board that a Know Your Numbers program has been instituted at the NHD offices on a monthly basis.  Ms. Culbert explained that the Bethel Visiting Nurse Association does a monthly screening at the Municipal Center at Fairfield Hills.  Ms. Culbert stated that this service includes blood pressure screening and height and weight and BMI screenings.  Ms. Culbert noted that on occasion or when requested, cholesterol screening is also offered to municipal employees and area residents,  Ms. Culbert shared that she has also been in contact with Maureen Farrell at the Brookfield Y who has been the recipient of a grant that deals with the issue of Diabetes.    

Newtown District Department of Health
Board of Health Meeting Minutes
December 30, 2013
Page 3

Ms. Culbert noted that all of the area hospitals have been charged with doing a community health needs assessment and that programs are expected to take place in late winter and early spring 2014.

Bernie Meehan offered that he has had a great experience with the New Milford VNA.   Mr. Meehan shared some of his experiences with the BOH.

  • Mental Health
Ms. Culbert stated that the NHD continues to work with mental health and other health care providers regarding community recovery.

New Business

  • Budget
Ms. Culbert explained that while the District was preparing the proposed budget for FY 2014-2015 it was doing so in an effort to keep costs down while still offering the same level of service.  Ms. Culbert shared that the District has not really seen much of an uptick in activity.  She noted that home renovations and commercial fees have stayed the same or gone up slightly.  Ms. Culbert informed the Board that there was a slight decrease in insurances through CIRMA for liability, auto; adding that the District has not had any major claims.  

Ms. Culbert distributed the proposed budget for FY 2014-2015 to the Board members.  Ms. Culbert stated that the total expenditures for the District operation are down by $1,000.  Ms. Culbert further stated that the local per capita rate went down three cents. Ms. Culbert explained that the per capita monies are calculated based on population in each member town and the results are used to bill those member towns for services received.  (As shown on page three of the proposed budget.)

Ms. Culbert ran through some of the line items and their descriptions with regard to services provided by each town.  Ms. Culbert noted that the Payroll Expenses are pension contributions.  Operating is the equivalent of rent in each town hall.  Transportation includes the leasing of trucks from the town of Newtown.  Health insurance is the health insurance provided from the Town of Newtown.  Ms. Culbert explained that those services are subtracted from what the per capita cost is and result in the final invoice to the member towns.    

Mr. Meehan asked if the populations of Roxbury and Bridgewater had gone down.  Ms. Culbert replied yes and further stated that she used the population figures calculated and provided  by the State of CT.   Ms. Culbert added that the proposed budget will be presented to the Board of Selecmen in the District member towns for approval.

Bernie Meehan made a motion to accept the budget as presented.  Seconded by Curtis Read.  Motion approved.  

Newtown District Department of Health
Board of Health Meeting Minutes
December 30, 2013
Page 4

Executive Session

Bernie Meehan made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss the NHDEA Contract.  Seconded by Joan Crick.  

Executive Session adjourned.  


Dr. Grossman asked if there was any further business.  Hearing none, Dr. Grossman made a motion to adjourn the BOH meeting.  Curtis Read seconded.  Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by,

Maureen C. Schaedler
Administrative Assistant