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PRESENT:    Donna M. Culbert - Director of Health, Dr. Robert Grossman, Chairman; Board Members:  Herb Rosenthal. Bill Stuart, Bernie Meehan and  Dr. Draper, Medical Advisor


ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING  Bernie Meehan made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 29, 2010.  Herb Rosenthal seconded. Motion approved.


Update on District Activities

Ms. Culbert distributed the list “Update of District Activity” and indicated that this was a list of some of the activities of the District since the last meeting.  

Outdoor Wood Burning Furnaces

District staff was busy in the winter months following up on complaints regarding Outdoor Wood Burning Furnaces, which has been a difficult and challenging issue, as the furnaces really fall under the jurisdiction of the CT Department of Environmental Protection.  Part of the challenge is verifying and documenting that a neighbor is being impacted by the OWBF.  Many times the problems occur in the evening, and the Director will not be sending staff out to try to verify a problem in the dark evening hours.  The District does not have the equipment, expertise or jurisdiction to be doing this.  The state legislature as well as the local zoning board has tried to ban and/or limit the use of OWBF, but without success.  Ms. Culbert thinks there will be more complaints in the future.

Newtown Health District Audit 2010

The Health District audit was completed and the Board members received a copy of the audit and a recommendation letter from the Auditor, Nanavaty, Nanavaty and Davenport.  Mr. Rosenthal suggested that a letter be written that formally responds to the auditor’s letter, acknowledging receipt and consideration of the recommendations.  Bill Stuart made a motion to accept the audit.  Mr. Rosenthal seconded.  Motion approved.

Greenridge Water System

Ms. Culbert explained to the members that the Greenridge water system issue is still on-going and that a hearing will be held at the CT Department of Consumer Protection in July.

Newtown Health District Board of Health Meeting Minutes
June 23, 2011
Page 2

Yale Tick Study

Ms. Culbert told the members about the Yale Tick Study, in which several towns in Fairfield County (including the District’s jurisdiction of Newtown, Bridgewater and Roxbury) were enlisted to participate in a study to determine the effectiveness of single application of acaracide (a pesticide for ticks) to prevent the occurrence of tickborne disease.  The enrollment period is complete and the spraying has been underway.  Half of the enrollees will receive an acarcide treatment on their property and half will receive a water spray (a placebo).  The participants will be surveyed by Yale researchers throughout the study.  The members agreed that it is important to actively encourage research in the issue of tickborne disease, as there is still much to be learned and accomplished to protect residents.

The discussion continued about tickborne disease and the District’s efforts to promote prevention information in the community.  The District has been very actively promoting the BLAST program.

Farmers Market

The Farmer’s Market at Fairfield Hills will be starting again June 28th.  It was Ms. Culbert’s understanding that there are farmer’s markets planned in Roxbury and Bridgewater.   The specifics weren’t known yet, but discussions have been taking place.


Ms. Culbert shared with the members that the District continues to do regional planning with HVCEO public health emergency planning committee and also at the regional level, Region 5 with the Emergency Support Function (ESF) 8 Health and Medical Services.  Ms. Culbert stated that she has been the Chair of that group for the past year and her chairmanship responsibility will be up in September; the chair is a rotating position.  She expects that she will assist the new chair from time to time, as the previous chair did for her, but is looking forward to the change.

HeartSAFE Community

Ms. Culbert distributed a recent press release about Newtown’s designation as a HeartSAFE Community.  The members discussed the concept of HeartSAFE, and the requirements for defibrillators and CPR training.  Ms. Culbert did the paperwork for the Town of Newtown.  She commented that it was very informative.  Mr. Meehan spoke about the Town of Roxbury’s participation in this program.  Mr. Stuart stated that Bridgewater is also a HeartSAFE community.

Newtown Health District Board of Health Meeting Minutes
June 23, 2011
Page 3


Director of Health Appointment

Dr. Grossman addressed the Board members and reminded them that the current Director of Health’s term has expired.  Dr. Grossman nominated Donna Culbert to the position of Director of Health.   Mr. Meehan asked how the appointment worked.  Ms. Culbert explained that the position is appointed by the Board of Health and that the appointment period is three years.  Ms. Culbert noted that the last appointment for the Director of Health was in March 2008.  

Dr. Grossman made a motion to appoint Ms. Culbert to the position of Director of Health.  Mr. Stuart seconded.  Motion approved.  


Mr. Stuart read the below resolutions to the BOH members.

Be it resolved that, on June 23, 2011, pursuant to Section 19a-243 of the Connecticut General Statutes, Donna M. Culbert, MPH, PE, RS, Director of Health for the Newtown District Department of Health, is authorized to make and to approve on behalf of the District any and all contracts or amendments thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, for the Purpose of Public Health Emergency Response and Preparedness Planning.

Be it resolved that, on June 23, 2011, pursuant to Section 19a-243 of the Connecticut General Statutes, Donna M. Culbert, MPH, PE, RS, Director of Health for the Newtown District Department of Health, is authorized to make and to approve on behalf of the District any and all contracts or amendments thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, for health promotion, health education and risk reduction programs.

Dr. Grossman asked for any comments or questions regarding the Public Health Emergency Response and Preparedness Planning resolution.  Hearing none, Dr. Grossman made a motion to approve the resolution.  Bernie Meehan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion approved.  

Dr. Grossman asked for any comments or questions regarding the health promotion, health education and risk reduction programs resolution.  Hearing none, Dr. Grossman made a motion to approve the resolution.  Bernie Meehan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion approved.  

Newtown Health District Board of Health Meeting Minutes
June 23, 2011
Page 4

Mr. Meehan asked that for the record he wanted to state that the Town of Roxbury is happy with the Director, the Board of Health and the staff of the Newtown Health District.  

Executive Session

Having no further business, Dr. Grossman made a motion to adjourn the BOH meeting.  Seconded by Mr. Stuart.  Meeting adjourned.

Submitted By:

Maureen C. Schaedler
Administrative Assistant