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Board of Fire Commissioners
Regular Monthly Meeting
August 26, 2013
7:00 p.m.
Botsford Fire and Rescue

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Burton, Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick, Manna, and Nezvesky
Marshal’s present:  Frampton, and Clark

Manna called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Chairman’s Comments:  none

Approval of Minutes:
MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes of 6/24/13 be approved as presented.
Seconded:    Descheneaux
Motion passed unanimously

Correspondence from the Board:  None
7/17/13         Manna/Newtown Women’s Club      $350 contribution to five departments
7/17/13         Manna/Tait                      First Half Reimbursements
8/19/13         Manna/Tait                      $100K Surplus re-appropriation into current budget      
8/26/13         Manna/Fleet Auto                Thank you for donation of goods and services

Correspondence to the Board:  
Date:           From/To                         Subject                         _____________
August 2013     Sandy Hook Fire & Rescue/BOFC   List of Officers for 2013-2014

Public Participation:  None

Marshal’s report for the months of June and July
  • June - there were 95 calls, 467 incidents, and 355 hours.
  • July - there were 80 calls, 405 incidents, and 368 hours.
  • Health Fair Saturday, September 28th – 9 to 1:30 p.m.
Tanker Shuttle Class to be held late October or November.  Awaiting word from State Academy.

Combined Chiefs:
  • Replay on pagers can be set longer – Monitor IV – 80 seconds and Monitor V – 120 seconds.
  • Met with rep from Scotts on 5.5 Air packs.
  • Awaiting timetable on burning houses at Fairfield Hills.  They may be deemed historic.
Truck Committee:
  • Committee met on Dodgingtown’s Command Truck.  Spec was approved.   Asking for it to come in white and not red.

MOTION:  Nezvesky made a motion that Dodgingtown’s Command Truck be requested in white.
Seconded:  Goosman

Descheneaux – asked that if the color white is not available, that Dodgingtown be notified in advance before ordering in red.

MOTION AMENDED:  Nezvesky moved to accept the specification of the vehicle per the Truck Committee’s recommendation, with the exception that the vehicle be purchased in white.
Seconded:  Descheneaux
Motion passed
Yays – Cragin, Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick and Nezvesky
Nays - Manna and Burton

Descheneaux – pointed out that some traditions of the fire departments should be considered.

Manna – the BOFC is trying to standardize equipment as we are not sure how the town will move forward with the management of the volunteer fire departments.  By standardizing equipment and equipment purchases, we could potentially save the taxpayers money.

  • Hawleyville’s #336 does not start after sitting for more than 24 hours.  Gowan’s offered the lowest quote for a Kussomal auto charge 1000.  The total cost plus labor -  $1,383.70.
MOTION:  Jossick made a motion to accept $1,383.70 for the above repair and purchase.
Seconded:  Nezvesky
Motion passes unanimously

Budget Report:
  • The Budget committee would like to meet with the chiefs in the month of September.  
  • Burton will get forms out to chiefs.
Policies and Procedures - no report
Hydrants – no report
NUSAR – no report

Purchasing Report:  
  • Reviewed end of the year account balances.  
  • Had to prepay Aquarian six months in advance as they purchased United Water.
  • $15K left over in equipment repair.
  • Next week Burton and Manna are going to the Legislative Council to potentially get the final approval on the $100K re-appropriation.  Board of Finance approved it.
  • The town suggested that we contact Fred Hurley for any assistance he can provide us for any potential paving projects.
  • Cragin commented that Burton and Manna did a great job in getting the re-appropriation done without waiting for the next monthly meeting.  Committees need to work together between meetings to get things done.
New Business:
  • CIP submission to be completed.  Will be discussed further at the next regular monthly meeting.
  • Projects can be included in the plan, but we are limited to what the town allows which is $260K.
  • We have until the end of September to finalize our requests to the First Selectman.  Burton would like to meet with the Budget Committee as soon as possible.
  • Cragin met with Carole Ross to discuss this plan.
  • This is also referred to as the Incentive Plan created by the BOFC.
  • Ends at 65 years old.  
  • Firefighters are allowed 20 years.
  • There is also a death benefit.
  • The insurance company would like the BOFC to increase the age limit over 65; however, this would be cost prohibitive.
  • Cragin will report back at a regular monthly meeting.
Training Requests:
Sandy Hook – Renewal of Working Fire Training Video and Low Angle Rope Rescue training for 20 firefighters.
MOTION:  Burton moved to approve this request in the amount of $737.00
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

Hawleyville – EMT Refresher course in the amount of $250.00
MOTION:  Jossick moved to approve this request.
Seconded: Descheneaux
Motion passed unanimously

Labor Day Parade – all departments can bring as much apparatus as they’d like.  Sandy Hook and Newtown Hook and Ladder will switch spaces.  Fire departments will not partake in the First Responder’s line up.

12/14 stickers for each apparatus still outstanding.  Manna will continue to ask.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey