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01-29-13 Special Meeting
Board of Fire Commissioners
Special Meeting 1-29-13
7:00 p.m.
Newtown Hook and Ladder Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Burton Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick, Manna, and Nezvesky
Marshal’s present:  Halstead, Frampton, and Clark

Opening Comments from Chairman Manna
  • On December 14, 2012, our community experienced a tragic and devastating event.  Nearly a month and half later we still feel the impact and pain it’s had on us.  The overwhelming support shown to this community, at every level, is comforting and has helped ease the pain.  As horrific as the day unfolded one positive evolved; the geographic location of the Sandy Hook firehouse in relationship to the scene provided a safe haven to bring the survivors out of harm’s way and reunite families alike, and later transformed into a command center for the scene.  As volunteers and first responders in the fire service, we sign up to enter into emergency situations and lend a helping hand to those in need, and at times, perform heroic acts.  However, on this day there was little to do.  What I did find heroic, however, was the actions of the faculty, staff and students leading one another to safety and some sacrificing their lives for others.  Twenty-six families lost their loved ones that day and those are the ones to be remembered.  Please join me in a moment of silence acknowledging those individuals lost.
  • Manna accepted a check in the amount of $50,246.00 from Ridgefield Playhouse for future use by first responders and victim’s families for any necessary counseling.
Approval of Minutes:
MOTION:  Descheneaux moved that the minutes of 12/10/12 be approved as presented.
Seconded:    Burton

Nezvesky made a motion to amend the motion to approve the minutes of 12/10/12.  
Seconded:  Jossick
No discussion.
Motion failed.
Yay (1):  Nezvesky
Nay (5):  Burton, Jossick, Cragin, Manna, Descheneaux
Abstain (1):  Goosman

The original motion was moved to accept the minutes as presented.
Motion passes
Yay (5): Burton, Jossick, Cragin, Manna, Descheneaux
Nay (1):  Nezvesky
Abstain (1):  Goosman

MOTION:  Goosman moved that minutes of 11/26/12 be accepted as presented.
Seconded:  Cragin
Motion passes unanimously

Correspondence from the Board:  
Date:   From/To                 Subject                                 
12/10   Manna/Will              Texting be mandatory upon dispatch
12/10   Manna/Mangiafico        Speed Tables on Queen Street

(Mangiafico responded to Manna apologizing for his commission’s oversight, and will include the BOFC in future discussions.)

Correspondence to the Board:  
Date:   From/To                 Subject                                 
12/12   Will/Manna              Texting of emergency calls and the radio system 
1/7/13  Manna/Tait              Second Half Payments to Fire Departments

Public Participation:  None

Marshal’s report for the of December
  • Fire Marshal Halstead thanked everyone for all their assistance, kind thoughts and prayers during the events of the December 14th shooting.  
  • There were 87 calls, 341 incidents, and 375 hours.  $85 in fees collected.  Damage for the month was $250K.
  • Complaint submitted regarding 35 Dodgingtown Road zoning (possible 3 family)
  • Blasting complaint 46 Old Hawleyville Road
  • Children’s Adventure Center Fire Drill
  • Chalk Hill School Visits
  • Brushy Hill Road Horse Farm visit
  • Chalk Hill School Visits
FM Halstead will advise Manna of narrow banding dates when they become available.

Marshal’s report for the month of November
There were 102 calls, 465 incidents, and 431 hours.  $255 in fees collected.  Damage for the month was $475K.

Committee Reports:

Combined Chiefs Report – no report

Budget – Burton reported:
  • Board of Selectman will discuss Public Safety Budget and BOFC will await the outcome.
Truck – Jossick reported:
  • Annual DOT pump testing is continuing.  Hawleyville and Sandy Hook trucks completed.  
  • FM Truck fit-up has been awarded to Fleet Auto Supply of West Haven, CT.  The truck has been delivered and we are waiting for specifications on storage and lettering.  The vehicle should be delivered sometime in February.  The old FM vehicle will be given to Hawleyville and will be assigned the number 336.
  • Truck #114 had all-wheel steering service completed as well as ladder testing.  It is also due for an additional 5 year testing.
  • Summary of completed work from Gowans available upon request.
  • Any truck, town or company-owned, that fails DOT will remain out of service until repairs are completed.
  • Jossick sent email to all chiefs and chief engineers in regards to town-owned apparatus.
  • Five year testing will be done in the spring.
  • Rental coverage (if #114 goes out of service) will be placed on the next agenda.
Policies and Procedures no report
  • Goosman commended Sandy Hook, Newtown Hook and Ladder and all the other fire departments for their professionalism during the events of December.
  • Burton asked to discuss the Tax Abatement – should this be tiered as it relates to call volume?  Cragin stated that this is a Legislative Council ordinance and we could make recommendations to them.  Member Will Rogers could offer clarification if needed.  Manna asked Goosman and the Policies and Procedure Committee to investigate and report back at a later date.
Radio and Hydrant – Nezvesky no report

Purchasing Agent – Burton reported:
  • Analysis on the FFRIP first two quarters as follows (Budget for 2012-2013 is $110K):
  • 1st quarter dispensed $22K (7/12 to 9/12) (low volume)
  • 2nd quarter dispensed $41K (10/12  to 12/12) (high volume)
  • $1K in administrative costs
  • $45,605K left for the next two quarters.
  • Nezvesky asked that this be reported on quarterly.
  • Majority of the Capital items have been ordered.
  • Still waiting for date of narrow banding.  $600 cost to purchase equipment if we want to do the work.  Not recommended per Burton.
NUSAR – McCarthy reported:
  • Reported on memorial dive done in Dutch Springs, Pennsylvania.  Teddy Bears donated.
Old Business:

Standardizing Purchases:
Burton stated that the town is asking the BOFC to standardize our purchases.  Burton is asking for assistance from the chiefs.  Waiting for detailed information from the Board of Selectman that will be submitted to the in BOFC in writing. The Combined Chiefs were asked to suggest what items could be standardized and the specifications.

New Business:

Combined Fire Company Event:
Descheneaux would like to have a combined event for all the fire departments as a way for the public to see and learn about the fire departments (PR awareness), as well as foster camaraderie between the departments.  The police department would be invited to participate.

Descheneaux will look into it further and come back with ideas.  Manna will then determine if a committee should be formed.  

Training Requests:

MOTION:  Goosman moved to accept Newtown Hook and Ladder’s request in the amount of $5971.22 (3 student’s crash course extrication training, flight and car rental for training in Ohio, hotel, FDIC registration and hotel and flight for FDIC training).
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Goosman moved to accept food reimbursement for Newtown Hook and Ladder in the amount of $128.33.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

Nezvesky asked that the food reimbursement policy be looked at again.  Manna will put on a future agenda.

MOTION:  Nezvesky moved to accept Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request in the amount of $1518.18 (for FDIC airfare for 5 members to FDIC in Indianapolis).
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Nezvesky moved to accept Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request in the amount of $350 (for Danbury Burn Building rental fee).
Seconded:  Descheneaux
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Nezvesky moved to accept Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request in the amount of $319.97 (for Traditions Training, LLC Combat Ready in Fort Washington, PA - 7 members @ $25 each, plus rental van).
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey
Board of Fire Commissioners