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12-10-12 Special Meeting
Board of Fire Commissioners
Special Meeting
December 10, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Newtown Hook and Ladder Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Burton, Descheneaux, Jossick, Manna, and Nezvesky
Absent:  Goosman
Marshal’s present:  Halstead and Clark

Manna called the Special meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting is to review, discuss and act upon the 2013-2014 Board of Fire Commissioners budget.

Comments from M. Burton, Chairman of the Budget Committee:
  • Budget Committee Goals:
  • Present a zero increase budget to the town
  • Support a command car for Dodgingtown
  • Create a budget that will work with a command car request for Hawleyville in 2014-2015
  • Examples of some cuts made to present a zero increase:
  • Voluntary reduction in the Fire Marshal’s training account.
  • Dodgingtown Volunteer Fire Department waiving $12,500 in insurance reimbursement in favor of a command car.
  • The Response Improvement Program being reduced in the paid driver line item by a total of $7,800.  It is envisioned that the two departments involved will share that reduction, and the two chiefs will work to administer the reduction.
MOTION:  Cragin moved to reduce the Insurance line item by a $1,000 and increase the Marshal’s Fees line item by $1,000.
Seconded:  Burton
Yays:  Burton, Manna, Cragin, Jossick and Descheneaux
Nays:  Nezvesky
Motion Passed

MOTION:  Burton moved to accept the Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners 2013-2014 budget as amended in the above motion in the amount of $1,215,037.00.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

Descheneaux thanked all departments for cutting back on their line items allowing Dodgingtown to purchase a command vehicle.
Jossick will report back at next month’s meeting regarding the new Fire Marshal’s truck up-fit.
The regular monthly meeting of December 17, 2012, has been cancelled.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey
Board of Fire Commissioners