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Board of Fire Commissioners
Regular Monthly Meeting
November 26, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Newtown Hook and Ladder Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Burton Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick, Manna, and Nezvesky
Marshal’s present:  Halstead, Frampton, Ober and Clark

Opening Comments from Chairman
Manna outlined his vision for the BOFC.  
  • Added a Combined Chiefs report to monthly agenda.  This will create an opportunity to have dialogue between the Board and chiefs at each meeting.
  • Will implement standardization of all fire departments and procedures, including, but not limited to purchasing equipment, gear, specs for engines and tankers, etc.  
  • Will ask the Budget Committee to formulate a 5-year plan within the operating budget that annually will benefit a department with a capital purchase, i.e., vehicle acquisition, parking lot renovations, roofs, generators, etc.  A different company would benefit yearly on a rotating basis.
  • Discussed fairness between all five fire departments. Outlined benefits that each department receives from the town regardless of department size, district area, quantity of trucks or members. Outlined needs that may be unique to any individual department due to department size, district area, quantity of trucks, members or call volume. Explained that these types of resources are accountable and fairly distributed in a fiscally responsible manner.
  • Encourages all departments to work with the board and not against it.
  • Manna will not tolerate any “arm wrestling” between fire departments and Board.
Approval of Minutes:
MOTION:  Burton moved that minutes of 10/15/12 be approved as corrected.
Seconded:    Jossick
  • Commissioner Nezvesky stated that Botsford did not decline assisting Fraser Woods.  The Chief of Botsford made a deal with Hawleyville to cover Fraser Woods as they did not have enough members and that Botsford would send an instructor to Hawleyville to teach at a drill.  
  • Attendance corrections for 10/15 meeting:  Absent:  Jossick, Clark and Ober.
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Burton moved that minutes of 10/22/12 be approved as presented.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

Correspondence to the Board:  
Date:   From/To                         Subject                                 
10/12   Public Safety/Chairman of BOFC  Public Safety Meeting Attendance of 12/4
                                        2013 dates

Correspondence from the Board:  
Date:                   From/To         Subject                                 
10/25                   Cragin/Aurelia  Board of Fire Commissioners Terms

Public Participation:  None

Marshal’s report for the month of October:
There were 285 calls, 622 incidents, and 459 hours.
  • Mt. Pleasant blasting oversight due to complaints
  • St. Rose Site Inspection
  • Tanker truck inspection
  • Toll Brothers – pressure test
  • Hose testing
  • Pre and Post Storm meeting
  • Children’s Adventure Center
  • Fire Drill NHS
  • Pub 25 – occupancy visit
  • Newtown General Store Hood system inspection
  • Poster contest
Halstead wanted to clarify the situation between Botsford Fire and Rescue and Fraser Woods stating that for several years Botsford’s Chief Ciaccia informed the Fire Marshal that he refused to work with Fraser Woods (including this year) due to a to lack of donations to the fire department.  The Botsford Chief told this information directly to the Fire Marshal.  Therefore, Mike Zilinek handled fire prevention for the Fraser Woods School.  

Halstead spoke with the water company project manager regarding water lines on Route 25.  Five new hydrants from Cold Spring road to the town line will be installed.  One will be placed a Botsford Fire Station.

Halstead met with North Eastern to set program for narrow banding.  The chiefs advised the Fire Marshal of their frequency preferences.   There is a possibility of losing some radios in the vehicles.  All portables in town will be set to the same frequencies (at one location).

Committee Reports:

Combined Chiefs Report – no report

Budget – Burton reported:
  • Met with 4 out of the 5 chiefs and FM to discuss proposed budgets.
  • Cannot recommend budget this evening.
  • Will not make November 30th deadline.  Will require a Special Meeting.
  • The Committee supports command vehicle for Dodgingtown without raising budget.  This would require cuts from all departments to assist Dodgingtown in getting their vehicle.
  • Some personnel line items were increased that could not be controlled.
  • $1,215,000 was last year’s budget which the Board is required to remain flat.  Will need to cut $30-$40K.
  • Special Meeting – Monday, December 10th – Newtown Hook and Ladder – 7 p.m. to accept budget.

Truck – Jossick reported:
  • Gowans will begin pump testing on Hawleyville trucks.
  • #114 due for ladder testing
  • FM vehicle is in and will be inspected Thursday evening.
  • Three bids received for the up-fit and will be reviewed.
  • Looking to replace #443.  Currently, #449 is at substation and #442 will be at the substation within the month.
  • We should look at rental coverage for #114 and if insurance is currently not available, how much would the cost be?  Jossick will investigate with Newtown Finance department.
Policies and Procedures
  • Jossick received protocols from Corporate Health for NUSAR for their review.  McCarthy stated they are no longer using CH for their physicals.
  • Is there a booklet with all the current policies and procedures?  Cragin will give a copy to Descheneaux.
  • Any commissioner that needs to be sworn in should stop at the Town Clerk’s office.
Radio and Hydrant – Nezvesky reported:  
  • Nezvesky questioned how the hydrants are handled as he has not been informed of the latest hydrants being installed in Botsford.  FM Halstead stated he did tell Chief Ciaccia who should have relayed the information.  The Fire Marshal always contacts district chiefs when hydrants will be going in their respective districts.  All chiefs should advise their commissioners.  Currently, there are five hydrants being installed in that area.
Purchasing Agent – Burton reported:
  • Appreciates the assistance received from the Fire Marshal and his office regarding fire hydrants and would it to remain that way.
  • Hose testing completed at end of October.  Will send failed hose reports to respective departments.
  • RIP – funding will be depleted before the end of the year due to the recent storm.  Discuss further at January meeting.
  • New heating oil supplier this year is East River who so far has been woefully inadequate.  Board needs to write a letter to them regarding our dissatisfaction and how improvements need to be made to our service.  Chiefs need to keep a close watch on their tanks.
  • East River stated that per law, you cannot run a generator off an oil tank.  Burton will investigate and note this in the letter.
NUSAR – McCarthy reported:
  • NUSAR has discontinued using Corporate Health Care due to all the issues with how they run their business.
New Business:

Queen Street Speed Bumps
  • Currently, we are looking at the issue of seven speed bumps on Queen Street.  This could potentially prohibit the fire departments from using this street and potential damage to fire apparatus.  As well, reduce response time on calls.
  • Goosman suggests writing a letter to the Police Commission expressing our concerns.
Communications Center use of Texting
  • Cell towers being down during storms needs to be addressed.  Discussed the point-to-point opportunity.
  • Communications Center is looking into upgrading the Radio System within the next 5 to 7 years.
  • Manna will write a letter to Will as to when texting will take place and what their policy is.  Radio Committee offered to assist in resolving this situation.
Training Requests:

MOTION:  Jossick moved to accept Newtown Hook and Ladder’s request in the amount of $530 for MRT and CPR recertification.
Seconded:  Burton
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Nezvesky moved to accept Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request in the amount of $350 for Danbury burn building rental.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Burton moved to accept Sandy Hook’s request in the amount of $967.12 for Smoke Reading training, food for training, Eng. Company Emergencies, and Strategies and Tactics; FT1.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Jossick moved to accept Hawleyville’s request in the amount of $500 for FF1 with HazMat training.
Seconded:  Nezvesky
Motion passed unanimously

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey
Board of Fire Commissioners