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Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
Botsford Fire and Rescue
Called to order 7:03 p.m.

Commissioners present:  Burton, Cragin, Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick, and Nezvesky

Fire Marshal’s Present:  Halstead, Frampton, Ober and Clark.

MOTION:   Goosman  moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of 4/23/12 as corrected.  (see attached minutes with highlighted corrections.)
Second:  Jossick
Motion Passed

Correspondence to the BOFC:
Date            To/From                 Subject____________________________________

Correspondence from the BOFC:
Date            To/From                 Subject____________________________________
5-16-12         K. Halstead/Cragin              SHVFR 75h Anniversary Information

Public Participation
Rob McCulloch Comments:  
  • BOFC Truck Committee did a good job on the FM vehicle specifications.
  • Botsford situation with the chief was not handled properly.
  • In the future it should be in a professional manner.
Fire Marshal’s Report

  • Halstead reported for the month  there were 105 calls, 475 incidents and 495 hours worked.
  • Fees collected for the month $75.00.
  • Halstead:
  • Attended meeting regarding mulch pile fire
  • After action meetings related to storms
  • Carnival inspection
  • Borough site review
  • Frampton:
  • Fire Drill Children’s Adventure Center
  • Alarm Problem at 23 Commerce Road
  • Ober:
  • Assist FM2 building inspection 139 Toddy Hill Road
  • Assist FM2 building inspection 21 Ethan Allen Road
Halstead commented that he and Frampton are currently handling the Fire Marshal duties and are not using the DFM because of lack of money in the FM Fees account.

Standing Committees

Budget (Burton):  Referendum of the budget was not passed.  In a “waiting” stage.  Accounts in the red are FM Fees; Secretarial Fees; Hose and Truck Maintenance.  Not any real fluff.  Waiting on the First Selectman in regards to command vehicles.

Truck (Manna):  
  • 229 needs repair to rear tank
  • 221 electronic issue seems to be resolved now
  • 331 repairs were made to on board compressor/needs brake work
  • 449 repairs were made to ABS system and Telmar retarder
  • Truck Committee met on May 8th to discuss specifications for the new FM vehicle and met with the FM on May 25th to discuss the final spec.  Thanks to FM1 and Tim Whelan for their input.  Spec to be forwarded to Fred Hurley for bidding.
  • Truck Committee met with Pat Llodra on April 30th and presented our concept for the purchase of command vehicles for Dodgingtown and Hawleyville.  She was receptive to the concept, however, would not commit to a decision until the budget was passed due to the uncertainty of future cuts.
MOTION:  Manna moved to accept the Truck Committee’s specifications for the new FM vehicle and to forward the specifications to Fred Hurley.
Second:  Burton
Motion passed
Ayes – Burton, Cragin, Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick, and Nezvesky
No- Nezvesky
Motion passed

Radio (No report)

Policies and Procedures (Jossick):  Town Clerk Aurelia wants meeting minutes submitted within two days after the meeting date.

Hydrant – Nezvesky reported that a Hawleyville dry hydrant on Gilmore Drive needs repair.  Dave Charney will be contacted.  Chairman Cragin requested all department chiefs to forward up-to-date lists of their district’s dry hydrants that are in need of repair.  List to be completed before the next regular meeting.

Purchasing Agent:   Burton stated he is waiting for gear measurements to be completed.  All other capital item P.O.’s have been sent out.  A demo will be set up to compare the differences.    

Cragin pointed out that the following Fire Commissioner’s terms will expire in October 2012:  Burton, Goosman and Jossick.

Old Business
NH&L Update:  Manna reported that NH&L is in agreement with David Amaral to purchase property (1.41 acres) on Main Street for $400K.  This site is a better location than Sugar Street.

Burton commented that the NH&L Building Project included in the CIP is through the BOFC.  He read in The Bee that the First Selectman indicated that an additional $500K could be added to the project.  The money should be requested by the BOFC and not NH&L.

New Business
  • Training Requests
MOTION:  Burton moved to approve Sandy Hook’s request in the amount of $777.48.
  • Tanker Shuttle Operator; hotel room Ohio; additional expenses due to storm delays.
Second:  Goosman
Motion Passed

MOTION:  Manna moved to approve Hawleyville’s request in the amount of $1,128.40.
  • Fire Officer Weekend and Rental Fee Danbury Burn Building
Second:  Goosman
Motion Passed

MOTION:  Jossick moved to approve NH&L’s request in the amount of $2,007.53.
  • Food reimbursement; Flashover simulator training (12 ppl); Extrication Training (5 ppl)
Second:  Goosman
Motion Passed

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey