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Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
Dodgingtown Fire Department
Called to order 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners present:  Burton, Cragin, Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick, Manna, and Nezvesky

Fire Marshal’s Present:  Halstead, Frampton, Ober and Clark.

MOTION:   Descheneaux moved to approve the minutes of 1/23/12 as presented.
Seconded:  Nezvesky
Motion Passed

Correspondence to the BOFC:
Date            To/From                 Subject____________________________________
1/26/12 Farrell-White/Lodra             Thank you letter to chiefs for them attending BOS
cc:  Cragin                     meeting

Correspondence from the BOFC:  - none

Public Participation - none

Fire Marshal’s Report

  • Halstead reported for the month of November there were 183 calls, 485 incidents 433 hours worked.
  • Fees collected for the month were $270.00.  Total loss for the month was $265,219.
  • Fire Extinguisher Training – Nunnawauk Meadows (Frampton)
  • Dam Safety Meeting (Halstead)
  • Storm Meetings – EOC (Halstead)
  • Halstead reported for the month of January there were 88 calls, 474 incidents 379 hours worked.
  • Fees collected for the month were $180.00 for permits.  Total loss for the month was $74,200.00
  • Complaint of outside wood furnace at #334 S. Main Street.  (Halstead)
  • Children’s Adventure Center Fire Drill (Frampton)
  • Illegal burn 40 High Rock Road (Frampton)
  • Ober restaurant inspection with FM2
  • Ryan Clark passed first exam.
  • Combined Dispatch follow-up currently in the hands of the CEO’s.  Danbury has some glitches.  Nothing going on right now.
  • Rob Manna to be sure that all trucks that are taken out notify dispatch.  All calls need to be called in via the radio.
Standing Committees

Budget (Burton):  The proposed budget was reduced by $95K.  FM and Command vehicles removed from budget.  Ipads were also removed.  Insurance will be put back in for Dodgingtown and Hawleyville if the trucks are not purchased.  FM vehicle getting replaced from a new vehicle replacement fund outside of our budget.

Burton received a request from Pat Llodra to answer some questions pertaining to the BOFC budget.  Cragin and Burton to submit information.  Needs info for Board of Finance meeting on Thursday, March 1st.  These questions are response to the Board of Finance questions to the First Selectman.

Truck (Manna):
  • Progressing on DOT’s and pump test.  H&L and SH last and in progress.
  • Repaired pump on Tanker #9; replaced front brakes and new tires were installed.
  • E-111 repaired plumbing for tank to pump valve.
  • E-551 repaired light tower and small list of miscellaneous items.  Awaiting parts for a permanent fix on light tower.
  • E-331 installation of new hose cover complete.
  • Awaiting hose to be repaired and returned for E-331 from vendor.
  • Burton to comment on 339 contingency fund from tank replacement.
Radio:  Manna has been hearing recently on the radio different codes.  Botsford has decided to use special codes for dispatching.   

Policies and Procedures:  Cragin has attended all meetings on the tax abatement program.  Cragin spoke with Chairman of Legislative Ordinance Committee who will send him a copy of the final draft – nothing has happened since last quarter of 2011.

Hydrant:  United Water bought out by Aquarion.

Purchasing:  Bids are due March 12th.  No word on hose transfer request.  No word for additional funding for the RIP.  

Report next month on FF Response Improvement Plan from Manna.

New Business

Cragin comments:   Times are changing in regards to the BOFC.  As Chairman of the longest member of the Board, I am in a position to inform you that this Board has lost a lot of credibility with Town officials.  The current environment is not a good one.  Over the last couple of years there has been actions and situations that all of you may not be aware of.
  • Individual fire personnel are going behind the BOFC and meeting with the Board of Finance and successfully getting items in the BOFC budget reduced or cut.
  • An individual fire chief is going behind the BOFC directly to the Finance department and changing a BOFC recommendation for a bid award.
  • Individual fire personnel are going directly to the First Selectman and working against the BOFC accusing the Fire Commission of wrong doing.
  • Individual fire personnel going directly to Town officials and accusing other fire departments of wrong doing.
  • Individual fire personnel meeting with the First Selectman to provide documentation accusing a fire chief of wrong doing and requesting the chief be removed.
  • Fire chief avoiding the BOFC and Board’s authority.
  • Fire personnel bypassing the Purchasing Agent.
  • Fire personnel bypassing the BOFC leadership.
  • An overall level of dishonesty and distrust.
Because of the increasing level of fire personnel going directly to Town officials for private, non-public meetings with their own personal goals, the BOFC is currently being examined in the following areas:

  • Town officials are getting involved in areas of the fire service that are the responsibility of the BOFC.
  • Examination of fire personnel and non-fire personnel.
  • Siren use in the future.
  • Investigation into the FDRP.
  • Examination into the BOFC town money used for individual firehouses.
  • Review of all fire trucks per department – both town and department owned.
  • Meetings and communications on the NHL building that did not include all involved parties and the BOFC.
  • Examination of the BOFC policies and procedures.
  • Town officials involvement with BOFC issues without the BOFC’s knowledge.
Changes for the BOFC will be in our future.

This situation is the result of a few, but has a huge impact on all of you now and in the future.  This situation could have an effect on current Fire Commissioners not willing to continue on the Board or future fire personnel not willing to run for Fire Commissioner.

As Chairman, I feel it is my responsibility to bring this situation to your attention.

Training Requests

MOTION:  Manna moved to approve the following training requests:
Hawleyville’s in the amount of $450 for EMT class.
Dodgingtownin the amount of $695 for EMT class; Drive to Strive Training (Bolmer, Ruffles and Blanchard); and Incident Safety Officer Training (Blanchard)
NH&L in the amount of $288.37 for SCOTT SCBA Repair Class (3 students); food for in town training with all companies and food for in town training with all companies.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey