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Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
Newtown Hook and Ladder
Called to order 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners present:  Burton, Cragin, Descheneaux, Jossick, Manna, and Nezvesky

Absent:   Goosman

Fire Marshal’s Present:  Halstead, Frampton, Ketchum, Ober and Clark.


MOTION:  Jossick moved to approve the minutes of 11/28/11 as corrected.
Seconded:  Descheneaux
Motion Passed

Clarification:  Under Old Business:  Dodgingtown and Hawleyville were made aware that they risked losing their insurance reimbursement and capital if the command vehicles were removed from the budget.

Correspondence to the BOFC:
Date            To/From                 Subject____________________________________
1/13/12 State of CT                     Ryan Clark-Precertification – Fire Inspector Module
                Dept. of Construction Services

Correspondence from the BOFC:
1/5/12          Tait/Cragin                     Second Half Payments

Please note the following:
  • The BOFC conducts business at the Regular Monthly meetings – posted – and open to the public.
  • BOFC does not conduct business through email and texting outside of the public view.
  • BOFC will send agendas, minutes and announcements to Fire Commissioners, Fire Chiefs and Fire Marshals to either personal email address or home address.
  • A 24 hour Special Meeting will address emergency situations.
  • Personal email addresses fall under FOI and all your personal emails could be exposed to the public and or the requester.
Public Participation

Fire Marshal’s Report

  • Halstead reported for the month of December there were 88 calls, 421 incidents 423 hours worked.
  • Fees collected for the month of December $100.00.  Total loss $14K.
  • Halstead met with the State regarding Broad band Fiber Fire Station.
  • Halstead met with 8th grade students regarding a Christopher Columbus Challenge.
Town to approve dry hydrants one on each lane on 84.  Contacted state to have dry hydrants on each bridge.  The town would need to maintain the hydrants and testing would be done each year.
Poster contest requesting money – winner to receive a $100 savings bond.
Code Red System – check fire detectors, batteries, for the town.  If people cannot afford detector to call district fire department to obtain one.  Seeking money to purchase detectors for the public in need.  Halstead has emails out to various agencies.
May 5/6 Sandy Hook will host a state run tanker shuttle program.  All invited.

MOTION:   Burton makes a motion to approve the $100 bond for the fire prevention poster contest.  SECONDED:  Jossick

Standing Committees

Budget (Burton):
  • 2012/2013 – on selectman’s agenda.  Cragin/Burton to attend Selectmen’s meeting of 1/23.  The First Selectman is recommending that $100K be cut from the budget from utilities and radio account, and three vehicles that were supported in the budget.
Nezvesky would like to note in the minutes that he believes he was not invited to the second budget meeting even though he is on the committee.

Truck (Manna):
  • Hawleyville #331 was involved in an incident on I84 where 2000’ of 5” hose blew off the top of rig and damaged four other vehicles while being driven by the Gowans Knight Co., on its way to their facility for its annual pump test and DOT.  Hose is being tested and the town insurance company is handling claim.  #339 tank replacement was completed and accepted.  #339 was towed to the town garage for a fuel line issue and repaired by HD.
  • Jossick would like to see how much money was spent and is left over on the previous request for repairs to #339.  Manna will report back on the next regular monthly meeting and the next steps for the truck.
  • Farrell stated that the truck should not have been driven in the high speed lane.
  • Dodgingtown #221 damaged windshield was repaired.  Working with their chief engineer on a few minor items that need to be repaired including a new hose bed cover that was damaged.
  • Botsford #551 was damaged at a call in Botsford.  On inspection with Chief engineer, it was determined that those items could be repaired in house.  Warning lights, exhaust and a diamond plate step where among the items damaged.
  • Sandy Hook #442 had repair made to light tower.  OIC truck new tires.  Ordered tires for Tanker 9.
  • FM 1 vehicle had tires and brakes installed, new seat and will need some other maintenance type items in the near future.
  • Transmission services complete other than #332 which is having work done at Gowans and Knight.
  • Pump Test and DOT’s are progressing.  Dodgingtown and Hawleyville are complete; halfway through Botsford.  So far only #331 had a number of items to be repaired.

Radio (No report)
Policies and Procedures (no report)
Hydrant:  six new hydrants in Sandy Hook.

NH&L Building – met to discuss the possibility of relocating the firehouse to the lower lot.  The Board of Selectmen was asked for this permission to do so before moving ahead with second drawing concepts.

FDRIP Committee:  Cragin thought the committee might want to be reconvened and discuss the last two storms and how the funds were depleted and asked how the program will be run.  Cragin asked that Manna let him know if and when the committee will meet and determine who the members are.  Need a Dodgingtown representative.  Cragin will appoint a new member for NH&L.

The Budget Committee is asking the BOFC for more money for the FDRIP account in the amount of $50K to be obtained from other accounts.
  • Drivers should be notified when there is the risk of not getting paid due to lack of funds.
  • Jossick is asking that the funds be requested from the Selectman’s Budget.
MOTION:  Burton made a motion to ask the Board of Selectman for $45K to continue the FDRIP program.
SECONDED:  Jossick
Nays:  Descheneaux and Cragin

Once the money is received Cragin asked that Burton tell the two departments that the account is funded once again instead of waiting until the February meeting of 2/27/12.

Burton informed the BOFC that he has requested $16K from the Selectman’s office for hose purchase, and it should be granted.

Drivers should be paid up to the 23rd and that they are working at their own risk of non-payment as of 1/24/12.

New Business
  • New Fire Lanes:   228 South Main Street, Newtown High School and Newtown Youth Academy.  The Police can issue tickets once the signage and lanes are marked properly.  The BOFC needs to complete this.  Halstead hopes next month Queen Street and the rest of the schools will be completed.
MOTION:   Burton makes a motion to approve the fire lane ordinances as requested by Fire Marshal Halstead:   4 Primrose, 12 Berkshire and 228 South Main.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion Passes Unanimously

Training Requests

MOTION:  Manna moved to approve Newtown Hook and Ladder’s training request in the amount of $602.45 for live Burn at Danbury Fire School on 11/6/11; supplies for live burn from drywall supply and Newtown Hardware; food for in town training on 1/8/12.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Nezvesky moved to approve Botsford Fire and Rescue’s training request in the amount of $7,073.04 for:
  • Fire Dept. instructors Conference with airfare and hotel accommodations (Swenson, Ciaccia, Dugan, and  Powers)($4,949.92)
  • Danbury Fire Dept. training building ($350.00)
  • Drive to Survive Class ($270.00)
  • EMR Recertification for membership ($1,075.00)
  • Northeastern Fire Summit and Hotel ($428.12)
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

Invoice required for EMR Recertification.  Nezvesky will obtain copy.

Please try and get bills tax exempt when purchases are made.

Nezvesky requested a list of supplies once a quarter from the Purchasing Agent; possibly at BOFC regular monthly meetings.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey