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Regular Monthly Meeting
Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
June 27, 2011
Hawleyville Fire Department
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:   Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman, and McCulloch.

Absent:  Jossick and Wlasuk

Marshal’s Present:  Halstead, Frampton and Zilinek


MOTION:  Goosman made a motion to approve the minutes of May 23rd as presented.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
6/7/11          Emergency Comm. Center  /       Newtown Hook & Ladder 2011-2012 Officers
6/24/11         Cragin/Hurley                   Botsford Fire Department Fuel Usage

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
5/17/11         Newtown Lions Club              Thank you for donation to fire departments.

Fire Marshals Report:

Halstead reported:
  • For the month of there were 79 calls, 492 incidents and 403 hours worked.   $105 in fees collected.
  • Total damage was $7,100 for the month.   High Rock Road possible structure fire.  Hawleyville Toyota Camry burn on I-84.
  • Edona Commons meeting on Church Hill Road.  Halstead working with the developer on changes if sprinklers are installed in the building.
  • Old Farm Hill Animal Shelter – site inspection.
  • Reviewing iPAD use with inspections.
  • Complaint on blockage of suppression tank.
  • Complaint at Toro Shopping Center.
  • Kevin to send thank you letter to Lion’s Club who replaced Halstead’s Fit-5.
  • Boggs Hill Road bridge pushed back to 10 weeks.
  • MCI Drill – will take place Oct 1st at Fairfield Hills.  Halstead will provide more information once received.
  • Lois Barber – in charge of the Military Museum is bringing in a piece of medal from Ground Zero.  Fire departments are invited to attend at 125 Park Avenue in Danbury at 2 p.m. tomorrow.
  • Matt, Timmy and Joe Hennigan trained and certified in Maintenance, Inspection and Testing of Fire Apparatus.
Standing Committees:

Budget – The low bid for Hawleyville Tank replacement came back to finance.  Committee met to review bid and talk with Chief Farrell.

MOTION:  McCulloch made a motion to approve that Gowans and Knight be awarded the bid in the amount of $35,401, plus $2,000 for a repair back up camera.  
Seconded:  Goosman
Amendment:  Include $5K in the bid for any unforeseen items that need repair once the truck is taken apart.
Motion passed.

Truck – McCulloch reported:

  • No serious issues this month with town trucks.  There is one continual issue with #221 regarding its drafting.  I would like to go on record that #221 has had issues with drafting in the past since its acceptance by the town.  The Truck Committee has been fully aware of this issue and has been working with Dodgingtown and Firematic to get this resolved.  #221 has been to Firematic once already about this issue and was taken out of service today, June 27, 2011 to go back to Firematic for hopeful resolution of this problem.    
  • The old truck in Arkansas was viewed on the evening news.  Town very proud of the truck.
  • Met with Fred Hurley to discuss the questions and concerns about fuel usage.  Fred wrote a letter to the board listed in above correspondence.
Radio – no report
Policy and Procedures:

  • Goodwill calls should have a run number assigned to them in order to have Federal death benefit coverage in case of death in the line of duty.
Hydrant –
  • Report from NUSAR submitted for work done over the last two months.
  • 33 of 40 hydrants inspected.  Chiefs have reports.  Old Hawleyville hydrant no longer working well.
  • Can a community service project be implemented for painting hydrants?   Paint can be purchased.  Will send participant to Fire Marshal Halstead for direction.
Purchasing Agent:  no report.

Old Business:    None

New Business:

  • Regional Dispatch – there is a transition team in place (appointed by Danbury, Bethel and Newtown officials) who have met since January to determine the pros and cons of a regional dispatch center.  The CEO’s have been given the financials.  120 Main Street in Danbury will be the physical location.  Communications would be located on the 2nd floor (PSAP).  The Selectmen and Mayors will pull in the emergency services and listen to any concerns.  2012 would begin the new date.  Cragin asked that the Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners be kept in the loop as a professional courtesy to hear of this type of information before it gets to the press.  
  • Our dispatchers would have the opportunity to apply to work at this location.  Communications will effectively close.  Police, Fire and EMS will all be dispatched out of this new location.
  • Training requests:
MOTION:  McCulloch made a motion to approve Hawleyville’s training request in the amount $1,404.32 for Critique Drill Food and Refreshments, and Hurst Tool Operator Class.
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION:   Dugan made a motion to approve Botsford’s training request for Rental fee Danbury Burn Building fee in the amount of $350, and RIT/FAST Class for 9 members in the amount of $1080.00.
Seconded:  Gossman

MOTION:  Burton made a motion to approve Sandy Hook training request in the amount $2,728.01 for 2 hotel rooms for Florida class; rental car gas, baggage charge and RIT class for 15 firefighters.

MOTION: Dugan made a motion to approve Dodgingtown’s training request in the amount of $5,370 for RIT/FAST Operations Class; firefighter  1 and 2 (Roxbury) and Firefighter 1 & !! Woodbury.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

MOTION:  McCulloch made a motion to approve NH&L’s training request in the amount $3K for Thermal Imaging Camera Training.
SECONDED:  Goosman

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey
Secretary BOFC