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Regular Monthly Meeting
Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
October 18, 2010
Newtown Hook & Ladder
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman, Jossick, McCulloch and Wlasuk

Marshal’s Present:  Frampton, Halstead and Ober

MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes of the Monthly Meeting of September 27, 2010, be accepted as corrected.

Page 2 – changed over to a “new radio system” – not digital.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Burton stated that Sandy Hook will be hosting a tanker shuttle on October 24 at 9 a.m. and would like to have the three departments that have town tankers bring their tankers and NH&L bring their two engines.

Public Participation - None

Fire Marshals Report:

  • For the month of September there were 101 calls, 389 incidents and 412 hours worked.   $600 in for permits.
  • Total damage $8K for the month.
  • NH&L site review.
  • Four trips to the old Trudeau property pertaining to hazmat issues.
  • Discussed dinner menu for Annual Dinner Meeting.
Standing Committees:

  • Under the CIP plan –  when speaking publicly about the new firehouse continue to be positive.  
  • 2011-2012 budget – Due to time constraints, Burton offered to meet with any chief that would like to have a meeting  with the budget committee.  
  • Budget needs to be in before Thanksgiving.  Will need to have a special meeting in November for the budget.  
  • Would like to hold to last year’s number honoring the First Selectman’s request.  A couple line items need to be increased:  hydrant b $10K due to rate increase in addition to 8 to 10 new hydrants.  Pension and Response Improvement line item $45K increase to keep in line with last year.  Increase in truck and hose account as well.  Would like to honor some increases in training for departments.
Truck – McCulloch reported that 551 had an issue with the light tower and it was fixed.  Gowan’s asked for a list of firehouse contacts.  The information provided is as follows:
Rob Manna and Rob McCulloch – NH&L
Steve Murphy – Dodgingtown
Don Hutchins – Hawleyville
Mike Burton and Matt Dobson– Sandy Hook
Kurt Brackett - Botsford

Gowan’s asked the departments to list issues with their trucks while they are getting inspected and tested.  This would be appreciated.

Radio – no report

Policy and Procedures – Dugan would like to submit money for the TB testing.   

Hydrant – no report

Purchasing Agent:  Burton stated that hose testing is on the 4th, 5th and 8th of November.  Chiefs need to give Halstead a contact name to be sure that the hose testing is kept timely.  On #221 Burton received a large bill for the radio install close to $4K; he will look into the reason for this.

Old Business:   
  • Driver License Policy – Dugan asked if we could have a copy of the drivers’ licenses on file.   Rob would like to address an accident policy for the future.  Cragin asked McCullough and Jeff Dugan to discuss a seatbelt policy with the truck committee.
MOTION:  Dugan makes a motion that we accept the policy as written (version 3 – see attached).
SECONDED:  McCulloch

  • NH&L Firehouse Update – Rob Manna stated that we are gaining some headway.  The Wetlands Committee is requesting information.  Applied to Borough Zoning on October 19.  Town Planning and Zoning gave their unanimous support.  Back to meet with Wetlands on October 27th.  
New Business:

  • Training Funds:  
MOTION:  Burton makes a motion to accept Sandy Hook training request in the amount of $350 for rental of Burn Building.
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION:  McCulloch makes a motion to accept NH&L training request in the amount of $310 for books and supplies for FF 1 & 2.
Seconded:  L. Goosman

MOTION:   Goosman moved to nominate Kevin Cragin as Civilian Commissioner for 2010-2013.
Seconded:   Jossick

VICE CHAIRMAN:   Burton moved to nominate Lisa Goosman for a one year term 2010-2011.
Seconded:   Wlasuk

CHAIRMAN:   Dugan moved to nominate Kevin Cragin for a one year term 2010-2011.
Seconded:  Jossick

Nominations closed.  Will be voted on at annual dinner meeting.

  • Annual Dinner Meeting – location will be announced.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey