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Regular Meeting of July, 2010 held on August 4, 2010
Sandy Hook Fire Department
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman and McCulloch

Absent:  Frampton, Jossick, Ober and Wlasuk

Marshal’s Present:  Halstead

MOTION:  Dugan moved that the minutes of the Special Meeting of June 29, 2010, be accepted as presented.
SECONDED:  Goosman
MOTION:  Passed

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
7/9/10          Cragin/Rios                     Participation in the Blue Mass Scheduled for 9/12/10
7/19/10         Cragin/Ross                     Annual Employee Evaluations
                Cragin                          Wet down Engine #441 9/4/10 Sandy Hook
7/28/10         Cragin/Ross                     VFIS Plan Change
8/3/10          BOFC/Ciaccia                    Requesting financial information for 2009-2010 FF                                                       Reimbursement Program and requesting a copy of training
                                                funds for paid to Botsford Fire and Rescue.
8/4/10          Burton/Mike Kerler              Will be hosting annual 9/11 Tribute for the five fire co’s and
of Sandy Hook Wine      he will contact each department with specifics.  Date to be announced.
8/28/20         Wet-down                        For Dodgingtown from 2 to 5 p.m.

Public Participation
  • NH&L building plans have been submitted to Wetlands.  No public hearing has been scheduled yet.  Public hearing will most likely be in September.  Should be submitted to Planning and Zoning this month.
  • Flyers sent to all fire departments regarding NH&L hosting a 40 mile motorcycle ride to help raise money for the NH&L building fund.  September 12, 2010.  10 a.m.
Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Fire Marshals Report:

  • For June there were 150 calls, 502 incidents and 420 hours worked.   
  • Damage for the month $13,200.
  • Newtown Lion’s Club donated a second Fit-5.  BOFC to send a thank you letter.
  • George’s Hill Road – hydrant broken pipe.  Highway department to fix.
  • Blue Lynx hydrant - six inch head to be added on.
  • Castle Meadow dry hydrant driveway on hold.
  • Letter from Maureen Will:  willing to spend $6,560 to put in all five firehouses Firehouse software.  BOFC would be responsible for a $625 fee for annual maintenance, and a $550 fee for any additional maintenance or upgrades.
Standing Committees:

Budget:    Budget committee met and asked to have the budgets in by 9/1 from the chiefs.  Anticipate holding to a zero increase asked by Selectman.  9/6 set up meetings with chiefs to review their budgets.  Need to discuss the concept of the fire companies to turn in certificates of training before being reimbursed for classes.  This will be discussed at a future meeting.  Cragin to put on the agenda.

MOTION:  Burton makes a motion to approve $1200 in additional costs for firehouse software maintenance.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

Radio:  no report
Hydrant:   no report

Trucks:    McCulloch reported that 441 in full service.  #221 still being worked on.  Insurance cards passed out.  Someone is interested in buying Dodgingtown’s old #221.  Buyer wants to spread the payments out over three months.  Need to determine if this is okay with Bob Tait and we will hold the title until paid in full.  Amount being offered $15K.  

MOTION:  Burton makes a motion to accept the offer of $15K paid as discussed in three installments with the town holding the title until paid in full.

Driving test for Q licenses held last week.  A truck was used that should not have been used for testing.  Corresponded with Joe Farrell.  Not pointing any fingers at Hawleyville.  McCulloch’s opinion.    Chief should handle the incident.

McCulloch handed out a driver’s license policy for the board to review and give feedback at the next meeting.

Fire trucks having an issue with the tanks and fuel pumps being corroded by.  Should an additive be purchased?  This could affect many town owned trucks.

Burton made a comment that in regards to the Labor Day parade that limiting town fire trucks in the parade is not acceptable.  Cragin to write a letter to the parade committee and the first selectman.

Policies and Procedures:   TB testing – chiefs to let Dugan know how many members from their departments would like to participate in this testing so Dugan can see if he can get money.  Need feedback from chiefs if they are receiving the physicals information via email. Please advise Dugan via email.

Radio:  no report
Hydrant:  No report

Purchasing Agent:  
Burton thanked all chiefs for completing their records for the response improvement program.  All eligible participants did get reimbursed.  Repair of Marlin Road fire tank came in under budget.  Tank outfitted to new codes.
Received a letter from Jim Dyer regarding repairing of pagers.  Need  to determine how to repair 8 to 10 pagers he currently has.

Old Business:   
  • Hawleyville Tanker #339 Replacement – McCulloch stated that this is a tank replacement not a refurb.
MOTION:  After careful review, Dugan made a motion to accept the bid as presented.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

New Business:
  • CIP – Budget committee met to discuss the CIP and upcoming budget.  See below:
  • Year #1~ 2011-2012~~ Hook & Ladder $500,000 for second installment~for new firehouse construction
  • Year #2~ 2012-2013~~ Hook & Ladder $500,000 for third installment for new firehouse construction
  • Year #3~ 2013-2014~~ Sandy Hook $400,000 for substation addition ( This was raised from the original $375,000. The project was~originally planned for 2010-2011).
  • Year #4~ 2014-2015~~~Planned replacement of Tankers 229,339,559
  • Year #5~ 2015-2016~ Planned replacement of Tanker #9, and Engine # 111
McCulloch asked for one committee with representation from each of the fire departments involved when discussing any trucks.

MOTION:  Burton moves that the following changes be made to the CIP plan.
Year one - $500K for NH&L firehouse replacement - payment number 2.
Year two - $500K for NH&L firehouse replacement – payment number 3.
Year three - $400K for Sandy Hook Substation.
Year four – replacement of tankers $229, 339 and 559 for the total amount of $975K.
Year five – replacement of engine #111 and tanker #9 in the amount of $975.
SECONDED:  Goosman

Training Funds:
MOTION:  Burton makes a motion to accept Sandy Hook’s training request in the amount of $850 for MRT Certification training.
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION:  Goosman made a motion to accept Hawleyville’s training request in the amount of $900.00 for Class D license Q endorsement training and testing.
Motion passed as follows:
Nay – Burton
Yays – Goosman, Cragin, Dugan and McCulloch

MOTION:  Burton makes a motion to accept NH&L’s training request in the amount of $1,546.68 for two student registrations.  
SECONDED:  Goosman

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey