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June 29, 2010 – Special Meeting
Newtown Hook and Ladder
Called to Order at 8:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Jossick, McCulloch, and Wlasuk

Absent:  Goosman and Halstead

Marshal’s Present:  Frampton and Ober

MOTION:  Burton moved that the minutes of May 24, 2010, be accepted as presented.
SECONDED:  Jossick
MOTION:  Passed

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
1.  6/8/10      BOFC/Rivera                     2010-2011 Fire Officers for NH&L

Fire Marshals Report:

  • For May there were 121 calls, 434 incidents and 382 hours worked.   $154K loss on 40 Chestnut Hill Road.
  • Fire drill Adventure Center – Frampton
  • Site Plan Review 2, 4, 6 & 8 Riverside Road and Walgreens South Main Street
Standing Committees:

Budget:  Burton reported that the town budget did pass.  We will have money as of July 1st.  He is finalizing this year’s accounts.  We are over on reimbursement accounts.

Radio:  no report
Hydrant:   no report

McCulloch reported that over the last few months there have been many accidents.  Please relay department safety to all drivers.  The Accident policy is being reviewed for the use of the fire trucks and proper procedures.  Will have for next board meeting on August 4th.
  • #441 registered at DMV, insured and will be in service next week.
  • #221 inspected and corrected 17 items before going to Firematic.  Dodgingtown reviewed and have asked for corrections.  $713.05 credit with the town.  The truck has been added to the town’s insurance policy.  
  • Hawleyville tanker on agenda for next meeting.
  • McCulloch thanked the chiefs and committees for putting their time into the trucks for the safety of the town’s people.
Policies and Procedures:    Corporate Health will not allow Goosman to do TB testing.  Dugan would like to find funding for this testing.  $18 per person through Corporate Health.  $50 per hour to administer test and then two days later to come back and read test results.  Dugan looking for a count on how many of their FF would like to take the test.  Dugan will bring the count to the Board to find funding.

Radio:  no report
Hydrant:  No report

NUSAR:  McCarthy transfer/park permits must be obtained from Public Works.  
  • Supply names, addresses and license numbers to chiefs who will then be given the permits to hand out.  Or they can be mailed out once this information has been obtained.
  • McCarthy to look at the Chestnut Hill hydrant and report back to Burton.
Purchasing Agent:  

  • Training requests:
  • Burton made a motion to accept NH&L’s training fund request in the amount of $596.70 for training videos.  Burton
Seconded:  Dugan
Motion passed

  • Burton made a motion to accept Hawleyville’s training fund request in the amount of $2613.00 for FF1 (2 ppl).  However, due to lack of funding they will be reimbursed in the amount of $2290.00.  
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed

  • Chiefs to get reimbursement records to Burton by July 10th at the latest.  
Old Business:   
  • CIP Plan – Tait recommended to leave first year alone, and concentrate on the remaining four years.  If anything needs to be edited, please advise BOFC by the next meeting.
New Business:
  • Thanks to Bill McCarthy for his contributions with helping Dodgingtown with the purchase of their new truck.  
MOTION:  McCulloch makes a motion that the town accepts #221 which meets all specs in the final payment of $124,410.56 to Pierce Manufacturing.
Seconded:  Dugan
Motion passed

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey