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April 26, 2010
United Fire and Rescue
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman, Jossick, McCulloch, and Wlasuk

Marshal’s Present:  Halstead, and Frampton

MOTION: Goosman moved that the minutes of April 26, 2010, be accepted as corrected.
MOTION:  Passed

Corrections:  Page 3 under Policies and Procedures- the fourth bullet should be eliminated.
Last page:  under training requests Sandy Hook’s training request was paid in the amount of $6100.00.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Public Participation and Additions to the Agenda:  Kirk Blanchard with Dodgingtown Fire:  would like to completely switch from fuel oil to natural gas.  The current emergency generator would still run on oil until replaced.  New furnace has been scheduled for this year.  Access would be easy. Yankee Gas would make an investment to tie a line into the fire department at their cost.  Reasons to switch being:
  • Cleaner fuel
  • Eliminate any future delivery problems
  • Eliminate potential for fuel spills and storage
  • Reduce boiler maintenance
  • Source of natural gas comes from the U.S. and Canada – 98%
  • Cost is competitive with oil
  • Concerns:  
  • Gas is billed all year round whether gas is used or not.
  • Town does have buying power with oil.
  • Oil tanks would be disposed of once furnace is replaced.
  • Cragin stated that the BOFC needs to wait until there is an approved budget.
Fire Marshals Report:

For the month there were 144 calls, 553 incidents and 443 hours worked.   $280 in permit fees collected.

  • Deck Fire - 55 Toddy Hill $5K
  • Dryer $20K in damages at 2 Beagle Trail
  • Parking violations at NHS
  • Assisted Newtown High School IT department.
  • Sprinkler system test at the new building on route 25.
  • Safer Grant – given out by the government for training, recruitment, etc., possibly look into getting some of this grant money for our paid drivers.
  • SeaScout – will paint hydrants.  This has been accepted by the BOFC.
Standing Committees:

Budget:  The $1.5M request has been restored over a three year period.  All contingent on referendum.

Radio:  no report
Hydrant:   no report

Trucks:  Carole Ross is asking for all drivers’ licenses for all apparatus drivers.  Rob will email form to all commissioners. Would like the information back within a couple months.  Dodgingtown #221 failed to negotiate a curve causing damage to the front end.  Will hold off until further notice on fixing truck until new truck arrives.  Will get an estimate on damage.   Working with Hawleyville trying to finalize #339 refurb spec.  May need a special meeting.  Dodgingtown’s final inspection is June 13th for new #221.    Sandy Hook’s final inspection was held this last month at Pierce.  
  • 70 items needed to be addressed.
  • Back to Firematic for all fit-outs and mountings for 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Current #441 will go with it.  
  • One week from Saturday training will be held on the truck.
  • Still have a small credit in the town’s favor.  Sandy Hook would like to retain this amount in case needed.
  • Pierce has asked SH to bring the truck to the New England Chief’s Show in Springfield, MA – June 24th-27th.  It will be in service.  
  • The spare truck will be in service at this time.
MOTION:  Burton moves that the Town of Newtown allow Pierce Manufacturing to bring the new engine #441 to the New England Chief’s Show June 24th-27th in Springfield, MA.

  • The brush truck is back in service (#555).  A DOT inspection will be coordinated by United Fire.  The BOFC will incur this cost.  
Policies and Procedures:  
  • Hep B shots should be done at Corporate Health for those seeking to obtain this shot.
  • MRT or EMT’s that go to calls should be scheduled to get a TB test.  This can be done at Corporate Health as well.  Goosman feels that the exposure is limited and that this is not necessary.  This is not in the budget; however, Dugan will find out cost.
  • All firehouses except Hawleyville will get their physical information emailed to them by Dugan.
NUSAR:  No report

Purchasing Agent:  
  • Botsford’s furnace replaced under the Firehouse maintenance budget.  Burton would like to be certain all specs were in place before paying.
  • If there are any new people getting into the Reimbursement program, please include this information with submissions.
  • Pierce’s bill in the amount of $133,900.22 this needs to be paid within 30 days.  BOFC will pay this amount.  The town is protected by the three year warranty and bond.
  • Burton will email chiefs about equipment repair line item in the budget.
  • Paid drivers still cannot be reimbursed.  Funding still short.
Old Business:   None

New Business:

Training Requests:

MOTION: McCulloch moved to approve NH&L in the amount of $612.72 for Emergency Vehicle Operators Course, books and shipping for FF 2; books and shipping for fire instructor 1, food for in town training (EVOC) and food for in town training (post-fire critique).

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey