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March 22, 2010
Sandy Hook Fire Department
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman, Jossick, McCulloch, and Wlasuk

Marshal’s Present:  Halstead, and Frampton

Cragin introduced and welcomed new Commissioner David Jossick who represents Hawleyville.

Corrections to the minutes of February 22, 2010:
Truck report last bullet:  Hawleyville’s pumper not h repaired.
FM report – FF reimbursement should be listed as other income and not be included on a 1099.  
FM report – meals and food reimbursement policy abuse was caused by two fire companies not one.
$2K could be not is, being taken out of Sandy Hook’s training account for two highway employees to be trained on truck maintenance in May.  

MOTION: Dugan moved that the minutes of February 22, 2010, be accepted as corrected.
SECONDED:  Goosman
MOTION:  Passed

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
3/22/10         Cragin/Halstead and Rivera      Equipment replacement for Deerfield Road Fire
3/22/10         Cragin/NH&L                     $370 to replace for equipment repair loss
3/22/10         BOFC/Newtown Lion’s Club        Check in the amount of $1K.

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Public Participation and Additions to the Agenda:  None

Fire Marshals Report:

For the month there were 109 calls, 351 incidents and 382 hours worked.  
  • Issue with fire lanes on Queen St. and Church Hill Rd.
  • Fire drill at Children’s Adventure Center.
  • Attended BOE budget meeting to be sure of no overcrowding.
Standing Committees:

Budget:  Burton reported that the current budget is before the Legislative Council.  Cragin, Burton and members of the NH&L’s building committee representative attended the LC meeting and LC Public Safety sub-committee meeting.  The Legislative Council referred the CIP back to the Board of Finance with the recommendation that the $1.5M be restored for the firehouse and done over three year period and not two.  Sandy Hook’s Substation remained in the budget for year four.
MOTION:  Burton moved that the BOFC reimbursement the NH&L and Sandy Hook fire departments for equipment lost at the 10 Deerfield Road fire in February:   Sandy Hook in the amount of $500.00 -  NH&L in the amount of $370.00.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

What is the contingency plan if the old firehouse is deemed unfit for use?  Where will the trucks go, etc.  Rob McCulloch will come back with a report at a future date regarding this question.  Cragin will wait for the go ahead from McCulloch to put it on the agenda.

Radio:  no report
Hydrant:   no report

  • The town’s pickup truck was repaired in the amount of $4,235.90 by Glen Road Garage.  Emblem and spray on bed liner still need to be completed.
  • Truck Committee met twice regarding the Tanker refurb.  Looking at contingency plans as well.  Want a spec written for the Board by the April meeting to get bids back by May.  
  • Sandy Hook’s inspection trip to Pierce is April 11th.
  • Dodgingtown’s inspection still being scheduled.
Policies and Procedures:  
  • Received a call from corporate health and they want DOT inspections.
  • Food reimbursement policy – asking the board to change and limit their expenses for food to $50 per day per person with no exceptions.  Receipts must be shown.
MOTION:   Dugan moved that we spend a maximum of $40 per person per day for food reimbursement for meals when attending out of town training.  
SECONDED:  McCulloch
Yeah:  McCulloch and Dugan
Nays:  Burton, Goosman, Wlasuk, Cragin and Jossick

  • Wlasuk would not like to see training money spent on food.
  • Burton feels you cannot compare food reimbursement for onsite training with traveling reimbursement expenses.
  • If this policy is to be changed we will need 2/3’s of voting members.  
  • Training aid policy:  changed to allow to purchase training aids with the training funds as in the past.  
  • Dugan spoke with Tait who is fine with these changes.
NUSAR:  McCarthy reported that they will start dry hydrant inspections.

Purchasing Agent:  
Response improvement plan – all reports are due by April 10th.  For paid drivers there is not enough money in the account to support the fourth quarter.  Stop drivers until there is enough funds.  Cragin entertaining having the driver’s come off and put them back on when there is funding available.  All would like to see the firefighters get paid first before the drivers.

Old Business:

New Business:

Training Requests:

The following motions were made:

MOTION:  Goosman moved to approve Botsford Fire & Rescue request for Danbury burn building rental of 1/23/10 in the amount of $133.64.  Fire Instructor 1 books and study guides in the amount of $302.70; Rental fee for Danbury burn building on 3/6/10 in the amount of $350.00.
Seconded:  Dugan

MOTION:  Goosman moved to approve Sandy Hook’s request in the amount of $7,951.52 for firefighter 1, II & Hazmat; firefighter II, exam prep instructor, fundamental of firefighter skills, 9 student workbooks.
Seconded:  McCulloch

MOTION:  Goosman moved to approve Hawleyville’s request for books and materials for FF I and FFII in the amount of $438.00
Seconded:  Dugan

MOTION:  Dugan moved to approve NH&L’s request for Rope Rescue Training and EMT-B training in the amount of $2,025.00.
Seconded:  McCulloch

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:00.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey