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February 22, 2010
Hawleyville Fire Department
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

  • Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Burton, Dugan, Goosman, and McCulloch
  • Marshals Present:  Farrell, Halstead, and Ober
  • Absent:  Wlasuk and Basso
MOTION: Dugan moved that the minutes of January 25, 2010, be accepted as corrected.
SECONDED:  Goosman
MOTION:  Passed

Correction:  Joe Farrell is not a Fire Marshal.  Correct correspondence from Cragin stating that each department will get $13Keach.  Not $65K each.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
2/18            Cragin/Halstead                 Town Code Book
2/18            Cragin/Dugan                    Updated policies for review     

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Public Participation and Additions to the Agenda:  None

Fire Marshals Report:

For the month of January there were 106 calls, 457 incidents and 399 hours worked.  
  • Five calls regarding NHS addition and blocked fire lanes.
  • Walked through with State Fire Marshal.
  • Frampton corrected lock problems at Edmond Town Hall
  • Complaint at Toro and Franco’s.
  • Worked with committee for St. Rose’s fish fry.
  • Firefighter reimbursement should not be on 1099’s as the income is taxed.  Can a different form be used just stating other income?
Standing Committees:

Budget:  Burton reported that the Board of Finance gave their decision on the CIP plan.  NH&L firehouse got changed from year one of $1.5M to year one $500K, year two $250K and the Sandy Hook substation got pushed up one year from year three to year four.  Projects are fully supported by the Board of Selectmen; however, according to the Board of Finance other capital items within the town have taken precedence over these two items.  The BOFC needs to meet with the Legislative Council and make a case for the firehouse.

  • Cragin suggested that an officer of NH&L meet with the Legislative Council and express their case for a new firehouse.  
  • Also a tour with the Legislative Council was suggested to show the disrepair of the building.
  • BOFC will contact the Legislative Council Public Safety Committee.
The BOFC cut $11K from their budget, but when we attended the Selectman’s meeting the cuts were already made.  Next in line is the BOF review.  

$2K is being taken out of Sandy Hook’s training account for two highway employees to be trained on truck maintenance in May.  Should this be taken out of the truck maintenance account and not Sandy Hook’s training account?  Cragin and Burton will review this and decide.  None of the commissioners have an issue with the funds being allocated this way.  Kevin and Mike will inform/update the commission at a later date.

Radio:  no report
Hydrant:   On July 1st the fitting on the Blue Lynx tank to be replaced.  This will be considered by the BOFC.

  • 60 day extension on the final date for #221 for Dodgingtown.
  • #331 tires replaced.
  • Hawleyville – tanker meeting did not take place, but will be reported at the regular monthly meeting in March.
  • Sandy Hook requesting to take #441 to the Bridgewater Parade and September 19th.
MOTION:  Burton moves that this request be accepted.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

  • All registrations received for vehicles; they will be reviewed and disbursed.
  • Sandy Hook’s final drawings on #441 have been received.
  • NH&L’s command vehicle was involved in an accident.  The town will fix it at a cost of approximately $3800.00.  McCulloch will advise at next meeting exact cost of repair.
  • Need more information on the Hawleyville tanker.  We would like to get it fixed as soon as possible and a quote is required.
Policies and Procedures:  

MOTION:  Dugan moved to accept Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners policy for Factory Visits as presented and amended by Dugan and Burton, respectively,
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION:  Dugan moved to accept Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners policy for DOT Truck Inspections as presented by Dugan and amended by Burton, respectively,
SECONDED:  McCulloch

Meal and Food Reimbursement Policy:
  • Dugan and Goosman would like to have this tabled until next month’s agenda.
  • Burton feels it has already been approved and accepted and should not be looked at again as the current budget was prepared under this scenario.
  • Cragin feels that this was just done in October as well, and does not want to change the policy again.  The BOFC’s budget was just cut by $11K and still has not been to Council for final approval and if training funds are to be used for food, then training will suffer.  
  • Fire Marshal Halstead feels this policy was pushed through without input from the Chiefs.  He feels all companies are being punished because of the abuse of one fire company.
NUSAR:    McCarthy reported they are having difficulty with the dispatch center and wanted it on record.

Purchasing Agent:  
  •  Botsford Training Bills – duplicate bill for the Danbury burn building submitted in January.  $270.00 less was paid.  
  • NH&L had a furnace problem with no heat.  The boiler was replaced and the circulator and other parts need to be looked at for repair.
  • Scasco Energy will be awarded the contract for United Fire and Rescue’s firehouse.
Old Business:

New Business:

  • Training Requests
MOTION: McCulloch moved to approve NH&L’s training request in the amount of $2,550.00 for 3 students FF1 training and fire instructor training.
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION: Goosman moved to approve Hawleyville’s training request in the amount of $750.00 for FF1 training.

MOTION:  Goosman moved to approve Sandy Hook’s training request in the amount of $1,010.23 for training manuals and FF1 and 11 and fire service instructor training manuals.  As well as for Fire Service Instructor Class.

MOTION: Goosman moved to approve United Fire and Rescue’s training request for $900 and $159for FF1 Class (3 students) and one member EMT recertification.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey