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August 24, 2009
Dodgingtown Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Burton, Dugan, Goosman, O’Keefe, McCulloch and Wlasuk.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Marshals Present:  Farrell, Frampton, Halstead, and Ober


Correction:  Truck #552 – delete “as it is a town-owned generator”.
MOTION: Goosman moved that the minutes of July 27, 2009, be accepted as corrected.
SECONDED:  McCulloch
Motion:  minutes passed as corrected.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                 Subject                                         
August, 2009    BOFC                    Dodgingtown’s officers for 2009-2010

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                 Subject                                         

Fire Marshals Report:
  • For the month there were 92 calls, 345 incidents, and 259 hours worked.  Total fees collect $50.00.
  • Annual Report:  1,258 calls, 5053 incidents, 4777.5 hours; and $1950.00 collected in fees.
  • Three dry hydrants damaged on Huntingtown Road, New Lebanon Road, and Ox Hill – all three have been repaired.  Dodgingtown to test Ox Hill.
Standing Committees:
Budget:  all individual fire department budget requests should be submitted by September 1st to Mike Burton.

Radio:  no report

  • #551 and #559 have been repaired.  One truck in Dodgingtown still being investigated.
  • The current #221 will be taken out of service when the new truck comes in.
  • The bids that came in for Sandy Hook and Dodgingtown’s trucks will be discussed by Mike Burton.
Policies and Procedures:  no report
Hydrant:  no report
Purchasing Agent:  Fire hose testing bid has come in at .21 cents a foot.

MOTION:  Burton moved that the BOFC award the bid to Fail Safe for hose testing.
SECONDED:  Lisa Goosman
Motion Passed
Reimbursement checks should be out by next Friday.

#221 bid $565,390 by E-One.  Full acceptance of the specs.  Firematic $555,647 with no exceptions to the bid.  Offered several prepaid discounts.  75% $538,224.81 prepay.  $2,921.00 for the three additional options.  

#441 $660,203 by E-One.  Trade in $30K bring down to $630,203 with many exceptions to the spec.  Firematic $603,111 no exceptions.  Offered 75% prepaid discount $583,975.93.  Offered trade in of $18K.  $565,975.93.   

Total for two trucks $1,107,121.74.

MOTION:  Burton makes a motion to approve the amount $1,107,121.74 for the purchase of Engines #221 and #441 as follows:
  • Recommend the bid for #221 be awarded to Firemactic Supply in the amount of $541,145.81 which is the 75% prepayment discount option, and includes options 1, 2 and 3 in the bid spec.
  • Recommend the bid for #441 be awarded to Firematic Supply in the amount of $565,975.93 which is the 75% prepayment discount option, less the trade in of the existing #441.
  • The motion shall be subject to further review of the specs by the Board’s truck committee before contracts are awarded.
Nay – Cragin
Yeas - Burton, Dugan, Goosman, O’Keefe, McCulloch and Wlasuk

Response Improvement Program Committee to set up a meeting to review the program to see how it is working.  Cragin to contact Rob Manna from NH&L to arrange that meeting.  Would like a summary or report once it is complete.

NUSAR:    no report

Public Participation:

Additions to the agenda:  Transmission Servicing Bid

Old Business:  
  • #552 Generator Repair – Dugan stated that it is a town generator that needs repair.  This topic has been moved to next month.    The Board gave this generator to United Fire and Rescue.  
New Business:
  • Transmission Service – Atlantic Detroit Diesel service transmissions we pay for the service – 30 day quote $11,063.
MOTION:    O’Keefe made a motion that BOFC appropriate $11,163.00 for transmission servicing for all departments.  Request Rich Brown to do servicing,
SECONDED:   Burton

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey