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December 28, 2009
Newtown Hook and Ladder

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Basso, Burton, Dugan, and McCulloch.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Marshals Present:  Frampton, Halstead, and Ober

Absent:  Goosman and Wlasuk.

Correction:  under Trucks – first line #229 instead of #559 – not additional – just normal repair.

MOTION: Dugan moved that the minutes of November 23, 2009, be accepted as corrected.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
12/11/09        Cragin/Tait                     Bid Award – Fire Department Equipment
12/17/09        Burton/Cragin                   Budget

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Fire Marshals Report:

For the month of October there were 106 calls, 456 incidents and 405.5 hours worked.  For the month of November there were:  83 calls, 341 incidents, and 446 hours worked.  
  • Warning to fire personnel:  when there are car fires – be sure to disconnect battery due to the possibility of fires starting afterwards.
  • Mike Zilinek will obtain to two bonds in the amount of $50 each for the poster contest winners.
  • Town Hall antenna and radio installs.
  • Town Hall walk-through.
  • Fire extinguisher training at Taunton Press.
  • Hose Testing
  • Tanker inspection
  • Fire Drill – Children’s Adventure Center
MOTION: Burton moved to authorize the Fire Marshal’s office to purchase two $50 SAVINGS BOND FOR THE FIRE PREVENTION CONTEST.
Seconded:  Dugan

There was a lot of participation in the contest due to Halstead getting the teachers involved.
The BOFC truck committee met on December 8th.  We discussed the impact of the changes made last year and found them beneficial to the respective companies.  See attached list for more detail and further details below.

Standing Committees:
Budget:  Burton reported that the First Selectman asked the BOFC to cut  $32,329.00 from the existing budget line items.  

Chairman Cragin spoke with Bob Tait in regards to this request and the final results were:   FM fees $13,498; Marshal Car Allowance $2,500, Committee and Marshal supplies for $1,000.00.  For a new total of $16,992.00.

Burton, Manna and Cragin attended the new BOS meeting on 12/21/09 and reviewed the CIP plan.  Sandy Hook substation is currently in the plan.  Cragin asked them to consider the request for the new NH&L building construction.

Radio:  The truck radios that are being removed from the ambulance corps are to be considered for Fire Department use.  Radio Committee to contact Joe Farrell and report back to the BOFC.
Hydrant:  no report

  • Hook and Ladder’s trucks look good.  
  • Failed DOT inspected trucks are back in service.
  • #114 needs to have tires purchased.
  • Transmission Services by Atlantic Detroit still taking place, and will be done in the next couple of weeks.
  • Dodgingtown Truck Committee did not attend Pierce meeting in person.  A telephone conference call was made to discuss any accommodations.
  • Burton talked with Mark White and stated that Dodgingtown will need to have a place to put their new apparatus when it arrives.  If their addition is not ready, the truck will be placed in another location determined by the town.
  • Sloppy in house repairs on town-owned apparatus.  Commissioners to tell their departments that this is not allowed.  Repairs need to be done by the two town-employees that are trained to do this type of work.  All repairs need to be approved by the Truck Committee.
Policies and Procedures:  no report.

NUSAR:    no report.

Purchasing Agent:  
  • Reports on the response improvement plan and insurance reimbursement are still missing from Dodgingtown.
  • All po’s have been sent for the items on the capital bid list.
  • Turnout gear names from Hawleyville and Dodgingtown needed
  • Working on bids for furnace replacement at Botsford Fire and Rescue.
Public Participation:
  • Halstead to send letter to wrecker companies in town to not re-hook up car batteries if car is involved in an accident.
Additions to the agenda:  None

Old Business:
  • Policies and Procedures Update:
  • Food policy – should be consistent to state:  “this will not apply to fire companies that elect to feed their participants during drills at their respective stations”.
  • The word “software” is to be added after the word videos in the Training Funds Reimbursement Policy.
  • DOT Inspection Policy:  this policy needs to be further revised.
  • Town Owned Fire Apparatus Policy – Factory Trips – should include new and refurbished factory trips.  This still being edited.  
  • Halstead asked if he can meet with Dugan to review the policies listed above to submit recommendations before the policies are acted upon.
ALL POLICES ARE TABLED UNTIL NEXT MONTH’S MEETING.  Dugan will meet with any chiefs upon request.

New Business:

  • Training Requests
MOTION:   McCulloch moved that NH&L Aerial ladder safety class for at total of $3,100.00 be approved.

MOTION: Basso moved to approve Hawleyville two firefighter DPH certification – total of $1,290.00.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey