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July 8, 2009
Newtown Hook and Ladder

Present:  McCulloch, Goosman, Cragin, Dugan, Wlasuk, O’Keefe and Burton

Marshal’s Present:  Frampton, Halstead and Zilinek

Cragin reviewed the CIP process.

O’Keefe stated the Truck Committee feels that the specs meet the needs of the town and that they will serve the town well for many years.

MOTION:  O’Keefe moved that the specifications for #221 be approved and put out to bid.
SECONDED:  Goosman
Motion passed.

MOTION:  O’Keefe moved that the approved specifications for #441 be approved and put out to bid.
SECONDED:  Goosman
Motion passed.

CIP for 2010-2011 through 2014-2015

MOTION:  McCulloch moved that the board accept Newtown Hook and Ladder’s request to include the renovation of the firehouse building in the capital improvement plan.
SECONDED:  Goosman

AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION:  McCulloch moved to amend the above motion for NH&L’s building renovation in the amount of $3.36M.
SECONDED:  Goosman
(Cragin stated that further details will be required at a later date if this gets accepted into the CIP plan.)
Nay:  Dugan, Wlasuk, O’Keefe and Burton
Yeahs:  Cragin, Goosman and McCulloch
Motion fails.


·       Goosman asked for specific renovation details.  Some details would include improving bays, front footings are sinking bringing walls down with them.  New footings would be poured and the flooring redone.  These renovations would bring the building up to meet the fire code standards.  
·       Goosman also asked why repairs have not been made over the years.
·       Cragin asked if NH&L would share in any of the costs.  Frampton stated that they would share in some of the costs such as acquiring a note or a lease to show commitment to the town that they would also partake in this expense.  This should be shown in the CIP plan for this project.  

·       Wlasuk’s concern is that we previously have asked for monies from the town for conceptual drawings, etc.  This money has been spent on what the purpose was for and then the money ran out.  
·       O’Keefe – in 11 years what has NH&L done to make inroads with the town to fix the building?  Why hasn’t the town taken any interest in improving the building?  What has the department doing with the money they have been getting in their budgets over the years?
·       Burton – Sandy Hook has asked Commissioner Burton to vote no on the renovation/new building for NH&L.  Many members of other departments feel they don’t have adequate information to pass judgment on this request.  Agreed the town has some obligation as well as the department, to improve the building.  Where was the roof money allocated over the years?  The roof is still in disrepair.  
·       Burton feels that the department should share the cost with the town and alleviate taxpayer burden.  Sandy Hook also feels that a proposal should be put forth so that other departments could also receive funding for these types of requests in the future.
Why has this come at the last minute?
Total lack of concern of building until now?
Taxpayer’s justification?
Sandy Hook doesn’t feel this type of funding for NH&L’s renovations are fair because other departments must pay for their own firehouses.
Scudder Smith lot – what is happening with that?
·       Dugan – what happened to the FFH’s offer of using their firehouse?  Fairfield Fire Department renovation would have been too costly for the town.

NH&L has no equity to fund any type of mortgage to help with this renovation.

·       Wlasuk – what would the cost of a new building be?
·       Burton feels that the number of $3.36M is unsubstantiated at this time.  More details are needed and more participation on the part of the department needs to take place.

MOTION:  Burton makes a motion to include in the CIP plan the renovation of NH&L’s firehouse in the amount of $1.5M.
SECONDED:  McCulloch
Nay:  Dugan
Yeah:  McCulloch, Goosman, Cragin, Wlasuk, O’Keefe and Burton.
Motion passed.


·       Burton feels that the department should get some funding from the town and the department should put in some costs of their own.  Also relieve taxpayers of some of this burden.
·       M. McCarthy feels that this offer of the reduced funding is a fair compromise.

MOTION:  Burton makes a motion that Sandy Hook’s request for an addition to the sub-station located at 249 Berkshire Road in the amount of $375K be included in the CIP.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passes.
Nay:  Dugan
Yeah:  McCulloch, Goosman, Cragin, Wlasuk, O’Keefe and Burton


·       Halstead stated that the Sandy Hook fire department is proposing a two bay addition to hold larger apparatus and have more storage in the back.  Only knocking the wall out would not work.  Also would like to renovate the inside of the building for more efficient use; i.e., kitchenette, office, upgrade alarm system, new furnace, etc.  Sandy Hook cannot spend this type of money.  Figure may be too high, but the septic system may be an issue and this would include those repairs.

Information will come from Burton/Halstead in a timely manner on this matter.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey