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May 18, 2009
Sandy Hook Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Goosman, Dugan, Burton, McCulloch, O’Keefe and Wlasuk

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Marshals Present:  Frampton, Halstead and Zilinek

MOTION: Goosman moved that the minutes of April 27, 2009, be accepted as presented.
Motion passed

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                 Subject                                         
4/27/09         Halstead/Will           Radio and Portable Cluster Purchase Recommendation

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                 Subject                                         

Fire Marshals Report:
·       For the month there were 76 calls, 435 incidents, and 388 hours worked.  Total fees collect $145.00.  Damage to garage on Philo Curtis Road $50K, and truck inside building on 22 Eden Hill Road - $2K worth of damage.
o       Code issues with new Town Hall
o       Blasting complaint – Newtown Pools
o       Frampton – fire drills Adventure Center
o       Rich – 55 Sugar street trailer park complaint
o       Ober – assist building inspector
o       Ober – horse farm inspection
·       Carole Ross waiting for insurance forms from Chiefs.  Halstead handed this information out last week.  New personnel need to submit new forms.
·       Frank W. – alarm system work – we will be required to dial a 10 digit number – window of opportunity is now until September 2009.  All town fire alarms and intrusion alarms are currently dialing seven digits.  All panels need to be upgraded before November 2009.  Pricing on a project is difficult to estimate. Will be done by time and material.  
·       Maureen Will sent letter to Halstead letter stating that we have two frequencies (talk around).  Will would like to reprogram radios, portables and multichannel vehicles at a cost of $9,500.  Will said she would pay for the updates.  Chiefs need to give Halstead list of all 1250’s and portables to get programming complete.
·       Card system conversion– in process of implementing new system at a cost of $665.00.  This will take care of maintenance for one year.  

MOTION:  Dugan moved that this cost be implemented.
Seconded:  Wlasuk
Motion passed

Standing Committees:
·       BOFC budget passed with the exception of the #339 refurbishment for Hawlevyille that was taken out of budget.
·       Burton asked the chiefs to look at any 2010 equipment they would like to purchase, and to be very specific.

MOTION:  That we have  Fire Marshall Halstead inform Maureen Will to move forward with reprogramming radios and portables with the two extra frequencies and that all the companies get their lists to Bill Halstead by June 1st with the number of portables and 1250 radios and 750 radios.
        SECONDED:  Burton
        Motion passed

Cragin suggests notifying Maureen Will about moving forward when all lists are received and not before that.

·       Specs for #441 received and expect #221 to be in this week.  They will be reviewed with the Truck Committee.  
·       Old spare #331 will be shipped out shortly to Burville.
·       Would like to begin pump testing and DOT inspections earlier with Gowans-Knight. Same prices as last year except for a $5.00 increase in labor charges.

MOTION:  O’Keefe moved that we move forward with Gowan’s-Knight and accept their bid on pump testing and DOT inspections.
Motion passed

Policies and Procedures:  no report
Hydrant:  no report

Purchasing Agent:  
·       Old invoice from Twin Lights – cancelled check will be sent to them showing payment.
·       Botsford training for FDIC trip - $1680.00 will be reimbursed $1200 for lodging.  The remainder of receipts will not be accepted until only food items have been submitted.
·       Karen from Finance still looking for accident report on #551.  Dugan has called her numerous times for the form which he has not yet received.  He will call her again immediately.
·       Burton stated that there was a complaint being sent via email about the lack of time he puts in as the purchasing agent.  Burton stated the only person he reports to is the Chairman with whom he has discussed this issue, or lack thereof.

NUSAR:    no report

Public Participation:  
Personal vehicle travel is not reimbursable.  This can be re-considered for the future if documentation is submitted to the Board.

Additions to the agenda:  None

Old Business:  None

New Business:
·       Training funds:
MOTION: Dugan moved to approve Sandy Hook’s training request in the total amount of $935.00 for 9 firefighters attending RIT training and 16 CPR cards for $80.00.  Reimbursement for a total of $701.00 will be paid as this is what is in their current training balance.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed

MOTION: Goosman moved that the BOFC approve Botsford’s request for one smoke machine with fluid $989.48, one member CPR recertification$25.00, and one member for New York Burn center class $25.00 for a total amount of $1,039.48.
Seconded: Wlasuk
Motion passed

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey