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April 27, 2009
Hawleyville Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Goosman, Dugan, Burton, McCulloch, and O’Keefe

Absent:  Cragin and Wlasuk

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Marshals Present:  Frampton and Halstead

MOTION: O’Keefe moved that the minutes of March23, 2009, be accepted as corrected.
Motion passed

·       Reimbursement Program – Dugan asked if there has been an increase in interest in drivers at Newtown Hook & Ladder during the day since the program began.  This program will be reviewed by the BOFC in six months.  Should state was there an increase in interest from members since the $10 increase was implemented.   The program should be reviewed in June 2009.
·       Reduced training funds for Hawleyville by $2100.00 eliminating duplication on a FF1 bill which was already submitted.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                 Subject                                         
4/27/09         BOFC/Ciaccia            Trailer #559 Repairs - $2,457.50.

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                 Subject                                         
3/30/09         Evagash/Cragin          Fit-5 Device Contribution
4/23/09         Evagash/Cragin          $1K donation to Fire Departments

Fire Marshals Report:
·       For the month there were 96 calls, 425 incidents, and 383 hours worked.  Total fees collect $200.00.  Damage $30K for fire on Meadowbrook Road.
·       Halstead did a walk through at Edmond Town Hall.
·       Halstead completed site review of the High School.
·       Frampton did fire drill at Children’s Adventure Center, and reviewed fire evacuation plan at Hawley School.
·       Three dry hydrants were repaired, Glenmore, Hoseye Coach and Rock Ridge roads.
·       Spare truck should be serviced.
·       Old #331 has throttle leakage which should be fixed.
·       NFPA states – if fire hose is over 10 years old and has been tested with failures it should be replaced.
·       NFPA states - tires should be replaced after seven years due to dry rot.

Standing Committees:
·       Budget vote is April 28, 2009

Radio:  no report

·       #114 damaged when ladder flexed and cracked the AC condenser - $990.58 to repair.
·       #551 damaged when pulling into a driveway and hit a stump covered by snow - estimate to repair $2995.00.  This cost should be processed through the insurance company to see what is covered.  Truck Committee will take care of it (Jeff Dugan).
·       Old #331 – will be sent it down to the highway department to have it serviced, linkage bad on gas pedal, and then sent to Burville Fire School.

Policies and Procedures:  no report
Hydrant:  no report

Purchasing Agent:  
·       Doing a software update on bio-system meters.  Thank you to departments for bringing them down on short notice.
·       Going out for RFP on inventory system to track fire and company gear for accuracy.  You will need to do own turnout gear by individual departments.
·       Receiving capital items little by little, but everyone will be receiving their orders as soon as they are available.  One vendor did not work out well.

NUSAR:    dry hydrants should be finished within the next two months.

Public Participation:  
What is the per mile rate for training?  Do we reimburse for travel costs?  Burton has call into Cragin.

Additions to the agenda:  None

Old Business:  None

New Business:
·       Training funds:
MOTION:  O’Keefe moved that the BOFC approve Sandy Hook’s request for class registration and flights to Florida for two firefighters to attend the EVT seminar in the amount of $1,399.38.
Seconded:  McCulloch
Motion passed
MOTION:  Dugan moved that the BOFC approve Botsford’s request for FDIC tickets, lodging, ground transportation and food in the amount of $4,186.28.
Seconded: McCulloch
Motion passed

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey