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October 20, 2008
Dodgingtown Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Goosman, Dugan, Burton, Wlasuk, McCarthy and O’Keefe

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Marshals Present:  Halstead, Ober, and Frampton

MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes of September 22, 2008, be accepted as presented.
Minutes passed as presented.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                 Subject                                         
10/09           BOFC/Town of Newtown    2009/2010 Budget Worksheets
9/25/09         Dean/Robinson                   Modular Classroom Space
                cc:  BOFC

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From         Subject                                         

Fire Marshals Report:
·       For the month there were 116 calls, 523 incidents, and 433 hours worked.  Total fees collected $200.00.  Damage $5,150.00.
·       Mona Lisa 6:00 pm annual dinner meeting.
·       Hose testing will be the 24th, 25th and 26th.  Start with Sandy Hook, followed by Hook and Ladder, Dodgingtown, Hawleyville and then Botsford.
·       Will hire a contractor to flow test all hydrants at FFH.  A hydrant will be installed by Fred Hurley at #10 Mile Hill Road South.

Standing Committees:

Radio:  no report

Budget:  report under new business.

·       On October 11th, the NH&L pickup truck was involved in an accident.  The finance department was contacted and the proper paperwork has been filled out. The adjuster has been contacted and was out today to investigate.
·       The pump testing and service on the trucks has been completed except the spare which will be done next week.
·       Engine 331 is going out to have the pump rebuilt October 28th.
·       Met with Bob Tate in Finance regarding the old #331 that we voted on two months ago to donate to the Burville Fire School.  Tate said it was okay, but needs a letter to go to the selectman regarding our vote to donate.  Cragin will send out letter.
·       Received a quote for doing rust and corrosion work on #559 - $9,800.00 from Gowans and Knight.  If approved, the cost will be taken out of the truck maintenance account.

MOTON:  McCarthy made a motion that we repair the corrosion and rust on tanker #559 – estimated cost $9,800.00.
SECONDED:  Goosman

AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION:  Burton moved that this work be done in April provided the funds are available in the Truck Maintenance account.
One Nay:  Cragin

Policies and Procedures:  no report

Hydrant:  no report

·       The third quarter “paid on call” records are needed from Hawleyville.  
·       Burton sent bid award letters to finance so P.O’s can be sent to the vendors.

NUSAR:  Diver was injured in a recovery dive in Trumbull, but is doing well.

Public Participation:  none

Additions to the agenda:  none

Old Business:
·       Annual Dinner Meeting – gold package at $30.00 head has been chosen.

New Business:

·       Budget – discussed line items.

MOTION:  Dugan moved that the training fund line item be increased by $4K to $69K - a $2K increase for the Botsford and Dodgingtown fire departments.
Yeahs:  Wlasuk and Dugan
Nays:  Goosman, O’Keefe, McCarthy, Cragin and Burton

        $11,120 needs to be included in the Selectman’s budget as it is not in our budget, but needed.

MOTION:  Burton, on behalf of the Budget Committee, makes a motion that the sum of $2,408,927 be accepted as the BOFC budget for the 2009-2010 term.
        SECONDED:  McCarthy

·       Vice Chairman Nomination 10-08/10-09:
MOTION:  Burton nominates Lisa Goosman
Nominations closed

·       Chairman Nomination 10-08/10-09
MOTION:  Goosman nominates Kevin Cragin
Nominations closed
·       Training funds:
MOTION:  Wlasuk moved that the training funds for Botsford Fire and Rescue in the amount of $300.00 for the rental fee for the burn building at the Danbury Fire School on 9/14/08 be accepted.
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION:  Wlasuk moved that the training funds for Sandy Hook in the amount of $1,728.55 for firefighters for Tanker Shuttle Operation; 30 firefighters to GPS land navigator course; and NFPA 1901, 2009 edition, Automotive Fire Apparatus be accepted.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey