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September 22, 2008
Newtown Hook and Ladder

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Goosman, Dugan, Burton, Wlasuk, McCarthy and O’Keefe

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

Marshals Present:  Halstead, Ober, Frampton and Zilinek

MOTION:  J. Dugan moved that the minutes of August 25, 2008, be accepted as presented.
SECONDED:  M. Wlasuk

Under Purchasing:  Checks to be sent from the payroll company.  Hawleyville to begin partaking in the Response improvement program  

Motion should state that we reinstate the Response Improvement Committee to discuss possible changes to the program.

Equipment for Refurbishment should be listed as:   tankers #339, #229 and #559 which are under the allowable cap plan and therefore do not need to be included.


Fire Marshals Report:
·       For the month there were 99 calls, 466 incidents, and 385 hours worked.  Total fees collected $300.00.  Damage $400.00; other damage amount to be determined.
·       Annual report presented to the Board of Fire Commissioners.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From         Subject                                         
9/17/08         Wlasuk/United Water     Fire Hydrant Information Requested

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From         Subject                                         
9/22/08         Forbell/Cragin          Newtown Women’s Club – Thank you for $350.00

Standing Committees:

Radio:  no report

Budget:  Budgets have been received by everyone.  Today discussions began.  Comparisons were made between last year and this year - 70% increase.  Burton will email all chiefs with target capital number for each department along with the committee’s questions and comments.  Would like responses by this Friday so they can meet next week.  A special meeting will need to take place to finalize budget.  The Budget Committee would like to recommend that the insurance cost allowance be put into each company’s budget and deducted from their individual capital line item budget to pay for it.

MOTION:  McCarthy moved that the budget committee’s recommendation to put the insurance allowance in the budget for each fire company and subtracting the corresponding dollar amount from the capital line for each company take place.
MOTION: Yeahs:  McCarthy, Dugan, Goosman, Wlasuk, O’Keefe and Burton.
Cragin - Nay

·       Continuing with pump testing; Botsford and Dodgingtown complete; Hawleyville engine #331 failed pump test so it will need to be rebuilt.
·       Hook and Ladder trucks okay.  Engine #1 has a door damaged on right side and will need to be repaired.
·       Minor issues with Engine #11 which will be taken care of at the pump test.
·       Old #331 - Halstead gave McCarthy letter that the Burville Fire School (State of CT) would like to receive the truck as a donation.

Polices and Procedures:  
·       Binders almost complete.

·       500 gpm is the minimum flow rate according to the United Water Company.
·       250 gpm is acceptable.
·       If the fire departments feel it is not at an acceptable flow rate, and we do not want to pay for the hydrant it will be removed.
·       Any upgrades required will be at the cost of the town.
·       FFH hydrants have not been flow tested.  Wlasuk trying to find out what the flow tests were in FFH.  Town insurance company did flow tests on a handful of hydrants after the town took over FFH.  

·       Low bid for each line item has been accepted in most cases.
·       Everything requested has been purchased.
·       Purchasing will acquire the SCI air bottles (instead of Scott) at a cost savings of $4K.
·       Burton still working on obtaining the medical supplies.

Capital Improvement Plan:  

Cragin met with Joe Borst and Bob Tait on the CIP listing the BOFC additional two trucks.  The meeting went fine.  

Public Participation:  none

Additions to the agenda:  Annual Dinner Location

Old Business:  none

New Business:
·       2008 Annual Dinner Location:  Mona Lisa.  Halstead will coordinate.  Dinner - October 27.  Meeting date will be October 20th.
·       Special Meeting date may need to take place to finalize the budget:  October 15th possible date at Newtown Hook & Ladder.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey