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Last Updated: 2012/3/6
The Board of Finance held a special meeting on Thursday, March 1, 2012 in the Council Chambers, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.  John Kortze called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

PRESENT:  John Kortze, Joseph Kearney, Richard Oparowski, Harry Waterbury.
ABSENT:  James Gaston, Jr. and Carol Walsh.

ALSO PRESENT: First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra, Finance Director Robert Tait, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Janet Robinson, Assistant Superintendent of Schools Linda Gejda, Director of Business Ron Bienkowski, Elementary School Principals Joanne Peters-Edmondson, Chris Geissler, Dawn Hochsprung, Barbara Gasparine, Board of Education Chairman Debbie Leidlein, Board of Education Vice Chairman Laura Roche, Board of Education members John Vouros, Cody McCubbin and Keith Alexander and Richard Gaines, various Legislative Council members, approximately forty  members of the public and two members of the press.


COMMUNICATIONS:  One item relative to the fire houses (Att. A), three letters supporting full day kindergarten (Att. B) and a letter from the First Selectman to Debbie Leidlein regarding space needs (Att. C) were submitted.

Discussion and possible action:
  • Board of Education 1012-2013 Budget Presentation:  Hawley Elementary principal Joanne Peters-Edmondson, Middle Gate Elementary principal Chris Geissler, Sandy Hook Elementary principal Dawn Hochsprung and Head O Meadow Elementary principal Barbara Gasparine presented the Full Day Kindergarten power point (Att. D).  The Board of Education and the administration unanimously endorse the full day kindergarten program.  The principals all looked at the space within the elementary schools and, although movement would be required in some cases, they believe the program can be accommodated even if a school is closed in the future.  Common Core State Standards are the foundational standards for a national curriculum; the bar is being raised nationwide.  Dr. Robinson said there will be no modifications to the buildings because of full day kindergarten.  The principals agree that if the budget does not pass they will meet with the administration and colleagues to try to come up with a solution that works best for the community but would advocate for full day kindergarten.   
Debbie Leidlein and Laura Roche presented the Board of Education budget power point (Att. E).  The Board of Education continuously asks questions and look at every component of full day kindergarten; they feel that this is a critical program to add to the educational system, particularly with the common core state standards.  The total increase to the Board of Education budget is 3.07%, just over $2 million dollars over the current operating budget. A behavioral therapist has been added to the same service increase because of special education needs.  Mr. Bienkowski went over the schedule for electricity (Att. F) and stated he is comfortable with the savings budgeted.  The price of fuel for vehicles is going from $2.97 to $3.37 accounting for the increase in that line.  Out of district tuition was discussed.  The revenue is gone from the jobs grant but the expense is still there.  The high school is fully accredited through NEASC.  We are now three years out form the next NEASC visit in 2015.  The technology replacement program is being decreased when the budget requests are decreased.  Mr. Kortze asked about the $523,000+/-, plus $100,000 on software that was spent at the end of one budget year.  Mr. Bienkowski said it was the 2009-2010 budget year but it was $325,000+/-, plus software.  Ms. Leidlein shared a document on staffing (Att. G).  Mr. Kortze stated that staff has been significantly reduced but we’ve actually added more staff.  He asked why staffing is increasing when enrollment is decreasing and asked about the reduction of EA’s last year.  Dr. Robinson said she did not want to lose any more teachers and in terms of effectiveness in working with students certified teachers are far more effective.  The data supports a highly effective teacher having a greater impact with students in a small class size rather than a teacher with an EA in the classroom and the result of an EA’s instruction.  The need for EA’s decreases with small class size.  Ms. Leidlein stated there has been a huge increase in enrollment at the high school level over the past several years.  Many new positions added in the early 2000’s were due to the increase in enrollment; this is not an area we can decrease.  Decrease in staffing has been done at elementary levels due to enrollment.  Dr. Robinson stated that kids needed to be able to get into courses at the high school level, there were not enough teachers and there is still a shortage of teachers at the high school.  Ms. Leidlein will speak to closing a school at the budget meeting of March 14.  Mr. Bienkowski spoke more about electricity saying there are many variables; the only fixed component is the generation cost.  CL&P transmission charges change each month.   Mr. Kortze noted the BOE budget book lists a line item with a savings of $665,247 in local student transportation yet Dr. Robinson’s presentation quoted $508,254.  Mr. Bienkowski will provide an answer at the next meeting along with an explanation of the large increase to transport from three schools as opposed to two.  Dr. Robinson said that the owners of All Star have been following the routes and will begin inputting the routes into their software beginning April 1.  Dr. Robinson would like the four elementary schools all on one tier, for cost efficiency and a shorter span of time between drop off and instructional time.  The bus bid was based on a per vehicle cost; if we are able to reduce vehicles it will reduce costs.  All Star has been asked to attend a BOE meeting in April to present information.  Mr. Kortze would like to know how much the savings would be should the amount of buses be reduced.  All Star midday kindergarten is lower than what was looked at last year; the bid rate is significantly lower than the contracted rate.  Dr. Robinson said that the offset is less because the bus cost is less.  Dr. Robinson expects one person to remain on staff for one year in the transportation department.  Transportation insurance shows as a decrease because the town is not providing the insurance for 30+ owner operators.  

The Board of Finance adjourned their special meeting at 9:35p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,                                                         

Susan Marcinek, Clerk

Att. A:  email to J. Kortze from W. Ciaccia, Botsford Fire Chief, 2/26/12
Att. B:  three emails in support of full day kindergarten
Att. C:  letter from P. Llodra to D. Leidlein re: space needs, 2/29/12
Att. D:  Full Day Kindergarten power point, 2/29/12
Att. E:  BOE budget presentation, 2/29/12
Att. F:  BOE schedule for electricity, 3/1/12
Att. G:  Response to questions on staffing, BOF Questions 2012