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Last Updated: 2011/7/14
Board of Finance regular meeting
July 11, 2011 7:30p.m.
The Board of Finance held their regular meeting Monday July 11, 2011 in the Council Chambers of the Newtown Municipal Center.  Chairman John Kortze called the meeting to order at 7:35p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman John Kortze, Martin Gersten, Michael Portnoy, Harry Waterbury, Joseph Kearney, James Gaston.
ALSO PRESENT: First Selectman Pat Llodra, Finance Director Bob Tait. Public; Bob Merola and two members of the press.

COMMUNICATIONS:   Mr. Kortze reviewed the email correspondence between himself and Bill Hart, who could not be in attendance.
Mr. Kortze also reviewed Budget Procedures and Major Objective Code Transfers (Attach. A)
MINUTES:  The minutes of the special meeting June 23, 2011 and the regular meeting of June 23, 2011 were accepted as submitted with no changes. Mr. Kortze moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting and regular meeting of June 23, 2011.  Mr. Gersten approved motion, Mr. Kearney seconded motion.  All were in favor.

FIRST SELECTMAN REPORT: Ms. Llodra discussed the Bill recently passed regarding mandating paid sick leave and the analysis of the Bill in relation to the Town.  As it turned out, one Town employee would be eligible for sick leave under the Bill.
Ms. Llodra also discussed Municipal funding secured through municipal grants under the Governor’s proposed budget Plan B.  Ms. Llodra stated that services and programs that are in jeopardy of losing funding are the Horse Guard and Youth Service Bureaus statewide.
Ms. Llodra stated that the water main Extension project for Sandy Hook center has a lowest bidder at; $391,045.  Bidders were asked to identify possible savings in certain areas if the Town were to take on part of the project.  One of the objectives of the project is to make the intersection between Church Hill and Washington Avenue safer.  Ms. Llodra stated that it is a two year project.
In other updates Ms. Llodra said three new features have been added to the Town website,
Street Sweeping updates for town residents, Basin Cleaning & Local roadwork projects.
Mr. Kortze questioned that status of the Hook & Ladder project.   Ms. Llodra stated that she has requested that Hook & Ladder please consider other alternatives such as the possibility of developing the property where Edmond Town Hall is located.   She stated that the Town does have a $1.5 million dollar interest in the project, there are certain items that are stalling the project and effecting the CIP. Mr. Kortze stated that he didn’t recall the Board guaranteeing anything and the $1.5 million was the Towns way of facilitating the project.   Ms. Llodra stated that the Board of Finance will want to work directly with Hook & Ladder in terms of getting all questions answered.
Mr. Kortze inquired about fine tuning the general fund policy.  Ms. Llodra stated that the issue is currently being looked at by the Legislative Council.
Mr. Kortze asked about the progress of the Middle School roofing project.  Ms. Llodra reported that the scaffolding is up and they are very focused on a deadline of August before school resumes.
Regarding grants, Mr. Kortze stated that there is a Charter provision requiring that the grant go before the Board of Finance for full understanding and approval prior to acceptance.
Ms. Llodra was in agreement stating that there should be a full description of the grant and its financial impact.
  • Board of Education Transfer Policy
Mr. Bill Hart not present, to be discussed at a later date.

  • Wording on the resolution involving the $150,000 transfer to the Capital Non-Recurring Account
Mr. Kortze wanted to be sure that the word “education” was omitted from the approved resolution.  Mr. Kortze stressed that any resolutions up for approval between Boards read exactly the same.
Ms. Llodra looked through her paperwork to verify the wording.  She stated that the word “education” had in fact been struck.

  • Board of Education Monthly Financial Report dated May 31, 2011
(Attach. B)


  • Town of Newtown Year to Date Budget Report
No discussion, Mr. Kortze stated the report remains as it has been seen by the Board.

  • Updated Facilities Analysis
None as Mr. Hart could not be in attendance.

  • Year End Re-Appropriations (Public Works)
(Attach. C)
Mr. Gersten moved to approve the following re-appropriation.  Mr. Kearney seconded motion. All were in favor.
$23,350; 01500-4061 Contractual Drainage to 09500-4061 Contractual Drainage (2011-2012)

Mr. Kearney moved to approve the following re-appropriation.  Mr. Gersten seconded motion. All were in favor.
$100,000; 01500-5081 Capital Road to 09500-5081 Capital Road (2011-2012)

Mr. Gaston moved to approve the following re-appropriation.  Mr. Gersten seconded motion. All were in favor.
$18,500; 01650-4060 Building Contractual to 09500-4060 Building Contractual (2011-2012)

  • Year End Re-Appropriations (Police)
(Attach. C)
Mr. Gaston moved to approve the following re-appropriation.  Mr. Gersten seconded motion. All were in favor.
$7500; 01310-2035 Professional Services to 09310-2035 (2011-2012)

  • Transfer
(Attach. D)
Mr. Gaston moved to approve the following transfer request. Mr. Gersten seconded motion.  All  were in favor.


01320-2020 Utilities $5000
01320-2022 Radio & Pager Services $2000
01320-3051 Truck Maintenance $3000
01320-4001 F/F Physicals $10,000
01320-2035 F/F Supplies $12,000
01320-4002 F/F Incentive Plan $6000
01320-3050 Equipment Repairs $2000

  • Referral of The Council request regarding surplus policy
(Attach. E)
The Board discussed the depositing surplus policy.  
Ms. Llodra stated that the role of the Board of Finance is critical in assessing & requesting information from the Board of Education as to how funds get deposited, how funds get removed while still having the responsibility to grow the fund balance (the General Fund).

  • Resolution
(Attach. F)
Mr. Kortze waived reading the entire resolution.  Mr. Gersten seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Mr. Gersten moved to accept the following resolution.  Mr. Gaston seconded motion.  All were in favor.
RESOLVED:  That the resolution entitled “Resolution Providing for A Special Appropriation In The Amount Of $238,000 for Culvert Replacement on Boggs Hill Road And Authorizing the Issuance Of $238,000 Bonds Of the Town To Meet said Appropriation And The Pending Issuance Thereof the Making of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose”
Ms. Llodra stated that the Boggs Hill Road Culvert was a totally unanticipated failure where the other bridge projects were slated to be updated.  Not that they were deemed unsafe, just not up to current standard.  Ms. Llodra stated that Mr. Hurley’s report should be complete within 6 weeks.
ADJOURNMENT: Having no further business, Chairman John Kortze moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Finance at 8:35p.m.   Mr. Gersten seconded motion. All were in favor.

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk Pro Tem

Attach. A – Budget Procedures & Major Object  Code Transfers
Attach. B – Newtown Board of Education Monthly Financial Report, May 31, 2011
Attach. C – New Business (Year End Re- Appropriations; Public Works &  Police)
Attach. D – Town of Newtown Appropriation (Budget) Transfer Request
Attach. E – Policy for Depositing Unexpended Appropriated Education Funds
Attach. F – To Legislative Council…  the following Resolution was adopted:
Attach. G – Excerpt for Minutes of Board of Finance Meeting held July 11, 2011