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Board of Finance 09/10/07
The Board of Finance held a Regular Meeting on Monday, September 10, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman John Kortze called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

PRESENT: John Kortze, James Gaston (7:50), Michael Portnoy, Harrison Waterbury, James Kearney        ABSENT:  John Torok

ALSO PRESENT:  Finance Director Ben Spragg, Interim Schools Superintendent Tom Jokubaitis, Schools Business Manager Ron Bienkowski, Board of Education Chairman Elaine McClure (8:05), Board of Education member David Nanavaty, four members of public, one member of press



ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Upon motion by Mr. Portnoy, the minutes of the 7/25/07 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

FIRST SELECTMAN REPORT:  First Selectman Rosenthal reported that the Fairfield Hills Authority has recommended that the Board of Selectmen approve entering into a lease with Newtown Youth Academy (Peter D’Amico) for a building at Fairfield Hills to contain three gyms, an indoor soccer/lacrosse field and indoor track.  Mr. D’Amico is putting up $1 million of his own money and will provide financing for another $3-$4 million.  This will involve a 40 year ground lease with option for two 10 year renewals.  Mr. D’Amico would receive a credit in the amount of $600,000 which is the estimated cost to remediate and demolish Bridgewater Hall.   The NYA will be required to pay toward the overall costs of maintaining the campus, as will be required by all lessees.    



Board of Education Capital Improvement Plan
Acting Superintendent Tom Jokubaitis, Business Director Ron Bienkowski, Board of Education Chairman Elaine McClure and member David Nanavaty were present.  Board of Finance members were in receipt of Five Year CIP projects requested by Board of Education.
        Mr. Bienkowski advised that there are no new projects being requested and all project costs have been inflated by 6% from the previous year’s CIP, with the exception of the high school expansion which was left at $41,576,000 as recommended by the Board of Finance.
        Mr. Bienkowski pointed out that we may have another issue that will need to be included in this plan.  Before Mr. Posca left, he was concerned about the condition of the ventilation pipes in the high school auditorium.  The auditorium work was knocked off of the CIP previously.  The ventilation system may be failing and could be a very expensive item.  We have preliminary information that came in after the Board of Education approved the CIP.  We may need to consider this when the high school renovation project is done.
        Mr. Gaston arrived at this time.
        Mr. Kortze asked when new enrollment numbers will be available.  The Board of Finance’s resolution for the high school expansion funds for design was that the recommendation was contingent upon the most recent enrollment data.  Mr. Jokubaitis advised that figures are issued in October.  The State, in a construction grant, will use the highest enrollment year within the projected eight year period.  We will be looking at new enrollments to see if it is still in line with the projected design.  First Selectman Rosenthal pointed out that there is a difference between the enrollment you want to use for purposes of maximizing potential reimbursement from the school grant and the number to be used for planning.  Mr. Jokubaitis agreed.
Mr. Jokubaitis feels that the State numbers are very good.  Ms. McClure stated that the Board uses the State numbers plus an outside consultant, which in the past has been Dr. Bothwell.
Ron reminded that right now the high school expansion is for a population of 2,173 students with a 31.43% state reimbursement.
        Mr. Rosenthal pointed out that at the Public Building & Site Commission meeting, the architect committed that the project will come in at or under the $41.5 million figure.

Year End Transfers
Members received a copy of the Year-end Financial Report prepared by Mr. Bienkowski and this was discussed.

Update on Build Out Report
Chairman Kortze advised that two responses were received to the Request for Qualifiications.  The two representatives from the Legislative Council and himself and Mr. Waterbury will be going over the responses and will report back on how to proceed.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk