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Board of Finance 02/27/07 Special Meeting
The Board of Finance held a Special Meeting on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 in the Lecture Hall at the Newtown High School, Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Chairman John Kortze called the hearing to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT: John Kortze, James Gaston, Michael Portnoy, Harrison Waterbury, John Torok
      ABSENT:    Joseph Kearney

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert C. Rosenthal; Schools Superintendent Dr. Evan Pitkoff; Asst. Superintendent Alice Jackson, Schools Business Director Ron Bienkowski; Director of Special Education Dr. Regen; Board of Education Chairman Elaine McClure and members Lisa Schwartz, David Nanavaty, Paul Mangiafico; Legislative Council member Jeff Capeci, Mary Griffin and Mark Ballard of T. R. Paul, approximately six members of public, one member of press

Public Participation:  None noted

Presentation of 2007/2008 Board of Education Budget
Board of Education Chairman Elaine McClure advised that the Proposed Board of Education Budget shows an increase of 7.25% over the current fiscal year.  The key drivers are student needs, enrollment at specific grade levels, contractual obligations and transportations.  She gave her portion of the presentation (attached to original minutes).  Ms. Schwartz then went over her portion of the presentation regarding staffing and enrollment.  Mr. Buzzi then gave the third portion of the presentation regarding contractual obligations.  He advised that the school system now offers two different health plans, a PPO and a POE for teachers.  This offers a savings of approximately $385,000.  He also advised that although electric rates are down, kwh usage is up.  Mr. Buzzi distributed copies of an analysis of the Budget Requests broken out into three categories:  a) Budget Request without growth related expenses; b) Request with growth/decline related expenses; c) Requests related to program & district needs (attached to original minutes).
        Ms. Mary Griffin and Mr. Mark Ballard of T. R. Paul were present to answer questions regarding health insurance costs.  Mr. Portnoy stated that he sat through the Board of Education negotiations and thought that by having negotiations with teachers and changing language in their contract, that it would give the Board of Education the opportunity to go to other carriers and “bid” on health insurance.  He also thought that the POE increases would be 6-7% vs. 9-10%.  Ms. Griffin replied that the language in the contract does allow them to “go to the market”.  We are trying to move away from the most expensive plan that everyone had and offer alternatives.  Marketing will take another few weeks for numbers to come in.  Once they do, she will be talking to Anthem to negotiate, if there is anything to negotiate.  
        Regarding enrollment and staffing, Mr. Portnoy stated that projections last year were for 98 new students and he asked what was the actual?  He stated that we were told 49 at one point but now he sees in the budget book that there were only 20.  Dr. Pitkoff answered that 19 are at the Magnet School.  Dr. Pitkoff stated that new projections have excluded students going to the Magnet School.  Mr. Portnoy noted that Hawley School third grade has three teachers with classes of 24, 25 and 25 students.  In fourth grade, there are five teachers with class sizes of 19 and 20.  If you only had four teachers the class sizes would be 24 and 25 which fits the guidelines.  Ms. McClure stated that the principal will be keeping an eye on this and may move teachers down to third grade if necessary.
        Mr. Torok asked of the 7.25% increase, what portion is applicable to NEASC?  Ms. McClure will get those numbers for tomorrow night’s meeting.  Mr. Torok stated that he is concerned about the possibility of three more students in Special Education next year, if this budget request is for 20 students and we already know we have 23 this year.
        Mr. Gaston asked about the 72% increase in textbooks.  Last year, we spent money from surplus at the end of the year.  Ms. Jackson replied that we did purchase them from surplus after the amount was decreased in the current budget.  Mr. Gaston asked why surplus was turned back instead of going ahead and buying more books – and paying for some of the technology needed.  Dr. Pitkoff answered that we used some of the money for textbooks and some for PC conversion.  The Baord made the decision that the remainder would go back to the taxpayers.
        Mr. Kortze stated that $280,000 was returned last year.  When constructing this year’s budget, was it less $280,000 from the previous year.  Mr. Bienkowski answered that we don’t build on last year’s budget.  We look at needs in every account.  Mr. Kortze feels that some of that $280,000 should have been used to replace the broken seats in the Middle School auditorium.  That was the responsibility of the Board of Education and has been very disconcerting to the public.
        Mr. Gaston asked about the new position for an accounting coordinator.  Mr. Bienkowski stated that the need has been growing over the year.  One of the main reasons is that we have three insurance programs being offered next year.  Also, we need to improve internal controls.  We will have one employee for payroll, one for insurance and one for accounts payable, all assisted by a bookkeeper.
        Mr. Portnoy asked about the special education teachers.  Aren’t special education students “mainstreamed” in the classrooms?  Dr. Regen, answered special education teachers go into the classrooms to assist.  The needs can vary by student, with some students needing one on one assistance.  
        Chairman Kortze thanked the Board of Education for supplying all the necessary information.  

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk