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Board of Finance Minutes 10/30/06 Special Meeting
The Board of Finance held a special meeting on Monday, October 30, 2006 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Three Street, Newtown, CT.   Chairman John Kortze called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.

PRESENT: John Kortze, James Gaston, Michael Portnoy, Harrison Waterbury, John Torok, Joseph Kearney
ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert C. Rosenthal, Finance Director Ben Spragg,  eight members of public, one member of press

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Ms. Ruby Johnson, Chestnut Hill Road, stated that she is here to speak as a “professional educator rather than a resident” and that “the world is changing”.  She gave out handouts describing computer programs in schools in Maine and New Hampshire.  She feels that we need to “afford the necessary technology for our students”.  We cannot solve our overcrowding problem by “additions here and additions there”.  If you have a large high school, you need to have a building constructed with that in mind.  

COMMUNICATIONS:  Chairman Kortze received a request from Board of Education Chairman Elaine McClure requesting a meeting sometime next week to field questions and to supply answers to questions brought up at the previous meeting by members of the Board of Finance.  A date will be set and members will be advised.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Gaston moved to approve the minutes of the 9/27/096 meeting with corrections as per attached letter from Board of Education member Mr. Paul Mangiafico.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.


FIRST SELECTMAN REPORT:  Mr. Rosenthal offered corrections to both remarks made by, and handouts distributed by Ms. Ruby Johnson this evening.  First of all, the town did not vote to purchase Fairfield Hills until 2001 and we did not take ownership until 2004.  During that time, the Fairfield Hills Advisory Committee was working on establishing the Master Plan for the property.  On a number of occasions, the Board of Education and others were invited to give input and express needs.  The Board of Education indicated that they were not interested in either Plymouth Hall or Kent House.  Previously, former Schools Superintendent Dr. John Reed had some interest in Plymouth for a small elementary school or secondary school.  However, when the Master Plan was put together, the Board of Education indicated that they were not interested in either of the buildings.  Ms. Johnson’s statement that the First Selectman denied the Board of Education any land at Fairfield Hills is false.  Dr. Pitkoff had asked about use of the West Meadow, which in the Master Plan, as well as in all of the various “plans” devised by the Friends of Fairfield Hills, was always depicted as open space.  The Board of Education was informed that Kent House could be demolished for construction of a new building and that demolition costs are eligible for state reimbursement.  Mr. Rosenthal reiterated that “At no time was Dr. Pitkoff told no there was no land at Fairfield Hills for a school.  That is totally false.”
        Regarding open space purchases to date, a list of properties was distributed (attached to original minutes) and this was discussed.  
        First Selectman Rosenthal advised that the Board of Selectmen has discussed the possibility of a Long Range Strategic Plan.  CCM provided copies of Plans from municipalities in the area, although there are not many.  The Board of Selectmen will be hearing from the Town Manager from Cheshire on November 20 regarding their Long Range Plan.  

Capital Improvement Plan – Copies of the Proposed Municipal CIP had been received by members of the Board of Finance (copy attached).  First Selectman Rosenthal went over changes from the CIP approved last year.
        There are two items that the Board of Selectmen did not include in the Plan because they never received an official proposal.  The Hook & Ladder building, estimated at $2.5 - $3 million, depending on where it is constructed.  The other is the Ambulance Association who may stay in the building they are currently in or sell that facility and build a new one on the land that Mr. Scudder Smith has offered to the Fire Department.  These items did not come in during the process but both groups have contacted the First Selectman and they could be coming up in the next modification.
        When asked, Mr. Rosenthal stated that there is nothing in the Charter or the State Statutes that allows “unauthorizing” funds that have been already authorized for a project (i.e. Fairfield Hills).
        Finance Director Ben Spragg will now compile the municipal CIP with the schools CIP and have ready for the next Finance Committee meeting.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:    Chairman Kortze advised that he was notified by the Board of Education that they plan to establish an architectural selection committee and is inviting a member of the Board of Finance to participate.  He had some questions in regards to starting a process before money is approved.  This can be discussed at the meeting requested with the Board of Education.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk